by Blogbot
by Blogbot
by Blogbot
We love this cheeky clothing line created by 4th Amendment Wear, which is guaranteed to put a smile on your face this holiday season while the TSA are jingling your balls. The innovative undies aim to remind TSA workers conducting freedom gropes and porn-o-scans of our 4th Amendment rights – you know the ones in the increasingly ignored Bill O’ Rights that say a little something about “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, blah, blah, blah, against unreasonable searches and seizures” without “probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation.” The text is printed in a metallic ink that the manufacturers say “in theory” should show up on TSA scans, and is thoughtfully laid out in easy to read (if slightly small) capital letters (which ironically may provide myopic operatives with a legitimate excuse to move in closer to eyeball the text atop your junk).
“I’m genuinely a fan of most of the people I trash.”
– Kathy Griffin
On the surface Kathy Griffin’s “reality” show, My Life on the D-List, may be about the comedienne’s relentless quest for A-List acclaim. However, in reality (of the real variety), Griffin’s Emmy Award-winning Bravo show pokes fun at and undermines the very institution she purports to covet above all else: fame.
Furthermore, while other reality stars make a virtue out of their genuinely mean spirits in a desperate attempt to make the most of their fifteen minutes, Griffin delivers the wickedest lines with the kind of underlying warmth that lets all that “get it” know that no malice is intended.
Get to know Patton better over at SuicideGirls.com!