by Jensen
Hey guys! Super easy tutorial this week for a string covered bulletin board. This is a really inexpensive and a nice way to show off cards, postcards, notes, whatevz. I almost feel silly making a tutorial for this, since all you do is wrap a fuck ton of string around a frame, but I’m doing it anyway!
by Laurelin
The word “zing” is not in my vocabulary. I don’t remember ever having said it, nor have I ever heard it used in everyday conversation. However, I’m pretty sure when used in the context of a message during a particularly nasty text war with the ex, the word “zing” is equivalent to “fuck you.”
Breaking up is never easy. Everyone is quick to weigh in on your breakup once they hear about it. I’ve heard it all: the voicemail breakup, the post it breakup (how very Sex in the City of him), the text message breakup. Then there were the pep talks: the my-relationship-was-longer-than-yours-so-it-was-worse pep talk, the you’re-better-off-without-him pep talk, and, my personal favorite, the why-would-you-be-upset-about-him-he’s-wearing-a-velour-track-suit-in-public pep talk. People just want to help you get though, it’s heartwarming and gut wrenching at the same time.
I lucked out and got dumped while my [ex] boyfriend was blackout drunk and trying to get me to watch Youtube videos of The Muppets. All of a sudden, it wasn’t working out and here I am, wide eyed and trying to figure out what to do now while he falls into a blissful alcoholic coma next to me. I must have dozed off at some point, because I woke up a few hours later to the alarming sounds of someone sleep-peeing in the corner. I mopped up the urine that soaked my Complete Works of Shakespeare and threw away the last two years with the soggy paper towels. For some strange reason I felt like things could only go up from there.
by Nicole Powers
“You never make fun of people you don’t like.”
-Lisa Lampanelli
Life is all about timing. Especially when you’re telling jokes that many might view as not funny, and that even more might find downright offensive. Thus, Lisa Lampanelli, the self-proclaimed Queen of Mean, who stars in her first HBO comedy special, Long Live the Queen, picks her moments carefully –– very carefully.
Asbury Suicide in Pale Harvest

- INTO: Art, black & white photographs, cheese, chicken, concerts, depth, dreams, fairytale endings, hair swooshin’, Halloween, harassing innocent people, holding hands, honesty, hoodies, hope, Jersey, John Cusack, making people feel awkward, movies, music, October, odd balls, peanut butter, penguins, photography, pickle juice, ranch dressing, sarcasm, sea horses, sleeping, smell of skunks, stars, sugar/candy, sweatpants, tattoos, texting, thermals, thunderstorms, unplanned events, warmth, white T-shirts, X-Box 360.
- NOT INTO: Being an asshole, being cold, cheaters, fake intentions, false hope, hardcore porn, holes in my socks, lack of tattoos, liars, normal people, paleness (self), sink full of toothpaste, stubbing my toe, traffic, wet kneecaps.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Family, love, Manchester, sandwiches, sincere gestures, thoughtful people.
- MAKES ME SAD: Animal abuse, broken hearts, mind games, upsetting people, winter.
- HOBBIES: Analyzing people.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: iPhone, laughter, love, Mac, Manchester.
- VICES: Self destruction.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Lost in hopes & dreams.
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