by SG’s Team Agony feat. Charley, Elea and Dorsal
Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Charley in Of Yesteryear ]
Q. I don’t know if were are over or not but I’m dating this boy who lives in a town 3 hours from mine. We’ve been together now for one year but it’s long distance relationship. Yesterday a girl sent me this message on Facebook asking who I was and what kind of relationship I had with my boyfriend. I told her all that, and she answered saying that they’ve been together for 3 years and that he is also her boyfriend!! He denies it all, but I know he’s lying. I love him, but I guess I’m better off just forgeting him and trying not to have a long distance thing ever again, because you never know what the other person is doing. I want to forgive and forget but I don’t know what to do anymore. Can you advise me?
by Morgan
I thought I’d review some games for the iPhone/iPod Touch. For those who don’t have one, never fear! Two of the games are also available online for free.
by Nicole Powers
“The spirit of Tank Girl runs like a wild horse.”
– Alan Martin
Hollywood nearly killed Tank Girl. Dodgy movies have a way of doing that to people. Tank Girl’s creators, writer Alan Martin and artist Jamie Hewlett, would be the first to say the 1995 big screen incarnation of the cult comic strip character, which they had zero control over, wasn’t all that it should have been. Indeed they might even say it was a “shit sandwich” (well, actually, Martin did). Fortunately, Tank Girl’s superhuman, and her fuck you spirit would never allow a bunch of scummy film execs and industry cheese weasels to have the last word. Down but not out, after a hiatus of over a decade, she put her Tank Boots back on, and kicked, screamed and farted her way back from near oblivion, with a little help from Martin.
Lison Suicide in Oxyd

- INTO: Cartoons, puppetry, stop motion, cinema, experimental art, street art, dance, traveling, adventure, zoology, photography, handcrafts.
- NOT INTO: Cocteles de mariscos.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Creativity, funny people, imagination.
- MAKES ME SAD: Plenty of stuff, but who wants to hear about that?
- HOBBIES: Dancing (hip-hop and hula!), cooking (inventing recipes), writing (poetry and short stories), playing Cthulhu, puns and pranks.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Pineapples, dinosaurs, lucha libre mask, rollerskates and band aids.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Wrestling and whistling at the same time.
Get to know Lison better over at!