by A.J. Focht
The airwaves are going to get a lot less crowded over the course of the next year. Many long running TV shows are bowing out and opening up room for new series. Some big names including Smallville, Law & Order: Criminal Intent, and Entourage are currently in the process of wrapping up for good.
by Fred Topel
“You could say this is a mainstream film if an alien’s saying it”
– Greg Mottola
Our favorite Simon Pegg and Nick Frost projects were directed by Edgar Wright. That’s Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and the BBC series Spaced. While Wright made Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, Pegg and Frost wrote a script for the comedy Paul, and Greg Mottola got to direct them.
In Paul, Frost and Pegg play aspiring sci-fi authors and fans who begin a road trip at San Diego Comic-Con. After a montage of Comic-Con adventures, they take to the road again to visit America’s alien sites. Soon they meet a real alien, Paul (Seth Rogen), and have to help him get home.
Stylo Suicide in Hall Pass

- INTO: Long Islands in Long Island, and Manhattans in Manhattan. I like traveling and drinking. I don’t eat anything that has parents. I’m 24 and I’ve masturbated my way into carpal tunnel.
- NOT INTO: Waking up when it’s still dark out.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Mom, sister, my pup, my cat, friends who are there til the end, travel, culture, accents, mimosas, noodles, animals, daydreaming, reading, smoking in bathrooms, great girlfriends.
- MAKES ME SAD: Wasted potential.
- HOBBIES: I’m a daydreaming bookworm.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Music, jeggings, White Strips, happiness, trouser snakes.
- VICES: Sugarfree Red Bull.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Studying, going out to eat, picking up after myself, petting cute animals, looking at photos.
Get to know Stylo better over at!