by SG’s Team Agony feat. Bailey and Tekky
Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Bailey in Breakfast of Champions]
Q: Last year I was sexually assaulted on a date. I really want to start dating again but I’m so scared that it is going to happen again. This fear has kept me from dating, yet alone spending any alone time the opposite sex. And to make this whole thing worse, I was never sexually active before I was assaulted and now I just don’t know what to do. I would some advice, thanks.
by Matt Dunbar
“SNL? You still watch that? SNL hasn’t been funny since Farley and Sandler left….Dude have you listened to the Verve yet?”
– My older brother, 1997.
“SNL? You still watch that? Even you admit SNL hasn’t been funny since Ferrell left…..Dude, start watching LOST. I have no idea how they’re going to end this thing, but it’s going to be awesome.”
– My best friend from high school, 2004.
“SNL? You still watch that? SNL hasn’t been funny since Fallon and Fey left….No, Matt, I’m not going to disconnect the Wii so we can play Mario Kart on Super Nintendo. You’re 26, not 80. What the hell is a Genesis?”
– My younger, ignorant sister, 2011.
As roughly 30,000 hours of DVD box sets and VH1 retrospectives can attest, Saturday Night Live occupies a truly unique space in the American comedic landscape. Since the show debuted in 1975 with John Belushi offering to boil wolverines, SNL has served as a generational touchstone with a comedic staying power unlike anything else of its kind.
by Erin Broadley
“I want people to be pulled into a record rather than be sort of preached…” – Aesop Rock
Like his name would suggest, Aesop Rock is a storyteller. But instead of shrouding lessons on morality within recycled folklore, the hip-hop emcee cuts to the chase, illuminating the human condition through unfettered observations on the strangeness of people and the shape-shifting worlds we inhabit. Born and raised in New York, Aesop has never lacked for subject matter. One could say that the city chooses her storytellers, and not the other way around. Aesop’s refined staccato raps eloquently around even the harshest of big city truths, and when he zigs before he zags, the wordplay is nothing short of spectacular. His detailed, non-linear narratives explore the tension that exists between innocence and the sordid aspects of human nature; the self-inflicted identity crisis that exists when one dabbles in role play – when the virgin taunts the whore, or when the pornographer becomes the ice-cream man. As Aesop puts it, his attraction lies in what happens when “fluffy meets evil.”
Eden Suicide in Eat My Dust

- INTO: Dogs, tattoos, traveling, London, indie rock, burlesque, choppers, philosophy, animals, weed, shopping, skinheads, piercings, shoes, bar fights, medical fetish, latex clothing, men with sideburns, being fabulous.
- NOT INTO: You.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Blood, traveling, my lovely dog Panna and dogs in general, fixie riding, getting tattooed, pierced flesh, being with my best friends, fat joints, sushi, shopping, driving fast while listening to my iPod, freak shows.
- MAKES ME SAD: Animal abuse, people who pretend to tell me who I am and what I should do, ex-girlfriends and ex-boyfriends’ new girls, lack of chocolate.
- HOBBIES: Naked modeling, getting tattooed.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Dogs, weed, Coca-Cola, dark nail polish, Jägermeister.
- VICES: Lust, gluttony, pride.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: With my dog, piercing, singing loud, on the internet, smoking weed, on a fixie.
Get to know Eden better over at!