May 2011 25

by Bob Suicide

[image: Buzzfeed]

The other day I came across a picture which had the caption: “OMG, I love macaroni so much. I’m such a nerd.” This irked me to the very core of my being. Your quaint quirks don’t make you a nerd. Going to see a comic-based movie doesn’t make you a nerd.

Jeff Foxworthy has his famous You Might Be A Redneck If… sketch, and with the rising mainstream popularity of geek culture, there comes a necessity to distinguish true nerds from recent converts, so I thought I’d come up with a similarly styled list of rules to help separate the fo’ realz from the wannabes.

Now, many other lists say that nerds must wear glasses (preferably with tape around the bridge), speak Klingon (binary, C++, or some other geeky language), and have all the social graces of an ostrich with its head in the sand, but these should not be the required defining hallmarks of a great, eclectic group of hardcore fans of all things geek: video games, science, science fiction, comics, etc.

We are more than the negative stereotypes that have often been levied against us. So without further ado, I present my homage to Foxworthy and true geekdom, You Might be a Nerd if…


May 2011 25

by Blogbot

A column which highlights Suicide Girls and their fave groups.

[Frolic Suicide in Iditarod]

This week, Frolic Suicide explains why she lays down at the alter of Celeb Worship.

Members: 666 / Comments: 195,941

  • WHY DO YOU LOVE IT?: I’m not a huge follower of celebrity gossip and the goings-on of the Hollywood scene, but when I come to this group I can get all the highlights I need in one fell swoop. And the members are hilariously snarky and pretty much just point and laugh at the stupid things celebrities do that make them human.
  • DISCUSSION TIP: From the “Welcome” thread: A) Try not to be a fucking weirdo, B) I’m sorry, but no, you were not the 666th member.
  • BEST RANDOM QUOTE: “I’d put a finger in it.”
  • MOST HEATED DISCUSSION THREAD: Any in which a newbie comes in and throws a stink about everyone being “sooo mean!!!”
  • WHO’S WELCOME TO JOIN?: Anyone who enjoys a good laugh and likes to be up to date on celebrity mishaps.


May 2011 25

by Mike Hammer

“I came up with a term that maybe it should be called, but now I can’t remember…”
– Sage Francis

Sage Francis tears holes in hypocrisy and mainstream hip-hop with his thoughtful stories of the human condition. The wordsmith spits rhymes that make you think, make you smile, and flow beautifully over high-tempo beats. His new album, Human the Death Dance, is a hip-hop work of art that mixes cutting edge beats from indie rap producers like Alias and Reanimator and Ant, as well as Sage’’s insightful personal and pop cultural rants. The 16-track disc is what Sage calls a “wrap up” album of all his previous work.

I sat down with Sage in Cleveland, Ohio to hear some things about the indie hip-hop scene, his abnormal MySpace page, the first rhyme he ever wrote, greedy publishing companies, and more.

Read our exclusive interview with Sage Francis on

May 2011 25

Lumo Suicide in Venus Anadyomene

  • INTO: Martial arts, movies, reading, plastic, bright colors, fluffy stuff, haiku, driving alone, freckles (yummy).
  • NOT INTO: Sports, running (why??), public bathrooms, pick-up lines, washing dishes.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: The smell of newly mown grass, coffee, wind, stretching, very good food, pretty undies, my special cup, lists to organize my head.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Mornings, Jacob Zuma-well, politics in general.
  • HOBBIES: Kung Fu.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: I have to choose only 5??????????????????? MY STUFF, ALL of it!
  • VICES: Bad temper, hate mornings…a lot. Did I mention mornings? Bad electrical juju, bad spelling, grammar and typing (you may have noticed).
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Anime and avid series watching. Sadly I have the typical girly trait of loving shopping.

Get to know Lumo better over at!