Jul 2011 13

by Daniel Robert Epstein

“I’’m such a filthy bastard.”
– Bob Saget

Since the two shows starring Bob Saget, Full House and America’’s Funniest Home Videos, ended nearly ten years ago it has been a long hard road to make America realize that he is one of the sickest and funniest comedians around today. Certainly directing the cult classic Dirty Work and his brief appearance in Half Baked as the cocksucking cocaine addict helped that cause. But it was really his very dirty version of the aristocrats joke in the documentary The Aristocrats and his self parodying appearance on Entourage that has led to him directing the March of the Penguins parody, Farce of the Penguins.

Farce of the Penguins is a hysterically dirty and funny DVD original movie made up of stock footage of penguins with narration by Samuel L. Jackson. Voices of the penguins are done by Saget, Lewis Black, Tracy Morgan, Christina Applegate, John Stamos, Dave Coulier, Jodie Sweetin and many more.

Read our exclusive interview with Bob Saget on

Jul 2011 13

Nahp Suicide (with Discoquette) in View Master

  • INTO: Animals, photography, tattoos, body piercings, natural beauty, porn, love and eternal love, sex, chocolate, sushi, movies, skirts, dresses, black hair, black color, snickers, pin up style, ‘50s, ‘60s, ‘70s, ‘90s, socks, nature.
  • NOT INTO: Dead animals, lies, cigarettes, taking the trash out, flat shoes, fashion, divorce, ‘80s, drama, celebrities, irresponsibility.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: My boy, cute animals, love, kisses, 100% sincerity, sushi, weekends, tattoos, sex, my music, underwear, chocolate, good job, Mac.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Lies, cheating, suffering animals, quarreling, working late or on weekends, banks, negativity, PCs, silence, bad weather.
  • HOBBIES: Sleeping, movies, making rag dolls (muniequitos), internet, photography.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Chocolate, fruit juice, my music, love, my iPhone.

Get to know Nahp better over at!

Jul 2011 12

by Blogbot

[Above: Pemphredo by Bob Suicide]

“I named her Pemphredo after the protectors of the Gorgons who all shared an eye. Her name can translate to “she who shows the way” based on her role in Perseus’ story or more commonly – and literally – “alarm.” Although, they’re generally depicted as being old, Hesiod said that Pemphredo in particular was beautiful. And, they’re known for being grey in color. So, I think it’s a pretty good fit.”


Jul 2011 12

By Keanan Duffty

In 2002 I had reached out to Bill Zysblat. Bill is David Bowie’s longtime business manager. His office, which houses the RZO organization is on 57th Street in Manhattan. I was interested in designing some clothes for David. “Great,” said Bill, “but he’s on tour so let’s revisit after the current dates come to a close in 2003.”

Several years later I reconnected with Zysblat. In the time since our first conversation my fashion business had changed. My label had blossomed and I struck a deal with the American mass retailer Target, a 1400 plus chain based in Minneapolis and reaching across America coast to coast.

“Come up to the office,” said Bill. “You should meet with David and see if there is synergy.” The RZO organization – that would be the place where I would first encounter the guy who had influenced my whole career.


Jul 2011 12

by Daniel Robert Epstein

“I really was Robert Paulsen”
– Meat Loaf

2006 was a illustrious year in music for many reasons, but certainly the release of Meat Loaf’’s Bat Out Of Hell III was one of them. Meat Loaf and his longtime Bat Out Of Hell collaborator, Jim Steinman, were able to heal their wounds long enough to finish their trilogy.

Meat Loaf has been a cult figure since the release of his first albums in the early 1970’s, but it was his role as Eddie the biker in The Rocky Horror Picture Show that cemented his legendary status. Meat Loaf has had only middling hits in-between his Bat Out Of Hell albums, but he is still creating music and still picking amazing roles in Fight Club and Dario Argento’’s most recent episode of Masters of Horror, Pelts.

Read our exclusive interview with Meat Loaf on

Jul 2011 12

Sash Suicide in Room 224

  • INTO: Movies, sex, being naked, lucky strikes, more sex….
  • NOT INTO: Assholes.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Green tea and bubble gum ice cream, udon, driving, and being with my best friend and my boy.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Being alone for long periods or time, not having sex, eating greasy foods.
  • HOBBIES: Taking my clothes off.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Cell phone, cigarettes, black eyeliner, bracelets, and my tongue ring.
  • VICES: Smoking and sex.

Get to know Sash better over at!

Jul 2011 11

by SG’s Team Agony feat. Salome, Dorsal, and Morgan

Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Salome in Pop Art Clash ]

Q: I am 25 years of age. When I was 18 I used to be the kid that played every sport you can imagine. I was not a jock though. I never made fun of kids. In fact I would get along with everyone – skaters, stoners, gangbangers, etc. At 18 I had a chance to play college basketball and I went to get a physical. I complained I had a little pain in my back when I ran and so forth, so the doctor suggested I get an X-ray. I come to found out I have Scheuermann’s disease and spinal stenosis. The first thing I said was, “Can I still play ball?” The doctor said “no” because if I took too hard of a hit I could get paralyzed. I said, “Well shit you that just ruined my life.” The doctor also told me he couldn’t perform surgery because it would just make it worse.

I had to start taking pain meds, and they seemed to mess up my system. I won’t go into detail because it’s not very fun to be honest, and I do not want to gross you out. Let’s be honest, me telling this story is kinda hard…My point is, I ended up having a surgery where I have a bag on my stomach. Now the real question is this: How the hell am I going to get a girl with this on me?

I have not taken a date in over a year. I have had no sex in over a year, just for the fact I don’t want to make a girl uncomfortable. I know I could be the greedy guy and not tell her at all and just pray she doesn’t notice in the dark, but I am really not like that. The other question is, should I just be upfront with the girl on the first date and tell her all this? If I do, it seems like too much info. But then after the first date, what happens if we really hit it off? I’d feel like I would be letting her down if I told her on the second date and she wasn’t chill with it.

I’m in a catch 22 here ladies. I have thought about this for a long time. Hope you can go ahead and give me an answer. I really want a girl’s point of view.
