by A.J. Focht

Before the final batch of DC’s New 52 hit stores, every issue had officially sold out at the distribution level. The order for a second printing of all 52 titles was given before the latest batch had even gone on sale. Justice League #1 remains the best selling comic of the year. Nearly a dozen comics have sold over 100,000, while Batman #1 and Action Comics #1 have broken 200,000.
This last batch of the New 52 garnered quite a bit of controversy. Most of the comics once again met with mixed reviews. The big names all held up: Batman #1 was fantastic, and Wonder Woman #1 gained quite a bit of positive attention for a change. Some of the other DC females also caused quite a stir – specifically there has been a lot of outrage about Catwoman #1 and Starfire from Red Hood and the Outlaws #1.

Catwoman was a very sexually driven piece, ending with a splash page of Batman and Catwoman mid-intercourse. Some have called it amazing and artful, most are calling it an attack on feminism and females in comics. More outrage came from Red Hood because Starfire was changed into a busty nymphomaniac with little regard for individual humans, a major change from her past character. I enjoyed Catwoman, and sit on the artful side of the argument. I also highly enjoyed Red Hood, but I’m not sure how approving I am of Starfire’s changes. Hopefully they will be part of what has been promised to be explained in issue #2.
by Tovi
A column which highlights Suicide Girls and their fave groups.

[Tovi Suicide in Afternoon Sun]
This week, Tovi Suicide takes a look at what’s cookin’ in SG’s Veggie Group.
Members: 4,336 / Comments: 32,525
- WHY DO YOU LOVE IT?: I can always find some great recipes and inspirations in the “What I made for dinner” thread, and usually see pictures of what other vegetarians are eating! I get hungry every time I scroll through it.
- DISCUSSION TIP: Include pictures! We eat with our eyes, whether you are veggie or carnivorous.
- BEST RANDOM QUOTE: “You can catch more flies with agave nectar than with vinegar.”
- MOST HEATED DISCUSSION THREAD: Definitely the “Vegetarians don’t eat meat” thread. There is a lot of debate about what qualifies as vegetarian. I think there is probably nothing more annoying to a vegetarian than someone who claims to be veggie even though they eat chicken or fish. There are quite a few misconceptions about the term vegetarian; Just the other night my waiter asked me “So, do you eat fish then?” after I asked for a veggie menu.
- WHO’S WELCOME TO JOIN?: Anyone who doesn’t eat meat!
by Daniel Robert Epstein
“[Hellboy] will become more philosophical.”
– Mike Mignola
With the creation of his character, Hellboy, Mike Mignola has spawned a world of projects including animated and live action movies, as well as a wealth of brilliant merchandising. Mignola first broke into the business over 20 years ago doing comic books, which will always be his first love. He has been crafting Hellboy stories for over ten years and is just now reaching the middle part of Hellboy’s life. Hellboy continually evolves into a more complex and interesting character, and Mignola’s infinite ideas are highlighted in the new trade paperback that offers the collection of the Hellboy miniseries “The Third Wish” and “The Island.”
Read our exclusive interview with Mike Mignola on
Phecda Suicide in La Cosa Nostra

- INTO: Dinosaurs, video games, donuts, puppies, being in the sunshine, going to zoos, being in love, good friends.
- NOT INTO: Animal abusers, womanizers, raw onions, snow, dumb broads.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: The sun, my puppy, my boyfriend, zoos, video games, donuts.
- MAKES ME SAD: When animals die in movies, and when my boyfriend is gone on tour far, far away.
- HOBBIES: Video games, running, reading, watching documentaries, skateboarding.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Macbook Pro, Blackberry, water, music, and love.
- VICES: Love. Most definitely love.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Watching Netflix documentaries or on Xbox.
Get to know Phecda better over at!