Is Obama Avoiding Awkward Questions About The NDAA?27
Posted In Activism,Blog,Geek,Internuts,Politics
by David Seaman
The White House is asking YOU to submit questions (and vote on other people’s) for a special online “hangout” that Barack Obama’s doing in association with YouTube and G+ to coincide with the State of the Union address. He’ll be answering several of the “top voted” questions during a dedicated YouTube broadcast on January 30th, and a lucky few who submitted will be invited to hang with the Prez live on G+.
Please head over to youtube.com/whitehouse and post a question about the NDAA over there. Unfortunately, it appears they are deleting these NDAA comments — almost unbelievable. When this videocast was recorded, there were 13,913 questions asking about NDAA. As of 4:16 PM ET today, however, that number has been thinned to only 1,156 questions. Land of the free…
**UPDATE: January 25, 2012 – 8.34 PM PST**
Yet more questions for Obama regarding the #NDAA are being removed from the submissions system – this, despite the fact they’re getting overwhelmingly positive feedback from the page’s visitors (see screen grab below).
David Seaman is an independent journalist. He has been a lively guest on CNN Headline News, FOX News, ABC News Digital, among others, and on his humble YouTube channel, DavidSeamanOnline. Some say he was recently censored by a certain large media corporation for posting a little too much truth… For more, find him on G+ and Twitter.
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