Obama’s YouTube/Google+ Hangout Not Only Kinda Sucked – It Was Positively Orwellian17
Posted In 420,Activism,Blog,Geek,Internuts,Politics
by David Seaman & Ashley Carey
DavidSeamanOnline contributor Ashley Carey wasn’t thrilled with President Obama’s recent YouTube/Google+ hangout on January 30th. Neither was I!
It was an epic fail, in my opinion.
But hey, this isn’t Google’s fault. They gave the President an awesome global platform, and his administration chose to use it to peddle the same old cult of personality, instead of allowing him to engage citizens — thousands asked about NDAA and marijuana policy, yet these two 600 gazillion ton elephants in the room were carefully sidestepped.
Positively Orwellian, if you ask me.
That’s not what social media is supposed to be about.
David Seaman is an independent journalist. He has been a lively guest on CNN Headline News, FOX News, ABC News Digital, among others, and on his humble YouTube channel, DavidSeamanOnline. Some say he was recently censored by a certain large media corporation for posting a little too much truth… For more, find him on G+ and Twitter.
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