The Ultimate #Occupy Holiday Gift Guide2
Posted In Activism,Blog,Books,Comedy,Entertainment,Geek,Internuts,Politics
The perfect presents for the #99Percenters that #Occupy a special place in your heart.
1. V for Vendetta Guy Fawkes Mask ($5.40)
Gotta start with the basics, and at this price it makes for a great stocking stuffer!
2. Israeli Civilian Gas Mask w/ Nato Filter ($20.25)
…And for the kids: Israeli Civilian Children’s Gas Mask w/ Nato Filter ($16.42)
For those situations when a Guy Fawkes mask won’t cut it. This anti-gas gear was issued to Israeli civilians to face off against Saddam Hussein and his BFF Chemical Ali, so should be up to the job if you find yourself in the vicinity of Pepper Spray Cop. They provide NBC (neuclear, biological, chemical) protection, have a water intake port (for hydration without tears), and come with one sealed filter.
A super stylish, multi-purpose, pocket-sized anonymizer / accessory that’s “perfect for protecting yourself from sudden dust storms and outbreaks of authoritarianism.”
4. Marmot Limelight 2P ($199.00)
Quick to set up and take down, this lightweight tent is ideal for those unexpected 3 AM evictions!
5. Get Out Of Jail Free Card ($0-$5,000.00+ depending on DA and/or judge)
Nothing says “I Love You” like bailing someone out of jail. Print this card out and give it to the person you’d like to take liberties with, or become a Secret Santa and donate to your local Occupy Bail Fund.
6. ReVIVE Series Solar ReStore External Battery Pack with Universal USB Charging Port ($27.99)
The only thing worse than being arrested is having your smartphone die while it’s happening. With this device, you can make sure you’re fully charged (while keeping it green), so you don’t miss capturing those special moments.
Whose drone? Our drone! This quadricopter comes complete with an onboard video camera and can be controlled via iPod touch, iPhone, iPad, and Android devices, making it ideal for getting a bird’s eye view up on your Livestream. Though the price may be a little steep for most 99 percenters, it’s still a hell of a lot cheaper than the drone our military lost behind enemy lines recently – and at this price you won’t need to suffer the indignity of asking for it back!
Occupying Lego Land is a great way for the 99% to express themselves this holiday season. Though Slate.com’s Legotti Park-inspired prototype “Civil Unrest” Lego sets haven’t quite hit stores yet, you can order the Mobile Police Unit and Earth Defense HQ as featured in their “Arab Spring” and “O.W.S. Riot Brigade” packages direct from Lego.com/.
9. Vultures’ Picnic: In Pursuit of Petroleum Pigs, Power Pirates, and High-Finance Carnivores by Greg Palast ($17.79) and Emergency: This Book Will Save Your Life by Neil Strauss ($11.55)
Vultures’ Picnic is an eye-opening crash course on why we #Occupy, while Emergency serves as a primer on how to keep yourself safe while doing it. And if the NDAA passes, and an unlimited stay in Guantanamo Bay or at your local FEMA camp doesn’t appeal, it also offers some great tips on how to break free from handcuffs and get out of dodge.
10. Tyranny Has a Witness by Shepard Fairey / Obey ($75.00)
Based on a photo taken by Yuri Kozyrev/ NOOR for Time Magaine, this powerful 18 x 24 inch screen print is signed and numbered (being a limited edition of 450). It’s also a gift that keeps on giving, since a portion of the proceeds will go to Human Rights Watch.
Thanks to JackalAnon, EisMC2, Colinism, OakFoSho and ZDRoberts for assisting with this list. XOX