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Star Wars: Episode VII is set to hit theaters in 2015. It has been confirmed that the film will focus on the next generation of the Skywalker and Solo families. Mark Hamill has been in talks to reprise his role as Luke Skywalker in the upcoming movies. Hamill mentioned that he has talked in depth with Lucas about this and has been told that if the original actors don’t reprise their roles, they won’t be recast, but instead they would be written out of the story. It doesn’t look like that will be the case though as Harrison Ford has been confirmed to be reprising the part of Han Solo in Episode VII.
In case three more episodes of Star Wars weren’t enough, Disney is planning on releasing Star Wars spin-off solo adventures. The spin-off stories will allow them to establish character backgrounds and lore that wouldn’t make it into the main movie. Everyone’s favorite mini Jedi Master, Yoda, will be taking the first solo movie. That’s not all though, both young Han Solo and Boba Fett are set to receive solo films as well. There is no word on when Disney plans to start releasing these movies or what kind of movies they will be; I could see them being computer animated movies done by Disney or Pixar.
After much speculation, Entertainment Weekly may have officially confirmed and spoiled the identity of Benedict Cumberbatch’s character in Star Trek: Into Darkness. In an article they posted the title: “Voyage Into the New Star Trek Kirk & Khan.” The title was changed to exclude the final names, but it hit the internet that way and there are plenty of screen shots to prove it. It looks like all the Khan rumors were true and Cumberbatch will be reprising the role of the iconic villain.
Between directing Star Wars and Star Trek, J.J. Abrams life has to be getting pretty busy. He is now looking at taking on another dynamic project. J.J. Abrams and Valve games studios are in talks to see if they can do Portal and Half-Life movies. Half-Life and its spin-off Portal are both award winning games made by Valve. The games are story driven, so there is movie potential for both titles. But does J.J. Abrams really have the time to take on yet another project?
The Avengers cast assembled at the Oscars to present the awards for Cinematography and Visual Effects. Avengers only received one Oscar nomination in the Visual Effects category, which they then had to present to Life of Pi. Still the Avengers legacy lives on as Marvel moves into ‘Phase 2’ and S.H.I.E.L.D. series begins filming. Marvel’s Agent M gave us our first sneak peak of the S.H.I.E.L.D. set, although it’s mostly a tease.
As Marvel’s ‘Phase 2’ moves forward, a lot of focus has been on their new project, Guardians of the Galaxy. Two new actors have signed on to play main parts in the galactic team. Chris Pratt is set to play the movies lead, Peter Quill or Star-Lord. Marvel has also found their actor for Drax the Destroyer in Game of Thrones star Jason Mamoa. Guardians of the Galaxy is set to hit theaters August 1, 2014.
One of the newest Iron Man 3 posters shows Sir Ben Kingsley as the Mandarin with his ten rings of power. Some leaked concept art has revealed more suit designs for Iron Man and also gives possible spoilers for later movies. The first suit is Tony’s new ‘Space Armor’ designed specifically for going back into space. The second concept art was for the ‘Hulkbuster Armor’ a set of Armor specifically designed to fight Hulk. Could the Avengers sequel have Hulk as a villain or at least an Iron Man and Hulk showdown? Speculation aside, in a recent interview Iron Man 3 writer Shane Black gave some spoilers about the after credits scene. Apparently, at the end of the movie, Tony will receive an SOS from Star-Lord creating the first tie in for the Guardians of the Galaxy. He will then head off into space, saying this time he is ready with his Space Armor.
Batman has had a rough year in the DC New 52 comic universe. First, he fought his way through the Night of the Owls just to have to deal with Joker’s return in Death of the Family. Though no one in the family actually died as the Death of the Family story arc drew to an end, the Joker successfully pulled at the strings of distrust and tore the Bat-family apart. However, just because no one died during the Death of the Family event, that doesn’t mean the Bat-family is safe. Last week, in Batman Incorporated #8, Damian Wayne, the current Robin, was murdered. His death is reminiscent of the death of Jason Todd, except most comic fans bet that Damian Wayne will take after his mother’s side and end up resurrected in the Lazarus Pit within the year.
On the horror side of things, the Evil Dead remake is set to arrive in theaters on April 12 this year. A new all red poster for the film was released, that promises it will be the ‘most terrifying movie you will every experience’. A new Red Band trailer was released for the film as well that teases a horrifying return to the cult classic, demon rape trees included.
The Zombieland television series is picking up some steam, and some cast members while they’re at it. The kids in the movie have been cast. Tyler Ross will play the part of Columbus and Izabela Vidovic has been cast as Little Rock. That’s not all, Maiara Walsh will be playing the role of Wichita. The series is currently being produced for Amazon as an original series.
Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes are back at it with their new Jay & Silent Bob’s Super Groovy Cartoon Movie. The movie was directed by Steve Stark, who Smith and Mewes met online. The entire project cost just $69,000. They are planning on taking the movie on tour the same way Smith toured Red State. The Super Groovy Cartoon Movie is coming this April.
Finally, there are a lot of ‘How It Should Have Ended” videos out there, but the nerd Generalissimo Stan Lee has declared how a few nerd favorites should have really concluded. Not only is this one of the best Stan’s Rants yet, but you would be hard pressed to find a nerd that disagrees with him.