Nov 2011 16

by Daniel Robert Epstein

“There’s a laundry list in the book of things that people can personally do but when it comes right down to it, the most important thing is for us all to be educated and to be skeptical.”
– John Perkins

John Perkins’ book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man is the most terrifying book you will ever read. There is no serial killer, no mass murderer, no nuclear apocalypse and no rapists, in fact it is scarier than all those things. The book tells the story of the people who make this world a worse place to live. “Economic hit men,” John Perkins writes,” are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. Their tools include fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, and murder.” After all the terrible things Perkins has done in his life he is now trying to inform people of the right way to look at the world and make it a better place.

Read our exclusive interview with John Perkins on

Nov 2011 15

by Daniel Robert Epstein

“Certainly I’’ve moved into a different world from driving around in my Tercel…”
– Cheryl Hines

Cheryl Hines has all the best qualities for a sexy woman, she is beautiful and most importantly, FUNNY! She is best known as Larry David’s wife Cheryl on Curb Your Enthusiasm. Now she is teaming up with another famous funnyman, Robin Williams, in the surprisingly funny RV.

Read our exclusive interview with Cheryl Hines on

Nov 2011 14

By Fred Topel

“[When] a group of guys sees me, they’ll just go, ‘Rudy! Rudy!”
– Sean Astin

In May of last year, I found myself sitting alone in the stands of a race track with Sean Astin. He was filming an independent movie about horse racing, and I was invited to visit the production at Hollywood Park in Los Angeles. When Astin had a break in shooting, we walked into the stands to sit for an interview.

You may not think of them as a whole, but several of Astin’s movies have become seminal films for more than one generation. I grew up with The Goonies, where a teen Astin led his friends on a quest for pirate treasure. A young adult Astin portrayed college football legend Rudy Ruettiger in the football classic Rudy. To today’s kids, he’s perhaps best known as Samwise Gamgee in The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Astin was happy to stroll down movie memory lane with me. His recollections of even the earliest film are as vivid as his descriptions of the film he was shooting. And They’re Off cast Astin as Dusty, a disgraced jockey who gets another chance with an underdog racehorse. It’s a comedy in mockumentary style. The independent film played the Hollywood Film Festival and is now open in select cities, including racing centers like Kentucky.

Read our exclusive interview with Sean Astin on

Nov 2011 11

by Daniel Robert Epstein

“It’s a very 1940’s love story…”
– Bryan Singer

Whenever this crazy ride of entertainment interviews that I’m on ends there are only a few things that will stick out as highlights. Interviewing David Cronenberg is number one on that list and number two will surely be visiting the set of Superman Returns in Australia. While I was on set with a number of other online writers a number of publicists kept apologizing to us for not having what they considered the most impressive sets up anymore. I kept telling them that what we were seeing was amazing regardless. We got to see a black colored Fortress of Solitude, I got to feel up the Superman costume [on a mannequin you sick minded freaks] and we got to walk about Lex Luthor’s yacht. From what I gather Superman Returns takes place five years after the events of Superman II. Superman traveled to the remains of Krypton and when he came back to Earth, Lois Lane has had a child with another man. While on set I got to view the footage of Superman Returns that was shown at San Diego Comicon and interview director Bryan Singer.

Read our exclusive interview with Bryan Singer on

Nov 2011 10

by Daniel Robert Epstein

“The only thing that really fascinates me is marriage.”
– Donald Sutherland

It’’s possible to forget just how damn funny Donald Sutherland is. He’’s been in some of the funniest movies of all time and it shows when he walks into our interview with a wry smile while cracking jokes. But his latest movie, An American Haunting, is definitely not a comedy. The movie is set in the American south in 1818 and Sutherland stars as John Bell Sr. a man with a tight knit family who commits a sin against his church which releases a spirit to haunt his house and take out anger against his daughter.

Read our exclusive interview with Donald Sutherland on

Nov 2011 09

by Daniel Robert Epstein

“My style has been a bit different from anyone else.”
– Lady Sovereign

I love all this awesome hip-hop that’s coming out so much lately. Ladies like Kelli Ali and M.I.A. are doing such amazingly sexy and funky work. Lady Sovereign is at the forefront of that new wave with her new album Vertically Challenged.

Read our exclusive interview with Lady Sovereign on

Nov 2011 07

By Fred Topel

“When you keep failing at things like I have, nobody knows you’re reinventing…”
– Dito Montiel

I first learned about Dito Montiel when his first film, A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints came out. It was notable for a cast including Robert Downey Jr., Shia Labeouf and Channing Tatum before they broke out, and Rosario Dawson who was already a star. Based on Montiel’s own book about growing up in and leaving New York, it introduced Montiel’s voice to Hollywood, particularly in dialogue that’s more like real people who have trouble articulating, rather than polished Hollywood screenplay.

His next movie was the studio action movie Fighting, also starring Tatum as an underground street fighter. Now that I knew who Montiel was, I stopped when I saw a Dito Montiel CD in a bin at the massive used record store Amoeba. The album had sophisticated music, layering different instruments with harmony and telling stories about, again, growing up. Montiel is also a painter. Tatum again stars in Montiel’s third film, The Son of No One. He plays a cop who gets assigned to the precinct of the housing project where he grew up. Tracy Morgan plays a stark, dramatic role as his childhood friend, now in rough shape from a traumatic childhood of abuse. Al Pacino plays police chief with ties to the old case.

Montiel is now a West Coaster like me. This is the third film I’ve had the opportunity to interview him for. Despite the serious subjects of his films and the raw style in which he portrays them, he always seems like lovable friendly guy. He even got a bit shy when I started asking about his music this time.

Read our exclusive interview with Dito Montiel on