Mar 2011 02

by Erin Broadley

“Sarcasm is probably the lowest art form.”
-Rob Corddry

Last time we met Harold and Kumar, they journeyed across the state of New Jersey in search of the ultimate White Castle burger to satisfy a case of the munchies. Over the course of one, extremely long night, the pair triumphed over adversity, got their burgers and emerged America’s coolest bong-ripping duo since Cheech and Chong.

Now Harold and Kumar are back with a new adventure, except this time the stakes are higher as they hop a fight to Amsterdam – the weed capital of the world – and find themselves imprisoned as suspected terrorists after trying to sneak a smokeless bong on board.


Mar 2011 01

by Alex Deuben

“If you never try something how do you know your not good at it?”
-Camilla d’Errico

Camilla d’Errico burst onto the comics scene earlier this decade and doesn’t seem to have slept since. It’s not just that she worked on comics like Burn, Make 5 Wishes, Mightmares and Fairy Tales, The Sky Pirates of Neo Terra, and her own Tanpopo, though that’s certainly a full time career in itself. d’Errico has been an artistic dynamo, moving from one form and one media and one genre to another. Besides comics there’s illustration for a variety of sources, a print done in collaboration with Neil Gaiman, toys, a series of Ride Snowboards, clothing from Hot Topic, not to mention gallery shows around the world.


Feb 2011 25

by Nicole Powers

“It’s been made more like a work of art than it has a movie.”
-Simon Boswell

Chilean filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky’s bloody epic Santa Sangre, which was inspired by the story of Mexican serial killer Gregorio “Goyo” Cárdenas Hernández, has been praised as “a throwback to the golden age, to the days when filmmakers had bold individual visions,” and derided as “a massive clearance sale of leftover psychedelia.” It’s story and imagery has been dismissed as “a series of banal Freudianisms involving a circus family” and celebrated as “a wild kaleidoscope of images and outrages, a collision between Freud and Fellini.” But love it or hate it, you’ll never forget it, since with Santa Sangre, Jodorowsky firmly straddles the line where madness becomes genius.


Feb 2011 24

by Erin Broadley

“I’’m a hardcore geek.”
-Emile Hirsch

Kurt Vonnegut once said, “”I want to stay as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can’’t see from the center.”” A seductive statement, especially for an actor…

The last time audiences saw actor Emile Hirsch, he’d abandoned all his material possessions and went by the name “Alexander Supertramp.” He was stubborn, deathly emaciated, living alone on an broken down bus, in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness, seeking life’s truths. His portrayal of real-life adventurer Christopher McCandless in Sean Penn’’s Into the Wild scored the young actor a hell of a lot of attention, and more so, Oscar buzz.


Feb 2011 23

by Darrah de jour

“Can I just vent for a fucking moment?

I was not allowed to leave my recovery program until I was a “healthy” 120 lbs.

Tonight, the “Biggest Loser” was awarded $250,000 for being 117 lbs.

What the FUCK is wrong with this picture????”
(Anonymous blogger)

With the hypocritical and oppressive ‘beauty machine’ of America in full-swing, girls are getting “thinspiration” off food blogs and Pro-Ana sites; detouring off the deep end instead of finding their way into recovery. Even Portia de Rossi’s memoir Unbearable Lightness and the stick figures of Black Swan can serve as a “how to” for low self esteem. And this begs the question. Women – aren’t we just too dang valuable to level our self-worth by countable ribs?


Feb 2011 23

by Erin Broadley

“I’’ve kind of grown up and become less afraid of sincerity.”
-Christina Ricci

Actress Christina Ricci has always been a bit obsessed with history’s Eleanor of Aquitaine. Rumor has it that the 12th Century Queen ran a cult of “courtly love” in France that practiced the “radical” ideology that a marriage without love was no marriage at all. Eleanor, naturally, was charged with heresy by the Catholic Church and spent 15 years wasting away in a prison cell.


Feb 2011 22

by Ryan Stewart

“We torture for profit. You can’t get any lower than that.”
-John Cusack

John Cusack is going to say anything he pleases, and if you’re smart you won’t try to stop him. He attributes the genesis of his new anti-war film, War, Inc., to the moment seven years ago when Bush administration spokesman Ari Fleischer had the gall to look Americans in the eye and tell them that they “better watch what they say.”

“I was like, ‘Oh, right. Fuck you!'” Cusack says, calling up SuicideGirls during a break on a London film set to vent about his many frustrations, ranging from the snake-oil strategems of corporate America to the seemingly eternal occupation of Iraq.
