by Laurelin
When I first came up with the idea for this column, the name “Life Beyond the Bar Scene” just seemed perfect. The life I lead is so immersed in the service industry that I really can’t see past it right now; everyone I know in Boston I met at a bar. Literally, everyone. Everywhere I turn, it’s bartenders, servers, bouncers, barbacks, nightlife, my life. It wasn’t always this way.
by SG’s Team Agony feat. Rydell and Atlea
Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Rydell in Changing Seasons]
Q: I’m 18, going to be 19 in a few months. I have been in relationships were there was a lot of controlling. My ex didn’t want me talking to certain people and especially had a problem when I would talk to my brother. Me and my brother are very close, and my ex felt my brother was going take me away from him. Now that me and him broke up it’s like I don’t have the same confidence and self-esteem I had before I was with him.
I find myself finding guys like him. Why is it hard for me to find a good guy? Sometimes I don’t know if I am straight. Sometimes I think I’m bi. Because of everything I have been through I find myself drinking a lot. Right now, I have a drinking problem but it’s so hard for me to stop. I drink my problems away, or so I think. I feel I’m in a place where no one would know or care where I’m at.
by SG’s Team Agony feat. Smythe, Leandra, and Casca
Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Smythe in There Is A Light]
Q: I have a hell of an issue. I am engaged to be married in June of next year. I love my fiancé and he’s my best friend, but I have some internal conflicts that are itching at me.
First, I need more sex! I am afraid that our relationship will end up being a sexless marriage. We get down about once every two weeks or so. It’s boring and always the same. I have tried to spice it up, but he’s not very much into kinky things. I’ve lost my libido and haven’t been able to get in the mood for about two years now. He wants to have sex and he shows it, but I don’t know how to get my libido back. I’ve even talked to Dr. Drew on the radio and that wasn’t much help. I’m young and I shouldn’t have to schedule sex into my life as he suggested.
Second, I do not consider myself straight. I am sexually attracted to women too, but I am not interested in looking for relationships with women. I’ve had urges to go to gay clubs and enjoy myself and meet some females. My fiancé knows this and wants me to do what makes me happy, but to me this is cheating, even when this is approved by him. Is it bad to want to want to drift to the opposite sex for a fun time and then return back home for comfort and love? How do I satisfy him and myself?
by Brad Warner
That’s right! Here’s your chance to win a date with Brad Warner! You know he’s a dreamboat! You know he’s a famous author! Now here’s your golden opportunity to actually go on a real live date with Brad Warner! Where will you go on your date with Brad? Will he take you to his favorite Thai restaurant? Or perhaps you’ll go on a shopping spree to the comic book store! Who knows?
by Laurelin
I woke up a few mornings ago and felt like I was changing. Sadness and doubt, creeping in to smother my usually bright demeanor, one centimeter of skin turning grey at a time, like Natalie Portman’s black swan transformation. Slow but steady, this feeling of just losing control. There is no worse feeling in the world. I am always in control, or so I like to think, and it’s days like this that I wake up and realize it’s all a fallacy. I have about as much control over my life as a bike with no brakes flying down a hill into a crowded intersection. This is just a feeling though, my choices are my own, it’s just some days I feel so… helpless.
My friend Jordan had been feeling the same lately, so last night the two of us met up for drinks so he could vent. He’s been dating this girl, and without going into too much into detail, it doesn’t seem to be working out in his favor. He cares for her and wants it to work out, but instead of his concern making things better, it seems to be making things worse. He’s watching her disappear, and there’s nothing he can do about it. It was driving him crazy, and he wanted a girl’s point of view on the situation.
It cracks me up when people ask me for relationship advice. Anyone will tell you, I have the mind of a fraternity guy. I’ve always had more male friends than female, and while I, of course, have some crazy female tendencies, when it comes to relationships gone sour, I tend to solve any problem by just falling off the planet. You act like an idiot? I disappear. I refuse to chase after anyone, and the second I find myself doing it, the game is over. It’s embarrassing. Closure is nice, but it rarely happens. I know it’s a strange way to look at it, but my main thing is this: Dating is supposed to be fun, and the second it stops being fun, it’s time to call it quits.
by Blogbot
A column which highlights Suicide Girls and their fave groups.

[Epiic in Squidcats]
Epiic Suicide doesn’t beat around the bush when it comes to her fave SG hang out, which is Hirsute, a group “for those who love hair…all over.”
Members: 1429 / Comments: 9,219
- WHY DO YOU LOVE IT?: It’s nice to be accepted. The different women and their prefered styles are inspiring. For me, it’s a sort of artistic fashion statement. And, of course, I get to perv on all the hot photos submitted by members and SGs.
- DISCUSSION TIP: Don’t hate or we’ll burn you at the stake.
- BEST RANDOM QUOTE: “Show us your warm and fuzzies.”
- MOST HEATED DISCUSSION THREAD: Not much, maybe fights over which SG has the perfect bush lol. Suri our sexy fur leader keeps us in check.”
- WHO’S WELCOME TO JOIN?: Those who appreciate and love hair.
by SG’s Team Agony feat. Shotgun, Yesenia and Perdita
Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Shotgun in In The Fog]
Q: My husband and I have been together for five years and married for one. When we first met the sex was amazing and now it feels like he is just performing maintenance on a damn car. I have brought it to his attention and he hasn’t done anything about it, and lately I’ve noticed my eye wondering. I don’t want to ruin my marriage, but I need the passion back and I feel like he’s forcing me to look elsewhere for it. What should I do? Please help.