Jul 2011 14

Selahh Suicide in Soular Flares

  • INTO: Life.
  • NOT INTO: Anything trashy, drama, ugly emotions/thoughts/actions.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Anything chocolate, whole foods, summer days, science fiction, cute animals, zombie movies, comic books, hot tea, boys with tattoos, hot make outs, shopping, sleeping in, waffles, painting, drawing, shoes, long quiet drives, 45 records, cute texts, cuddling, sleep, my doggy.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Cold, sickness, ignorance.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Arcturis, SuicideGirls, water, medicines, Yums.
  • VICES: Cute boys. cigarettes, dreams.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Sleeping, playing with the Turis.

Get to know Selahh better over at!

Jul 2011 13

Nahp Suicide (with Discoquette) in View Master

  • INTO: Animals, photography, tattoos, body piercings, natural beauty, porn, love and eternal love, sex, chocolate, sushi, movies, skirts, dresses, black hair, black color, snickers, pin up style, ‘50s, ‘60s, ‘70s, ‘90s, socks, nature.
  • NOT INTO: Dead animals, lies, cigarettes, taking the trash out, flat shoes, fashion, divorce, ‘80s, drama, celebrities, irresponsibility.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: My boy, cute animals, love, kisses, 100% sincerity, sushi, weekends, tattoos, sex, my music, underwear, chocolate, good job, Mac.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Lies, cheating, suffering animals, quarreling, working late or on weekends, banks, negativity, PCs, silence, bad weather.
  • HOBBIES: Sleeping, movies, making rag dolls (muniequitos), internet, photography.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Chocolate, fruit juice, my music, love, my iPhone.

Get to know Nahp better over at!

Jul 2011 12

Sash Suicide in Room 224

  • INTO: Movies, sex, being naked, lucky strikes, more sex….
  • NOT INTO: Assholes.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Green tea and bubble gum ice cream, udon, driving, and being with my best friend and my boy.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Being alone for long periods or time, not having sex, eating greasy foods.
  • HOBBIES: Taking my clothes off.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Cell phone, cigarettes, black eyeliner, bracelets, and my tongue ring.
  • VICES: Smoking and sex.

Get to know Sash better over at!

Jul 2011 11

Zoli Suicide in Video Chat

  • INTO: Making fun of myself, playing the drums, cooking, traveling, eating lots and lots of good food, meeting fun and interesting people, HOT pink, sex, make-up, fashion, BDSM, beautiful women, and much, much more!
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: I find enjoyment in many many things…I enjoy a good conversation, someone I can sit and do nothing with, being a total goof-ball, spontaneity, etc.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Drama, homophobia.
  • HOBBIES: Playing drums, cooking, traveling, spinning poi.
  • VICES: Caffeine, cigarettes, sex.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Free time? What is this free time you speak of? Ha ha!

Get to know Zoli better over at!

Jul 2011 08

Zephyr Suicide in 59 Sound

  • INTO: Art, Video games, music, books, fashion, people who are awesome.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Loud annoying sounds you would hear when smashing your face against a synthesizer. Yeah, that’s the stuff.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Lots of stuff.
  • HOBBIES: Drawing/painting, playing games.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: PS3, makeup, hair dye, my phone, and the entire collection of the Resident Evil series.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Vegetating in front of my computer screens or TV unfortunately.

Get to know Zephyr better over at!

Jul 2011 07

Leandra Suicide in Post Showtime

  • INTO: My four cats (Rocky, Cookie, Belle and Zakk), Dexter, laughing, concerts, makeup, meeting up with friends, driving, listening to music, retro cartoons, retro games and consoles, films, films and films, cinema, music, making people laugh, sleeping, and kissing!
  • NOT INTO: Rude people or people who just aren’t nice. Animal cruelty. Oh…and talking on the phone.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: My cats, smoking, film, music, my great friends, and Dexter!
  • MAKES ME SAD: Animal cruelty, road kill, missing friends and family..
  • HOBBIES: Music, movies, movies, movies, surfing the net, watching TV, reading some, shopping, hanging out at home, hanging out other places, going to gigs, laughing too much – that’s a hobby!
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Food, water, my cats, internet, my car.
  • VICES: Cigarettes, pot, and unhealthy food…shame, shame.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Thinking too much, watching movies, smoking weed, and chatting with my friends who are scattered everywhere.

Get to know Leandra better over at!

Jul 2011 06

Luscious Suicide in The Moor

  • INTO: Small government, the right to privacy, the right to bear arms, drinking fine organic red wine and local beer made with spring water, copulating daily, getting my empty skin-canvas covered with art from my favorite minds, hanging out with Dane, free running in my city, animal rights, Rattus Rattus, old rods, shooting pool, BOWLING!, old school non-CGI special effects, going to shows, rocking out with the box out, camping/shroom benders with good friends, traveling, sustainable organic gardening, shopping at thrift stores, repairing old busted crusty things to be re-used, finding things on the street, having bonfires, winging things, running inanimate objects over with my car, getting all dolled up, laying in bed smoking delicious home grown cannabis all day, reverse-osmosis filtered water systems!
  • NOT INTO: Big government, chlorine and fluoride being added to water, being exposed to toxins in daily life, electro-magnetic chaos, stress, high definition TVs, pesticides, genetically modified foods/animals, chemtrails, vaccines, religion and those who force it on others, wasteful consumer whores, self-absorbed assholes, fast food, anything imported from China that is not art, unconstitutional taxes, bills (particularly Bill C-51), and drama of any kind.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Livin’ the dream, working at home with the love of my life. Went from counter wench at Way Cool in Niagara in 1998, to owning my own studio in 2010! Go team Snibbard! The feeling when people come back to my shop and thank me for “waking them up.” Having a long walk with my farfels, and a packed bong after a hard days work. Any day where a large captive animal mauls, tramples, or kills a human, especially tigers. Any day where a crooked politician is publicly embarrassed, made to fumble on their own words and backpedal desperately.
  • MAKES ME SAD: The fact that they took phonics out of school the same year pharmaceutical companies started paying schools $500/head for kids being medicated for made-up conditions. Manufactured news, fake “recessions” only made for corporate takeovers and to line the pockets of the wealthy. The intentional “dumbing down” and distraction of society to repress uprising, free thought, and speech. People excessively eating mass produced, abused animals. Not so much that eating animals is wrong in nature, but not necessary in today’s age. My stand is more-so a protest to society’s abuse of nature. Realistically, I would eat animals if it was back in the day when there were old school local organic butcher shops, and there wasn’t a fast food empire based on their demise. I would absolutely love to hunt, blood-let, and skin my own animals to eat, much like my family does. Please eat only local kosher meat 🙂
  • HOBBIES: Snowboarding, jogging, perusing, gardening, paintball, wake boarding, drunk-ass bocce ball in the sunshine, metal working, painting, roller derby, hiking, road tripping.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: METAL!! (in a loud shrieking voice), hydrogen peroxide, Dr.Bronners, tea tree oil, snowboarding.
  • VICES: The chronic, those little succulent Thai patties from Zen Gardens, goji, acai, mangosteen and noni juices.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Perusing,, reading, planting things, maintaining as much greenery indoors as possible, hanging out with nature, exercising – your body should be your temple, and it should be a well-oiled machine, free of pain.

Get to know Luscious better over at!