by Jensen
A couple of months back I was in town visiting my parents and my brother’s girlfriend said she had recently tried these amazing fried pies. Fried pie?! What?! Growing up in California, I feel like I have missed out on so many opportunities to fry things that Southern kids don’t bat an eyelash at. I was super jazzed about these fried pies and we all decided that we would get them for the Thanksgiving holiday. I’ve literally been pumped about these fried pies for two months. So I’m talking on the phone with my mom a few days ago and she informs me that plans have changed and the decision was made that fried pies were no longer on the menu over Thanksgiving weekend. I was crushed, but more importantly, I was pissed and out to seek revenge.
Long story short, today we are making fried pies. They’re basically Homerun Pies, only not as shitty.
by Jason K
Soon the cold wind of winter will usher in the holiday season. That means Turkey dinners, stuffing, cranberry sauce shaped like a can, and Santa squeezing his fat ass down your chimney. The change of weather beckons, and a change in thirst follows. Out with the weizens, summer ales, and heat quenching brews. In with the thick, hearty ales of winter; beers so satisfying they often are best served alone so as not to compete with a meal. These are best known as Winter Warmers.
by Jensen
Okay guys, I’m going to keep this short and sweet today! There are very important going-ons that I’m sure you’re preparing for, and I don’t want to hold you up for too long. There are Death Eaters who need an ass-kicking and awkward Ginny-Harry sexual advances to watch!
We are making hot chocolate today, btw. It’s a great gift for those people who aren’t really your friends, but you feel like you need to get them something for the holidays anyway. Coworkers, perhaps? It is also quite delicious :].
by SnakePlissken
Linkin Park. George W getting two terms. Surprise diarrhea. Justin Bieber haircuts. That stuff that forms at the edge of your lips when you’re really thirsty. Getting rid of the bodies. The smell of cat shit. The lack of new Quantum Leap episodes. Bleeding from my urethra. Other people’s farts. Low sodium soy sauce. The current trend of replacing “s” with “z” in fucking everything. Douchebagz who intentionally leave stickerz on their hatz. That guy who fucked me over on that sack I fronted him in 2000. Paper cuts. Wacky morning DJ’s. People who frown upon bad fucking words. Turkey bacon. That big mole on my back that most likely is cancerous. White guys with cornrows. These are all things I hate with a goddamn passion. Not quite “back a truck into a Luby’s Cafeteria and shoot everybody with a deer rifle” caliber homicidal irritation, but pretty close. Only two things are worse to me; Clamato and Budweiser. And now they’ve put them together and called it Chelada.
by Tara Diane
If you’re anything like me (not likely; you’re probably way cooler) then you had no idea you could make mozzarella cheese, at home, in about an hour, without very much work. When I saw cheesemaking kits online, I decided they would make great Christmas gifts, but I wanted to try it out first. Below are the basics (loosely laid out) on how to make mozzarella cheese at home!
By Malloreigh
I didn’t grow up vegan, but I can’t imagine how frustrating it would be to go trick-or-treating and come home with a bag full of candy you can’t eat. Now that I’m too old to walk around the neighbourhood asking for candy, I sit at home and give it out. While vegan kids can’t eat – and vegan grown-ups don’t give out – miniature chocolate bars, there are a few types of common candy that are “accidentally vegan.”
by Tara Diane
So I really like to have personalized, silly drinking memorabilia. In honor of that, I dressed up in my Halloween costume and put together this tutorial on how to make custom flask covers! They are super easy to make and make great gifts for friends who you want to cheap out on while still giving them something neat. Or twenty-first birthday binge night drinking gifts, bachelor/ette parties, you get the idea ;]