Dice Suicide in Depth

- INTO: Tattoos and piercings, playing my drums, art, fashion, punk, sewing, DIY, movies, photography, live music, ‘70s rock & roll, parties, surprises, motorcycles, dead stuff, traveling to places I haven’t been, kinky sex, modeling, learning new things, animals, and knitting.
- NOT INTO: Liars, cheaters, drama and fakers.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Spontaneity, tattooing, silly randomness, fans, wailing away on my drum set, road trips, trying new things, gifts, surfing, disgustingly nasty horror flicks, my massively expansive DVD collection, shopping, being in control, meeting kind new people, smoking my Camel Wides, a good bargain, and fresh sushi.
- MAKES ME SAD: Being treated unfairly.
- HOBBIES: Drums, guitar, bass, keyboard, sewing, crochet, knitting, art, drinking, blogging, web surfing, bike riding, surfing, dancing, hangin’ out.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Cigarettes, my pearl drum set, my art supplies, showers, and sex.
- VICES: Naked women and fine art.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: I poke smot, beat drums, and get naked on the internet.
Get to know Dice better over at SuicideGirls.com!
by Nicole Powers
Amanda Palmer is a rebel with a cause; she fights fiercely for her artistic freedom. When the musician and singer, who is currently on hiatus from the “Brechtian punk cabaret” band The Dresden Dolls, made a video to promote one of the songs from her debut solo album, Who Killed Amada Palmer, it seems her belly didn’t conform to the ideal expressed by a male executive at her label, who apparently explained: “I’m a guy, Amanda. I understand what people like.” She fought the label’s attempt to slim down her stomach’s role in the clip for “Leeds United” (it was already pretty damn small). Her loyal fans also rose to her defense, and a grassroots ReBellyOn website was launched.
Janette Suicide in Fifi Oui Cest Moi

- MAKES ME HAPPY: Chatting with my far best friends, a new pair of shoes, a new tattoo.
- MAKES ME SAD: You when you say “no” about something. I don’t do that…
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My cat, my dogs, my brilliant skull ring, my make up, my Nike Air Max.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Reading and watching nature’s changes.
Get to know Janette better over at SuicideGirls.com!
by Andrea Larrabee
“I’m old fashioned and modern at the same time,” Rachel Federoff tells me at one point during our phone interview. As a key player in the hit Bravo TV show Millionaire Matchmaker – which is now in its fourth and most successful season to date – Federoff must reconcile her intrinsically alternative self with the always outspoken and often very traditional beliefs of her mentor Patti Stanger, who founded the Millionaire’s Club, the elite matchmaking service upon which the show is based.
Tyra Suicide in Along Came Trouble

- INTO: Sex, drugs and rock & roll.
- NOT INTO: Brutishness, fat grindcore chicks, machinators.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Festivals, my friends, love and alcohol.
- MAKES ME SAD: Racism, love and alcohol.
- HOBBIES: Art, music and photography.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Sushi, sex, red lipstick, high heels and vodka.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Free Time? Drinking, friends, drugs, drinking, sex, friends – did I mention drinking.
Get to know Tyra better over at SuicideGirls.com!
by Tamara Palmer
“Rockers are pussies.”
– Al Jourgensen
He’s been variously known under monikers such as Buck Satan, Alien Dog Star and Alien Jourgensen and is the brain trust behind such thought-provoking band names as Ministry, Revolting Cocks and 1000 Homo DJs. But Al Jourgensen, who cut a frightening figure with these bands’ even more provocative industrial music when they emerged in the late eighties and early nineties, is a surprisingly friendly and relatable guy. Once the picture of cocaine and heroin rock star excess, the six-years sober Jourgensen is far more likely to be found at the opera than at an arena concert these days.