May 2012 10

Moxi Suicide in Marquee

  • INTO: Sunshine, incense, tall people, jewelry, velvet, photography, pirates, maps, architecture, cities, furry hats, a ruckus, Hollywood, hair metal, musicians, English tea, Jack Kerouac, art, school, museums, boots, conserving electricity.
  • NOT INTO: Drugs, burnt coffee or red meat.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Sunshine, coffee, snuggling, biting, orgasms, sleeping in, French toast, music, rockin’ out!
  • MAKES ME SAD: Rain, drama, poverty, being sick.
  • HOBBIES: Cutting up T-shirts, reading, concert-going, burning holes in your brain.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Chapstick, eye liner, journal, camera, tights.
  • VICES: Coffee, Stella Artois, sex.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Thinking, writing, reading, playing!

Get to know Moxi better over at!

May 2012 09

by Bradley Suicide

[Above: Bradley Suicide in Sugar Kitty]

The coast is clear, the view is distorted.

I have found myself newly single and have thus been thrown head first into the sad and sorry existence that is the dating scene. I am the first to admit that I have no patience for this type ordeal (and yes, it is an ordeal at times). I am probably every dude’s nightmare when it comes to being approachable, and then on top of that, it takes a very certain person to hold my attention for more than a minute or two. That certain type of person, unfortunately, is generally what our society refers to as a “douche bag.’ Yes, I have a firm belief that my “picker” if you will, is pretty much busted.

Through the trials and tribulations that I have been through since my single life has started up again, I have learned a few things. Coping with being alone is no easy task, and coming out of the security a three year relationship makes singledom all the more of a shock. It can also, at times, be an absolute blast, but easy and fun are not necessarily synonymous.

When I first became the newly single me, I felt pretty lost and found myself starting to see someone right off the bat. Not seriously, but in my naïve little heart I thought that it could lead to something long term. I was definitely mistaken. He was one of those guys that we have all had a run in with on some level. Extremely charismatic, good looking, acted like he wanted to give me everything that I wanted, blah, blah, blah. In the end we went out a few times, hooked up for a while, and then, well, let’s just say my rose-tinted spectacles fell off with a thud. I was not heartbroken by any means (ego bruised yes, heartbroken, no), but I did get hit with a major dose of reality. This gentleman and I ultimately became very close friends. We still have our fun from time to time, but it’s on my terms now and all of the cards are on the table.

When I look at my single escapades, and yes, there have been many of over the past few months, I just shake my head at my own antics and vow that I will learn and grow from them. This, of course, has yet to happen. Can you really blame me? You take a girl like me and throw me into the singles scene, and shit is going to go down. Especially with my affinity for tattooed boys with an “I don’t give a fuck attitude.”

I am not interested in settling down, at least not with anyone who is emotionally available and I don’t like to sleep alone. This is a dangerous combination. So what is a girl to do? Thus far I have been enjoying the ride. Never turning down a drink and breaking hearts along the way. It’s go time in Bradleyville. We will see where this all takes me.

I have no clue what the next few months will bring. Hell, I don’t know what the next few minutes will. But I do know one thing, I am having fun. Please stay tuned for further developments. I am sure that things are going to get interesting.

Until next time.


May 2012 09

by Alex Dueben

The idea is rule by individual consent.
– Ted Naifeh

Ted Naifeh first gained recognition as the artist and co-creator of the comic series Gloomcookie, but it was the release of his own creation, Courtney Crumrin that really made his reputation. Since the initial miniseries Courtney Crumrin and the Night Things was released a decade ago by Oni Press, Naifeh has returned to the character a few times in between other projects.

He illustrated Death Jr. comics, collaborated with Tristan Crane on How Loathsome and illustrated Holly Black’s Good Neighbors graphic novel trilogy from Scholastic. Naifeh also wrote and drew Polly and the Pirates and wrote a sequel which was released earlier this year.

Courtney has always remained Naifeh’s best-loved creation, and this month Oni Press debuts a new full color Courtney Crumrin ongoing series, which serves as both an excellent introduction to Courtney and her world for new readers and a welcome return for those who know her well. Naifeh may have joked that the ten year anniversary of Courtney is making him feel old, but Naifeh remains just as talented a creator and as nice a person as he was when we first met years ago.

Read our exclusive interview with Ted Naifeh on

May 2012 09

Silencia Suicide (with Lyxzen and Doxie) in Doll Harem

  • INTO: Loud music, wearing too much black, vegan cookies, religious iconography, sarcasm, impeccable wit, used bookstores, socialist feminism, spontaneity, innocence, love.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Gay men, handwritten letters, black coffee, New York, Portland, Kubrick, Borges, Sioux, a good sense of humor, grandparents, intelligence..
  • MAKES ME SAD: Conservative politics, people who force their views on others, how necessary money is sometimes, “text” typing in e-mail/online messages – scratch that – “text” typing in general (yes, even in text messages), when people refer to tattoos as “ink” or “tatts.”
  • HOBBIES: Lots of things that end with “ing.”
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Paper, black ink pen, background noise, my brain, my heart (all the other organs aren’t as important).

Get to know Silencia better over at!

May 2012 08

by Blogbot

Every week we ask the ladies and gentlemen of the web to show us their finest ink in celebration of #TattooTuesday.

Our favorite submission from Twitter wins a free 3 month membership to

This week’s #TattooTuesday winner is Alex Mealand a.k.a. @titanic_girl.

Enter this week’s competition by replying to this tweet with a pic of your fav tattoo and the #tattootuesday hashtag.

Good luck!

A few things to remember:

  • You have to be 18 to qualify.
  • The tattoo has to be yours…that means permanently etched on your body.
  • On Twitter we search for your entries by looking up the hashtag #TattooTuesday, so make sure you include it in your tweet!

Check out the Tattoo Tuesday winners of weeks past!

May 2012 08

by Daniel Robert Epstein

“Why the hell did I do it? Probably the money.”
– Peter Falk

Peter Falk toddled into our interview room with that gait and attitude that has become so familiar to the world on his television show Columbo. Clad in his signature Hawaiian shirts he sat down with an ease and grace that belied his 78 years. Falk was there to talk about his latest role in the Paul Reiser penned The Thing About My Folks.

The Thing About My Folks is a hilariously truthful look at family and marriage. It follows a father and son who set out on an impromptu road trip in the wake of mom’s unexpected flight after 47 years of marriage.

Read our exclusive interview with Peter Falk on

May 2012 08

Radeo Suicide in Ricorda Me

  • INTO: You.
  • NOT INTO: Weak hand shakes.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Costello my corgi, couch forts, surprises, superstitions, and fortune cookies.
  • MAKES ME SAD: When my remote control boat doesn’t work.
  • HOBBIES: Irony.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Computer, sweet tea, ice cream, phone, and a little TLC. I’m easy to please.
  • VICES: I only listen to love songs.

Get to know Radeo better over at!