by Blogbot

Bobby Alt, Adam Alt and Frank Zummo of Street Drum Corps can bang the shit out of anything and make it sound good – really fucking good. As if to prove this point, during the opening night of their month-long weekly residency at The Roxy this past Tuesday, they stuck a pair of beat up household pans in an audience member’s hands and proceeded to make them sing with their sticks.
by Blogbot

[Sash Suicide and Scott the Rabbit in And Now For Something Really Cute]
We are SO honored to be nominated for “Best Media Personality” by Peta2 for their 5th annual Libby Awards. Voting is open now thru December 16, and winners will be announced on January 4, 2011.
by Jensen
Okay guys, I’m going to keep this short and sweet today! There are very important going-ons that I’m sure you’re preparing for, and I don’t want to hold you up for too long. There are Death Eaters who need an ass-kicking and awkward Ginny-Harry sexual advances to watch!

We are making hot chocolate today, btw. It’s a great gift for those people who aren’t really your friends, but you feel like you need to get them something for the holidays anyway. Coworkers, perhaps? It is also quite delicious :].
by Nicole Powers
“The raging snark.”
– Moby
Moby could be described as a reluctant celebrity. He first found his way into the collective consciousness with the 1992 rave anthem “Go.” In the faceless world of techno culture success remained within his comfort zone. For the remainder of the decade he released his increasingly hybrid electronic-based music with little fanfare outside of the dance world. His 1999 album Play, barely made a ripple in the ocean of record sales when it first came out.
However, after a series of high profile film, TV and ad licenses, Play was propelled into the mainstream and Moby into the media maelstrom with it. Track 5 from the album, “South Side,” a little duet with Gwen Stefani, subsequently gained momentum, becoming an MTV staple for many months. It reached number 14 in the Billboard Hot 100 and number 3 on the Modern Rock singles chart in 2001. Play went on to sell over 10 million copies worldwide.
As film director David Lynch succinctly puts it, “Success is just as dangerous as failure, maybe more.” In the years since “South Side” graced the charts, Moby has not exactly been chasing similar commercial success — far from it — however many automatically assume he has. After all, money and fame are the goals of every artist right?
Luscious Suicide in Grime

- INTO: Small government, the right to privacy, the right to bear arms. Drinking fine organic red wine and local beer made with spring water, copulating daily, getting my empty skin-canvas covered with art from my favorite minds.
- NOT INTO: Big government, chlorine and fluoride being added to water, being exposed to toxins in daily life, electro-magnetic chaos, stress, high definition TV’s, pesticides, genetically modified foods/animals…”
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Any day where a crooked politician is publicly embarrassed, and made to fumble on their own words and backpedal desperately.
- MAKES ME SAD: The intentional “dumbing down” and distraction of society to repress uprising, free thought, and speech. People excessively eating mass produced, abused animals…
- HOBBIES: Snowboarding, jogging, gardening, paint-ball, wake boarding, drunk-ass bocci ball in the sunshine, metal working, painting, Roller-Derby, hiking, road tripping.
- 5 THINNGS I CAN”T LIVE WITHOUT: METAL!! (In a loud shrieking voice), hydrogen peroxide, Dr.Bronners, tea tree oil, snowboarding.
- VICES: The chronic, those little succulent Thai patties from zen gardens, goji / acai / mangosteen / noni juices.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Perusing and, reading, planting things, maintaining as much greenery indoors as possible, hanging out with nature.
Get to know Luscious better over at!