Apr 2011 11

by Erin Broadley

“I call it method songwriting.”
– Imani Coppola

Imani Coppola is less concerned with writing a hit single and more concerned with, as she puts it, creating music that feels like having a line of coke blown up your ass. This ballsy, Brooklyn-based beauty coolly disregards designer-imposter pop stars who claim to push boundaries, when in truth, the only boundary they’re testing is our ability to stomach any more empty calorie pop songs.

However, Coppola is no stranger to the major label machine. The 29-year-old singer and multi-instrumentalist signed with Columbia Records during her freshman year in college, churned out a hit MTV single “Legend of a Cowgirl” off her 1997 album Chupacabra, and was then dropped – sadly, an all too familiar story for new talent these days. But that was then, and this is now.


Apr 2011 11

Carrina Suicide in Porch Kitten

  • INTO: WWII history, airplanes, riding dirt bikes, house destruction parties, furry creatures, Irish whiskey, cooking amazing dishes.
  • NOT INTO: Aimless people, and salmon.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Dissent, Marc Jacobs bags and Moschino pumps.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Boys who can’t fix things, unwarranted sobriety, disloyalty.
  • HOBBIES: Pwning shit in general, studies, entropy, biology, thermodynamics, writing, literature (fine or not).
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My dog, family, freedom, the capacity to learn, food/air, meat.
  • VICES: Mania, drunken debauchery, inhibiting my lung capacity, being a lush in general.

Get to know Carrina better over at!

Apr 2011 09

by Keith Daniels

Last week in my post about Wall Street Kid, I mentioned that Sturgeon’s Law might be especially true for video games. Coined by the sci-fi author Theodore Sturgeon in 1951, Sturgeon’s Law posits that “90% of everything is crap.” Those being the odds and this being only my second Random Game of the Week, I was relieved to find that I enjoyed this week’s game: Mr. Heli no Daisuke, or Mr. Heli’s Great Adventure for the NEC PC Engine, also known as the Turbografx-16 in North America.


Apr 2011 09

by Fred Topel

“It’s rare that you see the daughter killing the mother.”
– Joe Wright

Hanna is the first action movie from director Joe Wright, whose previous credits include Pride & Prejudice, Atonement, and The Soloist.

The film stars Saoirse Ronan (The Lovely Bones) in the title role of a teenage assassin, who was raised in isolation and given a military-style training by her mysterious ex-CIA father Erik (Eric Bana). When she re-enters society at 16, secret agents, led by Marissa (Cate Blanchett), come looking for her, and a thrilling cat and mouse chase of sorts ensues. On the road, Hanna meets a traveling family and befriends their daughter Sophie (Jessica Barden). With their help, while in pursuit of her mission, Hanna finds a conscience and comes to question her very being.


Apr 2011 08

by Blogbot

This Sunday (April 10th) our very special in-studio guests will be Dublin rock band Lluther, who are currently on tour in the US, and SoCal punk rock hip-hoppers the Kottonmouth Kings, who are preparing to release their “Legalize It” EP to coincide with the annual 4/20 holiday.

Listen to SG Radio live Sunday night from 10 PM til Midnight on

Got questions? Then dial our studio hotline digits this Sunday between 10 PM and midnight PST: 877-900-1031

Busy on Sunday? Then find all our podcasts at and listen at your leisure.

And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.


Apr 2011 08

by Aaron Colter

This week I’m featuring artistic shit out of Portland, Oregon – the best city in America, but don’t fucking move here because it rains for eight goddamn months out of the year. Oh, and by the way, I hope you have a master’s degree and several thousands of dollars in savings, because the only thing a bachelor’s will get you in this town is a part-time job in a coffee shop as a barista-back to a thirty-three year old with a villain mustache straight out of a silent film, who has, apparently, been studying the art of java and thrift-store shopping since he was sixteen.

How charming is that shit, Portlandia?!


Apr 2011 08

by Mur Lafferty

SuicdeGirls presents the second installment of our Fiction Friday sci-fi series, Marco and the Red Granny, which is brought to you by SG columnist Mighty Mur a.k.a. cyber commentator Mur Lafferty.

Marco and the Red Granny is set in a not-so-distant future where an alien species, the Li-Jun, has transformed the moon into the new artistic center of the universe, where the Sally Ride Lunar Base soon gains the nickname “Mollywood.” These aliens can do amazing things with art and the senses, allowing a painting, for example, to stimulate senses other than sight. When someone asks a starlet, “Who are you wearing?” she could as easily say “J.K. Rowling” as she could “Gucci.”

In the first installment, Marco, a writer whose career has long been in the doldrums, gets a surprise call from an agent he thought he no longer had, informing him that he had received an offer from Mollywood for a much coveted Li-Jun patronage. Having expected little from his day when it started out, Marco now finds himself nursing a hangover on the next shuttle to the moon…
