by SG’s Team Agony feat. Friskey and Setsuka
Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Friskey in Dragon Lady]
Q: I dated this guy a little for over a year. We broke up about two months ago because we fought a lot. Well, actually, he broke up with me and turned sort of bitter towards me. Then he all of a sudden said he missed me and loved me and wanted me back, but about a week later he said he didn’t love me anymore. I really have no idea what his problem was. It’s been about two months since then and we’ve started talking, and even went on a couple of dates. I have no idea what’s going to happen, but I’m kind of scared. I don’t want to be hurt again, but I want to be with him. What do I tell him? What should I do? I’m so confused. I need advice please?!
by Bob Suicide
It’s official: NBC told Wonder Woman to grab her redesigned hooker boots and take the walk of shame off their network. But what does that mean for comic-based television programming as a whole, as well as the more niche super heroine-led titles?
The realistic answer: not much.
With the level of backlash this show has received at every turn, from both die-hard fans as well as general network audiences, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the Wonder Woman re-boot didn’t last long. The real surprise is how many people don’t seem to remember how poorly the original show did. It was only on for three seasons, and the first performed so badly that they had to completely re-vamp the entire premise, moving it from the ’40s to the ’70s. So from the outset, a big-budget reboot of a mediocre show from the ’70s didn’t seem like the best idea. And yet, everyone seemed to take the news that Wonder Woman was cut before she even had a chance to take flight with great confusion: “Woaaaa? Where are we to find our strong female heroine now?” they bemoaned.
by Aaron Colter
Don’t read this blog post. It’s not very good, and by the time you’re done, you’ll only wish you had spent that time looking up just about anything else on the internet. I heard this site has pictures of nice looking ladies without clothes on, maybe you should look at those instead.
by Michael Marano
“You might be fighting a stunt man in a silver suit dressed up like DEVO,..”
– Paul Bettany
Paul Bettany is a BAFTA-nominated actor who has acted with the Royal Shakespeare Company. He’s a hard man to pin down, given the wide variety of roles he’s had in a wide variety of movies. He’s played: a young Geoffrey Chaucer in A Knight’s Tale; a killer albino monk assassin in The Da Vinci Code; Russell Crowe’s “best friend” Charles in A Beautiful Mind and even Charles Darwin in Creation.
Scott Charles Stewart is a special effects expert who left George Lucas’ ILM to found his own company, The Orphanage, which contributed effects to Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Iron Man, and maybe most notably, Korean director Joon-Ho Bong’s amazing monster movie The Host.
Stewart has recently started directing features, and with leading man Bettany has made a couple of religious themed action/horror films – Legion, about the Archangel Michael defending humanity from God’s wrath, and Priest, based very loosely on the Koreanmanhwa graphic novel series by Min-Woo Hyung, in which Catholic priests, who bear cross tattoos on their faces, have been trained to fight vampires.
Lyxzen Suicide in A Sunny Day In Portland

- INTO: Always: good company, food experiments, walking anywhere and everywhere, cat snuggles, the public library, taking photos at inappropriate times. Lately: sweets like you would NOT believe, Katy Perry’s boobs, asking questions.
- NOT INTO: Dishonesty, apathy, ignorance.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Serotonin, dopamine, ampersands, a fully-stocked kitchen, and sunshine.
- MAKES ME SAD: Feeling lost.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: lip balm, my pillow, peppermint tea, fruit, and words.
- VICES: Miami.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Eating Peanut Butter Pows.
Get to know Lyxzen better over at!