Women have long been considered the sum of all wickedness. Something about our siren nature, which is able to distract, lure, bankrupt, limp, stronghold, harden, weaken and dilate a man’s – well – everything. Add money to the mix, and you have some interesting table talk.
My interest in the lure of sex work has little to do with the pedestal-izing of its workers, more so with their private relationships. Likely, it is difficult to carry on a typical, standard, monogamous partnership if your profession dictates you wrap your hands, lips, and lady bits around your male clients. Are sex workers, by nature, polyamorous? And what are the risks of telling or not telling your boyfriend or girlfriend what you do for a living?
I got up the nerve to chat with two really cool ladies, who are 100% comfortable and very erudite when asked to talk about such issues. In fact, as widely respected sexperts, they are frontrunners in the carnal knowledge movement. In this first installment of a two part series on love, sex, porn and polyamory, I chat with famed “prostitute and porn star turned sex educator and artist” Annie Sprinkle. During our conversation, I decided to roll the dice and ask her about a few other things I’m, ahem, curious about…Listen in:
“I didnt understand who I was supposed to be.”
– Marilyn Manson
Marilyn Manson says his new record, Eat Me, Drink Me, saved him from an identity crisis. The controversial singer – recently hailed as The Last Rock Star by Spin magazine – chatted with Aaron Detroit about Slayer fans, getting his mojo back by making a record while lying on the floor, his directorial debut Phantasmagoria: The Visions of Lewis Carroll, and the last gasps of record industry.
Read our exclusive interview with Marilyn Manson on SuicideGirls.com.
Nahp Suicide in Radiant Morning
Get to know Nahp better over at SuicideGirls.com!