May 2011 09

by SG’s Team Agony feat. Charley, Fabrizia, and Morgan

Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Charley in Of Yesteryear ]

Q: I met a wonderful woman and love her very much. But, at the time of our meeting and for the first few years of our relationship, I was dealing with feelings of worthlessness, which led to a type of sexual addiction. I realize now because of all the sex addiction reality shows. I basically kept seeking sexual conquests to prove my own self worth. Never really realizing sex didn’t make you valuable to anyone. I wasn’t loyal. And she caught me in video chat mutual masturbation with an ex-girl friend during her pregnancy.

A year ago she decided to end our engagement and take our now 2-year old son, using the sins of my past, 4 years earlier as an excuse. She did this while I was in hospital suffering a Multiple Sclerosis exacerbation and using the last of my savings to keep our apartment. This caused a lot of ill will with my family.

We agreed on joint custody, 3.5 days each, and entered a purely sexual relationship. After nine months of this arrangement and being told over and over again that I should find someone, I did. When she found out she became enraged, and during a drunken night of sex she called the new girl and had her listen to us having sex, ending the new relationship. She claimed that I betrayed her again, although for 9 months she had told me to pursue other women. When I mentioned this, her response was that we were still having sex. Yes, but she was telling me to pursue a real relationship with someone else at the same time.

We continued to have sex on days when our son was with his grandparents, and purchased several sex toys and videos for our entertainment. I am on permanent Social Security Disability, so these purchases where a slight economic burden, but I wanted to maintain some relationship with her. I still really do love her, and I wish I had been able to see my problems before we met. I blame myself for what happened. I want to know if I should still pursue relations with her in hopes that we will reconcile – or if this is a fool’s dream?

Our son is almost 3 now, and I don’t want him to be the silent victim of his messed up parents.


May 2011 09

by Damon Martin

Ever since taking over the House of Representatives with the last elections in 2010, the Republican party has been screaming to the proverbial heavens about reducing the national budget by cutting spending and unnecessary programs.

However the GOP seems hell bent on side-stepping issues like cutting the national defense budget or dealing with Social Security, and instead are concentrating on finding new ways to erode and destroy women’s rights – especially when it comes to abortion.

Seeking to advance their social agenda since taking over the House, Republicans have been targeting programs like Planned Parenthood for termination. Their latest such atrocity, is the passing of HR-3, also known as the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act,” which was passed on May 4 by a vote of 251-175 (all Republicans and 16 Democrats voted for the bill).


May 2011 09

by Jay Hathaway

“Sometimes being onstage is better than sex.”
– Brian Molko

Brian Molko, the always-engaging frontman of Placebo, has been around the world twice since SuicideGirls last checked in with him. Although Placebo has had a successful decade-long career in the UK and Europe, they’ve never managed a full-on conquest of America. This summer’s Projekt Revolution tour, headlined by Linkin Park, might be the Trojan Horse that finally gets them through the gate. Did Placebo take their new audience by surprise, or was it the other way around? I got a chance to talk to Brian as he was getting ready for one of the last shows of a year and a half of touring.

Read our exclusive interview with Brian Molko on

May 2011 09

Patton Suicide in Tweet Tweet

  • INTO: Art, broccoli, bats, body piercings, tattoos, Halloween, loud music, things that hurt, tight pants, loyalty, lunchboxes, dancing, quantum physics, workaholics, astral projection, needles, respect, monsters, insomniacs, wormholes, math equations, empathy, gore, mass murderers, machines, alternate dimensions, coupons, anatomy, Tetris, zombies, sharp objects, shiny things, comfy tees, short shorts.
  • NOT INTO: Nonsense, egos, arrogance, hustlers, skanks, injuring myself while barefoot, grocery shopping, being cold, batteries dieing, alarms going off, spilling things, interruptions, pretentious attitudes, cops, doppelgangers.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Picture texts, phone calls, body warmth, cats, boobs, sweet tea, surprises, broccoli, holding hands, kisses on the forehead, getting tucked in, Ugg boots, bats, sketchbooks.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Brooms, iPod running out of power, getting out of bed, burning my hair with my cigarettes, nosebleeds, laundry, icebergs, the ocean.
  • HOBBIES: Reading, painting, singing songs to myself, causing general pandemonium, dancing, being naked.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Sunglasses, my cat, cigarettes, loud music.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Daydreaming, working non-stop, untangling my hair, pulling out eyelashes that stab me in the eye, pretending I’m a princess.

Get to know Patton better over at!

May 2011 07

by Shotgun Suicide

The Suicide Girls have some pretty awesomely amazing and wonderfully fabulous moms – a few of them are in this video.

A tribute to mothers, with love from all at SuicideGirls.


Music: “Ideal Cosmos” by Tokyo Pinsalocks courtesy of

May 2011 06

by Aaron Colter

Hope you liked last week’s column about graffiti, it was probably the best post since the one about pirates. I was going to write something really great this week, I swear. But, drinks were had, songs were sung, and I have a stack of photo booth prints I can’t shown anyone. Fuck.

So, you’re going to have to settle for some music recommendations and that’s about it.


May 2011 06

by Mur Lafferty

SuicdeGirls presents the sixth installment of our Fiction Friday sci-fi series, Marco and the Red Granny, which is brought to you by SG columnist Mighty Mur a.k.a. cyber commentator Mur Lafferty.

Marco and the Red Granny is set in a not-so-distant future where an alien species, the Li-Jun, has transformed the moon into the new artistic center of the universe, where the Sally Ride Lunar Base soon gains the nickname “Mollywood.” These aliens can do amazing things with art and the senses, allowing a painting, for example, to stimulate senses other than sight.

In the previous installments, Marco, a writer whose career has long been in the doldrums, gets a surprise call from an agent he thought he no longer had, informing him that he had received an offer from Mollywood for a much coveted Li-Jun patronage. Keen to catch up career-wise with his ex-GF Penelope, who’d unceremoniously dumped him after being recruited by the Li-Jun two years earlier, Marco jumps on the next shuttle to the moon. Once aboard, he finds himself sitting next to a seemingly unassuming old lady called Heather, who turns out to be The Red Granny, a legend in Li-Jun’s reality show world for being a three-time champion of The Most Dangerous Game (which requires contestants to sign away the rights to their life).

We join Marco as he settles into his new accommodations at House Blue. After a brief meeting with his new patron, a Li-Jun called Thirteen, Marco realizes he’s never been shown the terms of his employment. A sense of unease sets in as he prepares for the evening’s designated entertainment – a trip to see The Most Dangerous Game. He dons a not-so-simple Li-Jun-made white button down shirt, which smells like an apple orchard in fall and gives those that brush it a shocking sense that they are actually among the ripening trees, takes a quick gulp, and heads to the “battlefield” with his new friend Heather and his Li-Jun handler Six.
