by Blogbot

“Comic Con + Suicide Girls = Probably one of the best weekends of my life.”
– Rlei Suicide
Continuing our tradition of cosplay at Comic Con, this year SuicideGirls rocked outfits inspired by a ‘historical’ character from Issue 2 of the new SG Comic (see top left) as drawn by Cameron Stewart (he and Missy came by the booth and signed copies of the comic for fans – see pic top right). The costumes, which were whipped up by Junker Designs, were such a hit the ladies of booth 1632 even made the cover of Entertainment Weekly’s Comic Con photo gallery!
Thanks to everyone who stopped by to say hi! We hope you had as much fun as we did.
For more images check out our SG at SDCC photo gallery.
(Images courtesy of Ackley, Bob, Callioppe, Chris Gore, Drama, Exning, KingMuerte, Lolana, Milloux, Radeo, Rambo, Rlei, Seena, Tank, and Tita.)
by Jensen
This post is going to be completely different than the usual Doing it with Jensen posts. I’ve got this friend, Ocell, who co-writes Food We Chew. He always posts all of this amazing looking food but I’ve never seen any real evidence that he can cook. So I proposed that we do a blog together. Basically, I wanted an excuse for a cute dude to make me food, and I saw pictures of these amazing looking bagels he had made and decided I needed them in my stomach. My life is tough! Anyways, I’m behind the camera this time, not in front! Sorry gentlemen, this one is for the ladies. Or something.
If you don’t have a bread machine, you’re pretty much fucked. And not in a good way. No bagels for you, sorry :[. I’m sure there are plenty of awesome non-bread machine bagel recipes, but this is not one of those.
If you want the full recipe and directions, check out
by Fred Topel
“I use The Weekly World News to teach my son how to read.”
– Errol Morris
For some reason I expected Errol Morris to be a really serious documentarian trying to blow the lid off a scandal. Instead he was happy and smiling and laughing. He even made a joke that my two digital records (one for backup) were brother and sister. Morris has explored topics like police corruption in The Thin Blue Line and Abu Ghraib in SOP. His latest film, Tabloid tells a story we may not know, with a theme that still resonates today.
Joyce McKinney caused a scandal in the ‘70s when she allegedly kidnapped Kirk Anderson from the Mormon Church. At the time, the London tabloids either glorified her as a beautiful heroine or slammed her as a sexual predator. Today it takes far simpler scandals to make someone a tabloid star. For the film, Morris conducted an interview with McKinney and some of the other men who knew her, helped her or tried to stop her. The story unfolds in their own words, with a few on screen images for emphasis.
I spoke with Morris about today’s media, tabloid or otherwise.
Read our exclusive interview with Errol Morris on
Celina Suicide in Home Sweet Home

- INTO: Audio engineering, music, art, dancing, tequila and beer, photography, traveling, concerts, singing, coffee.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: Coffee, beer, good music, great friends, dancing, stars, the ocean.
- HOBBIES: Singing, my band, dancing, sports, drinking, partying, skiing.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Music, a good drink, dancing, vacation and journeys, my job.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Free time, what is this?? I spend most of my time making music, living music, dancing to music. I’m audio engineer my hobby is my life. No free time, but a lot of good times 🙂
Get to know Celina better over at!