Aug 2012 30

by David Seaman

Look, we all know it has become bad. Surveillance cameras everywhere, many of them funded by federal DHS grants. Cops pulling people over for no reason, asking to see your driver’s license and quizzing you on where you’re going. TSA agents conducting invasive patdowns, which include applying pressure to your genitalia, and obnoxious “chat-downs” asking you about your personal travel details. Police officers at peaceful protests wearing camo and combat-ready body armor. And now we know, based on The New York Times‘ recent reporting and NSA whistle-blower William Binney, that nearly all American citizens are being spied on by the government without a warrant.

It’s heart warming stuff, isn’t it? Luckily, only a handful of crypto-fascist morons are promoting this agenda of greater surveillance and more police on the streets. There are 314 million of us. Here’s how we can take America back:

1. Remain non-violent and peaceful, at all times. Seriously – things like smashing surveillance cameras and protests turning violent or disorderly will only give those in power and the mainstream media an “excuse” they’ve been looking for to justify the existence of such programs in the first place. Oh, and the DHS grants won’t stop – those surveillance cameras you smash, youthful angry one, will be replaced. Promptly replaced.

2. When you protest, go big. I don’t want to see any more rag-tag teams of 10 or 15 chanting protesters with handwritten signs. Use the Internet to organize, do peaceful and fun “flash mobs,” make sure attendance is always in the thousands or hundreds of thousands. Stun the rest of us with your silent power. And do it often. NDAA, TrapWire, and the warrantless surveillance programs we now know about threaten the very future of this republic. They threaten your safety, and the next generation’s safety. You can’t stop until these things are addressed by the masses, addressed by those in power, and fixed.

3. Shirt and tie. Suits. Shaving. Haircuts. The more credible you appear, the more undeniably mainstream – the sooner the rest of America will wake the fuck up.

4. Dominate social media. There are reportedly “sockpuppet accounts” on article comments sections, Twitter, and Reddit trying to normalize things like warrantless wiretapping. “If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear – this is to protect us from terrorists only.” Fight this propaganda battle tooth and nail. Call out those who don’t know what they are talking about. Call out those intentionally distracting or lying.

5. Record it all. We may not all be at your protests, but with YouTube and Vimeo you can reach an audience 100-fold greater the next day.

6. Support good politicians. There aren’t many, which is why they need your support – money and time – to remain in office.

7. Never stop. The stakes are too high. If warrantless wiretapping, gropedowns, guilty until innocent, and imprisonment without trial become the “new normal” to keep us safe, we have lost our own country. We have burned our own founding documents. We can’t afford to let that happen.


Aug 2012 30

Erae Suicide in Cookie Monster

  • INTO: Friends, metal music, hardcore music, tattoo, exotic animals, pasta, chinese food, ear plugs, piercings, horror films, popcorn, dance at the disco, chat, cats and dogs, vodka, rock festivals, go shopping, football, Nutty (happy tree friends), Doraemon, beach, sea…. and a lot more.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Animal Abuse 🙁
  • HOBBIES: Playing World Of Warcraft and Diablo III.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My PC, my mobile phone, my pets, cigarettes, my iPod.

Get to know Erae better over at!

Aug 2012 30

by The Wine Guy

Beer! Beeeeeer! Homer Simpson is not alone in drooling about beer. There are many days where I patiently count the minutes till work is done, and I can go home and have a nice cold brewski! Where wine is an elegant drink to be enjoyed and marveled at, and spirits are a challenging riddle or a philosophical question, beer is your girl or boy next door, available, accessible, and affordable! Beer has changed so much in my lifetime that it is rather hard to believe. When I turned twenty-one, if I wanted to buy an exotic beer I’d get a Heineken, and I’d be considered an elitist for doing so. If I was really lucky they might have Chimay, which was like buying a beer from outer space. Today our choices are enormous and growing daily. So the question is, why are you still drinking the same old crappy beer? What are you terrified of? Why do these crappy beers even still exist? Friends do not let friends drink Bud, Coors, or Miller! You want to buy American, be my guest, but choose from thousands of quality craft brews that kick ass!

I’m far from a beer expert; beer remains a wonderful hobby that I practice daily. While I do not have the passion for it that I do for wine and spirits, it occupies a special and wonderful place in my heart. So I am not going to give you a break down on the difference between a stout and a lager, there are plenty of beer geeks that can help you with that. Instead I am here once again to make a desperate and impassioned plea for you to stop drinking crap and start buying better beer. When you buy better beer it helps all of us. When a brewmaster decides to buy French chardonnay barrels and age their beer in them, and then you and I buy it, we send a message that says keep doing things like that. When he sees bud outselling his beer by a huge number he sees a message of hopelessness. Lets continue to encourage these wonderful brewmasters to take these risks and continue to push beer to higher and higher levels.

Take a chance on that odd label with the great description. Try a style you have never had before. I’m not a hophead. I do not think that more hops equates to better beers. Based on who buys hoppy beers, it would seem that I just missed the hop generation cut off. That said, there are hoppy beers that I enjoy immensely. When I am shopping for beer, I tell the expert that I do not like hoppy beers unless they are well balanced, but I remain open to suggestions, because someone passionate and knowledgeable about their craft is always worth listening to. When I hear the enthusiasm in the voice, and see the twinkle in their eyes, I feel that it is a risk worth taking. If they are wrong, then I am out ten bucks. Oh well. You might have spent your whole life avoiding pilsners, but there might be a twist on the style that you really enjoy. I encountered Chimay at a young age and enjoyed it, but I did not know that there were tons more Belgian beers and lots of other Belgian styles. The first time I had a Belgian sour it blew my mind! Have you had one? If the answer is no I have not, but yes I like sour things, then stop reading this, get in your car, and go buy a sour beer. If the answer is no I have not, but I do not enjoy sour things, then find a friend of yours that does, have them get it, and then try a sip of theirs.

The point is, that there is a huge world of beer out there and it is getting bigger daily. Spend a little more and get a bigger return on your investment. The reason that 750ml of beer might cost 15 bucks is because it was expensive to make. It was not some factory beer churned out by machines. Instead you are buying a hand-crafted beer that was monitored and cared for during the entire brewing process. You are going to an event, and you want to bring beer, do not buy a six-pack of blue moon, that you can get anywhere. Go into the shop and say to the person, I like blue moon, but I want to try something new. If you bring a New Zealand IPA to the party then you will have yourself a conversation piece. You can all talk about how different it is from the Sierra Nevada that five other people brought. You will be a hero! Bring a bourbon-aged stout, grab a Belgian IPA, take a high-end cider, do something different, we only live once! Your mission should be to go out there and find the best and most interesting beers available, not to play it safe and drink the same beer over and over and over ad nauseum!

This is the simplest of all my pleas. This is not a huge investment of your time or your money. This is a request that you take a small risk the next time you are purchasing a beer. That you engage your local beer expert in conversation let them get a sense of your taste, and let them broaden it for you. There will be a great reward for your endeavor; there are beers out there that you have not even dreamed of. There are beers out there that will stay in your thoughts long after you drank them. It is a new world of beer, whatever you like, there is a beer that is being made for you. Stop settling for less and start demanding more. You can buy corona next time, or better yet, never again. But I like light beers! Well that is great so buy a Belgian white, a German hefe, British pale ale, and start to experience just how awesome and varied light beers can be.

Soon I will be at work watching people buy the same old six packs, but some people will be asking me what they should try, and after a two minute conversation they will be going home with a fantastic beer while the other person…well sometimes you get what you deserve.

Dry Dock Brewing image: JackalAnon / ohaiworld


The Wine Guy sells wine for a living, and lives to drink it. It’s his first and foremost passion. He avoids factory wines, loves to seek out bottles that are interesting and unique, and gets excited when he finds a grape he’s have never heard of.

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Aug 2012 30

by Sex Toy Expert Moxi Suicide

Hands down this is my favorite bullet. Years ago, while I still worked at Bed Behavior, my co-worker and I sat testing out vibrators on the tips of our fingers. We popped in the batteries, hand sanitized and let ‘em whir. I had triple AAA’s in a quick little flicker clitoral vibrator and my co–worker had put double AA’s in a purple textured bullet. “Woah,” she said reaching over and touching the vibrator to my index finger, “feel this, imagine how good this would feel down there.” My lips parted with pleasure. “Oh my god, I have to get that one!”

The Nubby Bullet is made by Cal Exotics and boasts that it’s 100% silicone, so don’t use this with your silicone lubricant! Using a silicone lubricant with a silicone toy is always a no-no because the silicone in the lubricant and the silicone in the toy will bond together and destroy your toy overtime by pulling away tiny bits of it. Use water based lubes with this guy instead!

The speed is variable and controlled through a dial on the hand held portion of the vibrator. You can easily adjust speed with one hand while using the bullet part on your lady bits. I hate having to reach down and blindly search for speed control, so having the controls close by is a big plus.

The vibrations on the bullet are strong and low. It’s a bit loud, so you definitely need to turn up the tunes when this one is in use. The nodules on the end provide its bit of uniqueness from other bullet vibrators. You can get creative and experiment with pressure and the angles that you press the textured bit of the bullet into yourself with.

The first time I used the Nubby BulletI knew it was destined to be a staple in my vibrator collection. I had a fantastic orgasm with the Nubby Bullet and kept going back for more. This is the vibrator I’ve given most as a gift, and everyone has appreciated it!
