Apr 2012 28

by Blogbot

[Moxi Suicide in Marquee]

This Sunday (April 29) on SuicideGirls Radio, host Nicole Powers (SG’s Managing Editor) will be joined live in-studio by Moxi Suicide.

Moxi has modeled for SuicideGirls since 2008. She is a self proclaimed sexpert and is currently developing her own vibrator line. A CSULA Graduate, she is a passionate advocate for gay rights and women’s sexual exploration. She enjoys seeing live music in her spare time. Follow her at @sgmoxi.

Tune in to the world’s leading naked radio show for two hours of totally awesome tunes and extreme conversation – and don’t let yo’ momma listen in!

Listen to SG Radio live Sunday night from 10 PM til Midnight at:

And follow @SG_Radio on Twitter because we like cyberstalkers.

Apr 2012 26

by Laurelin

It’s been a long time since I’ve done this. I remember the feeling like it was yesterday, a once sharp pain now only a memory that makes me cringe only because of the way I almost remember feeling. It’s faded now, the sharp feeling of loss from so long ago to be replaced with this new experience, one that’s a bit more bittersweet and almost entirely silly.

I remember the first time. I was standing at the Ocean Mist in Rhode Island at an all ages rock show. The bar was perfect; on stilts that went into the ocean so when you looked away from the crowded stage and sticker covered walls you could see only the blue of the ocean. The windows were open in the summer and you could taste the salt on your tongue while you breathed in the bass from the speakers. As a teenager, it was heaven.

I had had a crush on this guy forever, and I had decided that while we were all out that night I was finally going to tell him how I felt. The music faded to a dull pounding in my brain as I walked over to him, and my stomach flipped somersaults. I somehow managed to spit it out, not remembering exactly what I said but distinctly remembering his face, his blank expression that told me that I was wrong, he would never like me back, and I turned and ran. Later a friend told me that he was embarrassed, that I was too tall, disproportionate. I wanted to die.

All these years later, finally comfortable with who I am, how tall I am, my life and my choices. All these years later still struggling with the truth and just finally giving up and telling someone I still have feelings for them even though I know nothing good will come of it. I don’t know why I said it. I don’t know why I felt the need to tell him, it’s not like I couldn’t sleep or live without finally getting this off my chest. I know it was stupid and it does nothing but makes things awkward. (All these years later that still hasn’t changed.)

I don’t feel better. I don’t know if I feel worse. I don’t think things can be the same, but they shouldn’t have to be different. I imagine that in the grand scheme of my life, this is going to be something I look back on and laugh at. A psychic once held my hand and said, “You have already been so lucky, you’ve had two great loves and two great heartbreaks. This thing you hold, this is neither. So why can’t you move on?”

It’s something that now, I can remedy with calling other ex-boyfriends and drinking with girlfriends, where as back then I cried myself to sleep for days. This time, only a train ride home with a bit of smudged mascara, a woeful realization that I’m not as tough as I make myself out to be. I feel bad for myself. I feel bad for making him struggle to find the right words to not hurt my feelings. I feel bad for the past three guys I’ve dated, because I have kicked them all to the curb with a handful of lies and half truths once we hit the one month period. Better off alone until I figure this out, don’t like to be alone so I start things I can’t finish.

“It’s okay, because you know this is silly,” my roommate says as I’m trying not to let anyone at the bar see me cry. “I know,” I mumble, and I DO know. I don’t even notice the guy walking up behind me and ordering shots. “Two please,” he says and passes one to me with a kind smile. My eyes dry almost instantly, and I know how stupid I must look. We cheers and the shot goes down like fire, but I seem to have found my coy smile, and this guy is kind of cute.

“Rough night?” he asks.

“It’s nothing,” I say smoothly, and the lie spreads like butter on warm toast, so well that I almost believe it. Almost.


Apr 2012 25

by Nahp Suicide

[Baz in Let Me Bang]

Shazzy is from Montreal. She currently splits her time between Montreal, Toronto and Tokyo. She has been an SG photographer since 2005 and has shot more than 200 sets.

How did you first get involved with SuicideGirls?

I had a couple friends (Tao and Raquel) who were interested in modeling for the site. This was February 2005. It was a total coincidence that I ended up shooting their sets a day apart. SG was just starting to blow up in Montreal back then.

What’s your background photography-wise?

I have a degree in photography from Dawson College. I graduated just in time – the following year they destroyed the darkrooms and switched 100% to digital photography.

[CurLee in Hell Yes]

What was the first photo you had published?

I think it was a shot of Ritchie Hawtin in the Montreal Mirror. 

How would you describe your style?

Minimal. DIY.

What gear do you use?

Canon 5D Mark II

[Reo in Squeaky Clean]

How important is Photoshop in your final images?

It used to be really important but in the last few years I’ve really toned it back. These days I usually clear up some blemishes and that’s it. Less is more.

What gives you ideas and inspires you to create such amazing sets?


[Silvia in Stay On The Line]

What is your favorite image?

This one (NSFW) of Silvia from Stay On The Line.

Tell us why it’s your fave and how you achieved it?

I’m a huge fan of natural light and I like how the silhouette really accentuates her curves. I achieved it by underexposing a couple stops.

Is there anybody or anything you would love to photograph that you haven’t?

A sunset in Nebraska. Or Mick Jagger! He’s fuckin ballin.

[Tao in Spider Girl]

[Silvia & Sliver in Candy Kiss]

[Kali in Blue Dog Motel]

[Eli in The Metro]


Apr 2012 23

by SG’s Team Agony feat. Lexie

Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Lexie in Speres]

Q: I have a question for you geek goddesses and suicidal scarlets. I am pretty good at introducing myself, making friendly, and getting a girl’s number, but I am not good at what happens next. Sometimes I feel like I don’t wait long enough and other times I feel like it’s way too late for me now. But even worse, what do you do? Call? Text? What to say or write? How do you even get to asking her out on a date? How do I use a girl’s number to my advantage?

Much love and respect.

A: You’ve done the hardest part, gotten the girl’s number. Bravo to you on that. A lot of the time sucking it up and making the first move is the hardest part. Everything that comes after should be natural. It sounds like you’re putting too much pressure on yourself to have the “go to” next step as far as dating is concerned. Every person is different, and they handle dating differently. Some people like to move with the speed of a jack rabbit while others are slow and steady like a tortoise.

From this gal’s point of view, after you get a girl’s number, two to three days seems like a good amount of time to wait before reaching out and making contact. This day and age I don’t know of very many people that actually talk on the phone, so texting may be your best bet. Let’s be real, even if you called you may have to leave her a voicemail, now that could get awkward.

So, give it two to three days, shoot her over a text to show a little interest and take it from there. If she seems receptive, ask her out to a movie, dinner, drinks, hell whatever you want. If she doesn’t seem receptive, lay off for a while. She’ll either come around, or it’s a lost cause.

Either way, happy texting!



Got Problems? Let SuicideGirls’ team of Agony Aunts provide solutions. Email questions to:

Apr 2012 20

by Blogbot / Photography: Janae Jones

SuicideGirls marked the last night Of Emerald City Comic Con with their SuicideGirls Take The Northwest soiree at Lo-Fi in Seattle, WA. Tita, Bella, and Rydell Suicide hosted the event, while DJ Jay Battle and Mello Drama provided entertainment.


You don’t often get second chances in life, but if you missed the SuicideGirls Take The Northwest fun earlier this month, you’ll have another chance to party with the SG posse. This time the good times happen north o’ the border to celebrate Fan Expo, and will feature Cruella, Aadie, Meshell, Pirate, Shanti, Ceres, Alkaline, Rydell, Peatrie, Harajuku, Yulia, Femme, Rin, and host Tita Suicide.

Where: Malone’s Urban Drinkery, 608 Pender Street, Vancouer, BC
When: Saturday, April 21st. 9 pm ’til late.


Apr 2012 19

by Shotgun Suicide

Suicide Girls are more than just pretty faces. When they’re not taking their clothes off and posing for pictures (and writing blogs), they’re making music, playing video games, getting dermal piercings, doing their hair, dancing in their undies – and making videos of themselves doing it.

This compilation, put together by Shotgun Suicide, highlights some of the best, the most memorable, and the plain silliest, from the past month. Tune in next month for another “Best Of” compilation.


Music: “Mirror” by Tokyo Pinsalocks – courtesy of

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Apr 2012 17

by Nahp Suicide

[Above: Sawa in Fascination Game shot by Zoetica]

Sawa is a model and a photographer who has worked with SuicideGirls since 2004. She has shot more than 100 sets and has been featured in SG’s films.

How did you first get involved with SuicideGirls?

I first started with Suicide Girls as a model. It was about 8 years ago. Missy shot me in my friend’s Hollywood apartment at dusk. I have to admit, one of my main motivations for getting in the mix for SG was to get on the other side of the camera too. I was already shooting a bit and convincing my friends to get naked for me.

What’s your background photography-wise?

Originally I took some photo classes at a few community colleges. I did some darkroom classes at Pierce College and did the whole photo program at Pasadena City College. But back then everything was shot on film. I remember I once spent a few years only shooting on 4″x5″ film. I had to re-learn a lot of things when I switched to digital. 
I also learn a lot from working on set. I do camera work on commercials and movies, and I’d say this is where I have done the most learning. They light things differently. I used to use only flash and natural light, and now I’ve become partial to continuous lighting. 

[Moxi in Revenge]

What was the first photo you had published?

That’s hard to say. I think some of the first photos I had published were in the metal scene. I’m pretty sure it was for my friend Chris Dodge’s label Slap-a-ham. I shot a lot of grindcore and noise bands back then and he put some of my black & white photos in the “Short Fast and Loud” compilation. I think most of my early published photos had to do with bands.

How would you describe your style?

I think certain styles or “looks” vary per shoot and what you are going after. I do like certain photos to look like a still out of a movie instead of a posed portrait. When I’m not shooting SG stuff, I like a lot of conceptual portraits. One of the trademark series I have been doing is my “Viva Banditas” series and those are a bit more raw and gritty and street art style. 

What gear do you use?

Usually a Canon 5D. Lately I’ve been shooting a lot more Polaroids. When I shoot film I use a Mamiya RZ67 Pro II. I also have a panoramic camera and a whole collection of vintage medium format cameras. I also have a LOT of fun with Diana and Holga cameras.

For lighting my favorite portrait light is a gem ball (learned this from movie lighting), and I use Diva Kino lights a lot. Sometimes I use strobes…and for outdoor shooting it’s always good to carry a shiny bounce. 

[Friskey in Road Trip]

How important is Photoshop in your final images?

Sometimes you can create a cool look with Photoshop but I believe all of your exposure control should be done in camera. I would never want to rely on Photoshop to save an image. I try to be consistent throughout a shoot. Photoshop can definitely help polish an image, which is good for fashion stuff. But for SuicideGirls we like the girls to be real so I think it’s important to not go too heavy on the Photoshop.

What gives you ideas and inspires you to create such amazing sets?

I love shooting inspiring girls that naturally give you great ideas. It’s such a treat to shoot a muse like that. I also get a lot of ideas from music. I sometimes get images in my head of an idea for a shoot and I have to write it down or else I will forget it for sure.

[Amina in One For The Road]

What is your favorite image?

Impossible! It’s too hard to narrow it down. 

Is there anybody or anything you would love to photograph that you haven’t?

As far as the site goes, I’ve been really lucky to shoot some amazing girls from around the world. I still haven’t shot Lass or Manko and I hope that will come soon. I have ideas for both of those girls!
In general, I have ideas to last me for like the next 10 years and a huge blessing would be to one day have the time to devote myself full time to these projects. And just to add more things to my plate, I’m in prep to start directing some music videos. In the meantime, I’ve also started running a gallery in the arts district of Downtown LA (Get Her! La Compound gallery) so I’m getting a huge kick out of collaborating with other fellow artists. Everything from street art, to fine art, and most definitely photography. I sometimes wish there were more hours in the day.

For more on Sawa visit: and

[Sarabi in Super]
