by Tara Diane
I recently discovered quick-dry casting resin and can’t get enough of it. Casting resin comes in two bottles. When you mix them together it forms this liquid plasticy shit (I don’t really care about the science), which you can then pour into molds and let harden into a solid plastic-like substance. So today, our DIY project is space invader resin magnets! Or just any resin magnet shape you choose; we don’t discriminate.
by Tara Diane
Today we are making a string… glue… balloon… lamp thing! This is probably one of my favorite projects to do; this is the third one that I’ve made. I can take zero credit for the idea, it’s totally 100% these awesome people. I’m posting a few variations from their instructions, but they’re the original, so they probably know better than I do. I’m posting it here because… well, I just fricking love it.
by Tara Diane
So before you say “what the fuckkkkk” at the idea of chocolate bacon cupcakes, just hear me out. A while back I bought this chocolate bar
for my then-boyfriend. It was basically one of those I-am-buying-this-for-you-but-really-it’s-for-me things. Anyways, it was DELICIOUS. For realsies! So I made it a mission to make up a good bacon cupcake. Also, someone just told me they had bacon maple cupcakes on Cupcake Wars, so the idea can’t be THAT bad. [..]
It seems like all we hear about these days is how the economy is in the crapper, so I am doing my part to save some money and make a kick ass accessory at the same time. The great thing about making something from scratch is it’s completely customizable. I went to the fabric store and got a couple of yards of different fabrics that tickled my fancy and got to sewin’. This is how to make a quick and adorable tote bag.
by Tara Diane
So I’m sure most of you have heard of the Rasterbator, but I’m sincerely sad for those of you that have not! Rasterbator is the most insanely easy and cheap decorating tool in the fricking world. You take any small image and Rasterbator makes that shit gianormous! Hells yeah, right?! [..]
by Tara Diane
Homemade ‘Guess Who?’ is a super fantastico gift for a friend who has everything and appreciates unique gifts. I’m personally a board game junkie, and since I absolutely kick ass at ‘Guess Who?’ (yes, I’m bragging about being good at an “ages 6-12” game) I decided to make a customized board for myself. Whatever you choose to do with your board… enjoy! Now, on with the directions. [..]
by Tara Diane
So I bought one of these ice cube shot glass molds. They’re pretty cool and all, but I mostly bought them so that I could perform super scientific experiments with them. My favorite experiment was using a super awesome fruit snack recipe in them to create, well, literal jello shots. They’re incredibly easy, edible, and bound to impress your friends. I recommend these for a small gathering, not for that kegger you’re planning down at the frathouse. [..]