by Alexander Hinkley for Examiner

[Squeak in I Am]
Squeak is this week’s SuicideGirl gamer of the week. She is a sweet, shy girl who not only really loves comic books, but also is into video games. I spoke with her about which games she likes most and she also shared what she believes is the meaning behind the name “SuicideGirls.”
What is the story behind your SuicideGirls nickname, “Squeak”?
Anyone who has ever met me in person can tell you that, haha. I have a high voice…which only gets higher and squeakier as I get more nervous or shy. (And being an introvert with social anxiety, it happens quite a lot!) I got the nickname back in High School and I guess it just stuck. I sort of embraced it eventually and made it my SG name.
How did you first get into modeling?
I started modeling when I was about 14 years old. At the time, there were no internet agencies. You had to be with an agency or have some kind of actual representation. I worked for a local modeling agency for a couple years before branching out on my own. Going independent gives you more freedom, but the money is no where as good as when I had an agency.
You have a lot of sets with different hair colors. Blue, pink, red, blonde…which is your favorite look?
Hmmmm…well I guess I like them all in their own way. I tire of hair color pretty quickly and I am always excited to try something different. Although I love doing bright colors, it is not always fun (or convenient!) to stand out. The advantage to going blonde is that I can sort of blend in a bit easier…so I always seem to eventually return to my natural blonde color. At least for a bit.
What are some of your all-time favorite games?
Well, nostalgia often plays a big part in what I pick as far as my “favorites” go. The first series I ever played were the Kings Quest games on my grandmother’s Tandy computer. So I was sort of raised on RPGs. When Baldur’s Gate came out in the late 90’s, I really experienced my first great love. I probably played that game for two years straight; over and over again, I still compare every single RPG I play to Baldur’s Gate.
I also love Silent Hill 2. I’ll never forget the day I finished it and watched the ending where you find out what sort of man James really is. It blew my mind. The overall atmosphere and game play was incredibly surreal and enjoyable. Not to mention Pyramid Head! What an awesome bad guy.
Lastly, I’d have to go with Halo. I know it is sort of a cliché nowadays, particularly amongst Xbox users, but you have got to give credit where credit is due. The first Halo game had an amazing storyline and the Halo series has had such a huge impact on the younger generation of gamers. Every time I see some kids bouncing around and shooting on Call of Duty or Left 4 Dead, I immediately know they were raised on Halo. They play every FPS like they are Master Chief and in low gravity. It cracks me up.
Which system do you prefer?
I am definitely an Xbox fan. I have most of the other systems as well; Wii, Playstation, etc…but I always go back to Xbox. I think it has to do with the size of the controller; I like a big controller. What can I say? I’m a “Size Queen!” Haha!
What are you currently playing?
I’ve been going back and forth between Halo 4 and Red Dead Redemption. I have a stack of RPGs piled up next to my computer that I hope to get around to when I have more time.
How’s Halo 4 stack up to previous games in the series in your opinion?
The storyline is great! Much more akin to the first Halo as far as that sort of thing goes. I enjoyed Halo 2 and 3 but the storylines and boards didn’t grip me enough to play them over and over again. I ended up finishing them and just putting them away. But I think I will most likely play through Halo 4 a few times before moving on.
It is also visually stunning. I am usually not too picky about graphics in games other than RPGs, but Halo 4 is definitely going to be setting the bar higher in the FPS realm.
Do you prefer playing games online or offline?
Offline. I take things way too personally. When I lose against a computer, I get a bit frustrated, walk away for a while, and then come back and try again. When I lose against a person, I am angry for days and fantasize about going to their house and kicking them hard in the shins before running off into the night. I just wasn’t designed to play well with others.
Are you into motion gaming at all?
A little bit. I was really into Wii when it first came out and then later got the Kinect. By then I started to lose interest. I work as a fitness instructor and aerialist, so by the time I get home at the end of the day, the last thing I want to do is jump around in front of my console. Sitting is so much better.

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