Feb 2011 17

by A.J. Focht

Whether you started out playing “Smoke on the Water” using three buttons or if you could 100% “Through Fire and Flame,” the Guitar Hero franchise holds a special place in the heart of the gaming community. That place is now held in memoriam, since last week Activision Blizzard pulled the plug on the groundbreaking series.

While Guitar Hero was not the first format to introduce musical play, it brought the genre up to the forefront of gaming. The first Guitar Hero game gained a lot of attention. Gamers put away their first-person-shooters and real-time-strategy games, instead turning their game nights into miniature rock concerts. After Red Octane (who owned the rights to Guitar Hero) was bought by Activision, Harmonix (who had actually developed the original game) subsequently released their rival Rock Band format, which created some hard competition for the Guitar Hero franchise.


Feb 2011 16

by Damon Martin

“Can you tell me how to get…how to get to Sesame Street?”

According to the Republicans if you’re following Big Bird, you’re following a leftist liberal who will walk you straight into an abortion clinic while asking for government handouts.

Okay, yes that’s a bit extreme, but Republicans have once again set their sites on cutting spending within the government, while looking in all the wrong places. Much like the Republican House of Representatives before them, the newest legislature has again targeted the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) for elimination, proposing to cut all funds supplied by the Federal Government.


Feb 2011 11

by Brandon Perkins

In the previous installment of our futuristic fiction series, Please Use Rear Exit, Mikhail, who recently x-ed his GF (Katya), ventures out for his first major post-break up night on the tiles with the boys. Unable to cut the ties completely, and with reminders in the form of text messages still causing his phone and his emotions to vibrate, Mikhail recalls his first breakup with Katya a year ago after temptation moved into the next cubicle at work. Meanwhile, Katya is similarly “enjoying” a night out with the girls. Though she’s putting lot of effort into her “over it” front, beneath the thin veneer, as with Mikhail, her mind’s in turmoil.

Please Use Rear Exit: Chapter 9 – Mirror, Mirror

The scene in front of the mirror was absurd. Just wanting to touch up her mascara, Katya was finding reflective real estate hard to come by. Nipples were being forced back into tube tops as breasts were pushed together and back out. Faces ducked in close to the glass and everyone clucked away in the background. Spectacularly bedecked fingernails flicked at specs of makeup gone astray. Elbows flailed with more fury than the numerous turns of various lipsticks. A plethora of squinting and straining smiles dominated the mirror, turning the would-be reflection of harsh fluorescent lights into a pitch-black sea of narcissism. Katya couldn’t find a space to look at herself. The commotion upset her stomach more than it already was; acid churned into the swills of Smirnoff and tonic. She searched hopelessly for a sliver of space, if only to make sure that there wasn’t anything in her teeth or hair.


Jan 2011 31

by Blogbot

Subway trains come fitted with the perfect poles for dancing – and an inbuilt audience – so it’s almost churlish not to make use of the facilities at hand.


Jan 2011 27

by Blogbot

Facebook are rolling out a new privacy option with regards to information sharing program they’re developing called Instant Personalization. The function is set to enable by default, so it’s important to understand what it does so you can make an informed decision as to what to do about it.


Jan 2011 25

by Damon Martin

The porn industry is undergoing some of the same strains and stresses that the music industry has gone through over the last several years as the internet, once thought of as the savior of the adult entertainment business, is now helping to cripple the very animal it once helped thrive.

The free content being provided over the internet via the likes of YouPorn, RedTube and PornHub is taking a chunk of change out of the adult film market, and while the United States economy continues to struggle, people are less and less willing to pay for something that they can simply watch for nothing on their home computer.

According to, 5 of the top 100 websites in the United States are these free ‘tube’ sites. Obviously, Americans are still watching their porn, they’re just not paying for it as much. Industry folks from the adult world have known about this problem for a long time, but it’s simply not something that’s easy to rectify, and now they are being forced to go in other directions to try and find new ways to sell sex.


Jan 2011 21

by Brandon Perkins

In the previous installment of our futuristic fiction series, Please Use Rear Exit, Mikhail, who has recently x-ed his GF (Katya), ventures out for his first major post-break up night on the tiles with the boys (Chevy and Jayson). After kicking off the night’s drinking spree at the #720’s main terminal, Mikhail gets separated from his buddies thanks to his bladder’s need for relief. The evening will subsequently take an unexpected turn after an encounter with an Internet Goddess – but first Mikhail must reunite with his friends…
