“I think there is something about the camera that amplifies life.” – Andrew W.K.
Andrew W.K. has done many things in his life such as music, dating a hot rock star and getting punched in the face. But now he’s totally done a 180 with his advice show on MTV2. Its called Your Friend Andrew W.K. and now anyone in the world can email a letter into the show about any topic and if it gets selected Andrew will come to your home and work on that problem with you. Recent examples have been Tom, who has a college radio show and wants to know how he can make it kick ass. Another one was from Ed who spends most of his time babysitting his son Wyatt and reaches out to Andrew for help: he needs to “get out of the house” and relax with his pals.
Plum Suicide in Lost In The Wind
Get to know Plum better over at SuicideGirls.com!
by SG’s Team Agony feat. Dexter
Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.
Q: I was dating this girl that I had met at a friend’s event. We started dating/seeing each other for about 2-3 months, against my friend’s wishes (we share the same mutual friend). I traveled to her, about a hour away, and slept over her place and vise versa. We really only saw each other from Saturday night into Sunday afternoon because she works 6 days a week. I know I didn’t do well with texting her, I only really texted her Thursday, Friday, and Saturday to plan out if we were going to hang out and what we should do.
We did this for about 2-3 months and I thought things were going well between us, until suddenly I texted her to see if she wanted to hang out like I normally did. She told me she couldn’t due to her having to be at a bridal shower for a wedding that she is part of. Then she blindsided me by saying that we shouldn’t see each other anymore and that things weren’t working out.
She gave me the reasons that I lived to far away, I didn’t text her so she assumed that I didn’t care anymore, and that the relationship was over, that we had different interests, and other BS excuses. I just asked her if she was seeing another guy, but she ignored that text. I wasn’t going to be hurt if she met another guy, that’s part of dating, but I just couldn’t get over the reasons of why we shouldn’t see each other anymore. It didn’t make sense because we had been doing this for a couple months and she didn’t say anything to me about there being any problems.
I also asked her why she didn’t text me during the times that I didn’t text her and why she assumed what she assumed and just ended everything. I just hate being lied to and eventually she told me she was seeing another guy. But I don’t understand why she acted like a child and ignored me, lied, and assumed all this about me and our relationship. I liked the girl and want to try to be friends but I just can’t get over how she went about things. I guess I would like your opinion on this whole situation, the girl, and what maybe I should do…
A: First of all, let’s start with this; you mentioned that dating this girl was done against your mutual friend’s wishes. Maybe that friend was trying to save you a whole lot of grief! This girl sounds shady, plain and simple. I can guarantee that she didn’t have much of a problem with the weekend hang out/booty call with minimal strings. She obviously enjoyed it since it went on for a few months.
It seems likely to me that she met someone new, someone local probably. Having someone new is exciting, and it’s pretty damn convenient if that someone new lives only ten minutes away. This gave her an excuse to start using the “lack” of text messages and the distance as an easy way out. Using excuses is much easier than admitting you fucked up. It’s also much easier than telling the truth.
It’s not because she didn’t think YOU could handle it; it’s because SHE couldn’t handle it. She couldn’t handle telling the truth, or being the bad guy in the relationship, so she made up excuses.
If you can accept that she’s a shady kinda girl, then it should make it easy to be just friends with her with no romantic interest. But do you really want shady friends in your circle?
Best Wishes!
Got Problems? Let SuicideGirls’ team of Agony Aunts provide solutions. Email questions to: gotproblems@suicidegirls.com
It may have been Thanos who was teased at the end of The Avengers, but it looks like he won’t be the only threat in Avengers 2. An incarnation of the The Masters of Evil is rumored to join forces for the sequel. Perhaps Thanos will be finished off in The Guardians of the Galaxy or while leading the Masters of Evil in the Avengers 2. The sequel isn’t out until 2015 so there is a lot that could change before then.
In the meantime, part of the story for Captain America: The Winter Soldier has been revealed. The second movie will feature flashbacks that shed light on the mysterious Black Widow and her relationship with the Winter Soldier. The film will be released April 2014.
The latest photos from the set of Thor: The Dark World have given the first glimpse of film villain Malekith the Accursed and his army of Dark Elves. Videos from the set shows the filming of the fight between Thor and Malekith. Thor: the Dark World is set to release November 8, 2013.
One of the original members of the Avengers might be joining the team in Iron-Man 3. Rumor has it Stephanie Szostak will be playing The Wasp. The Wasp was not only one of the original members, she was the first female on the team (sorry Black Widow fans). Iron-Man 3 releases May 3, 2013.
Shooting for Amazing Spider-Man 2 will begin in February. The film is still in the casting phase, and it looks like they are down to a shortlist of three actors for the part of Harry Osborne. Brady Crobet (Melancholia), Dane DeHaan (Chronicle), and Alden Ehrenreich (Beautiful Creatures) are left in the running. Amazing Spider-Man 2 is scheduled to release May 2014.
The Avengers might have been the top grossing movie of the year, but it’s The Dark Knight Rises that is going for the Oscars. Warner. Bros is campaigning the Academy to consider the film for 16 different categories. The Hobbit is also campaigning to be considered for 16 awards.
The season finale of the Walking Dead will introduce another fan favorite character from the comics. The current rumor is that they will be bringing in Tyreese, the former NFL linebacker. Find out for sure on December 2 when it airs.
Star Trek: Into Darkness is set for release on May 17, 2013. Zachary Quinto will be reprising the role of Spock in the film, but possibly for the last time. Quinto suggested he might leave the franchise after the upcoming film in an interview with Entertainment Weekly. He doesn’t suggest that the character is being killed off, so who could be the next Spock?
by Tita Suicide
The SuicideGirls “Destroyed” Vancouver this past Friday, when they took over the Astoria Pub for their “SuicideGirls Take VanCity” party.
“Tonite was f*cking awesome!” – @DoctorFeelgreat
Cruella, Harajuku, Georjah, Pirate, Meshell, Peatrie, and Caspiann, joined hosts Tita and Rydell, as they partied with fans, members, and friends from all over the Pacific Northwest. Together they previewed the latest SuicideGirls movie UK Holiday, as well as earlier release SuicideGirls Guide To Living. It was the perfect backdrop to an event that was filled with some major babes in the flesh. With their killer tattoos, sexy curves, and kick ass attitudes, the girls in attendance drew more than a few excited gasps, and double takes, as they circulated the East Vancouver landmark bar.
“SuicideGirls knocked it outta the park” – @Ave_Dogg
The Jagerettes were on hand to share swag and samples of Jagermeister, while Teenage Lifestyle DJs Mo Diddley and Death Trip treated the crowd to sick beats. Event photographer Joel Dufresne caught all the action on his camera, including giveaways from Dead Reckoning Military Surplus, Face Atelier, and SuicideGirls. Afterwards, several party goers hopped on stage and sent the night off in proper SG style, with a massive photo op that captured the night’s playful energy.
“I think #SGTAKESVANCITY needs to happen every month!!” – @therealjoshcat
Connecting with our community live and in person is always amazing. In the days leading up to the event, an entire team of pros including Brandon Hart (@brandonhart29), Faye Smith (@FayeSmithMAKEUP), Almighty Creative (@ALMIGHTYCRTV), and a bevy of babes from SG, came together to produce the biggest Vancouver SuicideGirls event of 2012. Judging by how much everyone loved it, you better believe the BC SG’s will be back for more sexy fun in 2013!!
Get to know Lunar better over at SuicideGirls.com!