by Brett Warner
Love him or hate him, Kanye West is America’s favorite asshole. His endlessly hyped new album My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy hits stores next week, though little of that hype concerns the music itself. Whether apologizing to George W. Bush, rambling on Twitter, canceling appearances, or claiming that Coldplay are bigger than The Beatles, Kanye seems dead set on further alienating his “haters” and keeping his fans in perpetually defensive mode. In spite of – or perhaps, because of – his talents, Kanye is a uniquely positioned pop culture scapegoat. Too self involved and misinformed to realize how he sounds to the rest of us, Mr. West has a knack for stealing the spotlight from other obnoxious, egotistical celebrity artists – of which there are plenty.
By SG’s Team Agony
Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Morgan in Green Like Cash]
Q. A few months ago I had a boyfriend. We had a long distance relationship for eight months. I went to his country to meet up with him twice, and he promised me he’d come visit me this year. However, a month after I got back from seeing him, he stopped sending emails and answering the phone, and so on. It was like he died. After I spoke with his friends, he sent an email saying, “I’m sorry but I like anther person and I cannot be with you like before.” I asked him to explain and said I wanted to be his friend, but this was in July and he still hasn’t responded. It makes me very sad. I write emails to him and try to find out how he’s doing, but he won’t communicate with me. I understand that love can die, but what is his problem with being friends? I think he is wonderful person and I still love him a lot. I only wanna be his friend.
I feel alone and sad. I don’t love myself a lot, but he made me feel good. I try to work and study a lot, but I cry everyday. I wanna cry in class and I don’t know what I should do. How I can talk with him? And how can I feel good about myself again? What I can do?
by Brad Warner
I just read a horrendous news story about the Petit family in Connecticut who were murdered by a group of assholes.
According to CNN, “On July 23, 2007, men wearing ski masks attacked the family as they slept in their suburban Cheshire home. The father, a physician, was beaten with a bat and tied to a pole in his basement. His wife was raped and strangled. The girls were tortured for nearly seven hours, one sexually assaulted, then killed when the attackers set the house on fire.”
by Brett Warner
There’s dust moving through the light, I notice three drinks in. It’s Factory Monday at The Necto nightclub in Ann Arbor, Michigan and I’m surrounded by a significant representation of the local gothic community. They’re projecting some anime film against the wall, which doesn’t strike me as being very goth, but that’s been the common theme of the evening: a vodka-fueled internal struggle with the definition of “gothness” and how to embody it. DJ Jinx is shaking the walls with a Combichrist song I’ve learned to recognize, which causes the textured light (equal parts smoke machine mist and various makeup powders) to twitch and sway to the relentless beat. I’ve been to a handful of Factory Mondays, and each time I can’t help but feel like Colin Farrell at the beginning of the Miami Vice movie—i.e. a total narc. Apart from my Elvis Costello glasses, penchant for black hoodies and old Depeche Mode records, there’s little to no social thread connecting me to this scene. But that’s the secret to understanding the gothic community on southeast Michigan: 1.) They don’t care about me, and 2.) Most of them only very casually care about goth stuff.
On Sunday Nov 14th SG Radio’s special guest will be punk rock Buddhist and Hardcore Zen master Brad Warner. A beloved columnist on SG, Brad contemplates the big questions in life and comes up with some surprising answers.
by Brett Warner
It’s 9:45am at the Westfield community center in Trenton, Michigan. Despite a full parking lot and a cluster of cheerful, warmly dressed, sign-holding volunteers proclaiming their district judicial candidates of choice in bright blues and greens – I’m one of only about fifteen people here to vote in the 2010 midterm election.
by Blogbot
Make a date with SG Radio and Millionaire Matchmakers Destin Pfaff and Rachel Federoff this Sunday November 7th. Now in its 4th season, the Bravo reality show follows the romance fortunes of members of the infamous Millionaire’s Club, a Los Angeles-based matchmaking service strictly for those with extremely desirable bank balances. This season – which is the show’s highest rated to date – the love action has moved to the East Coast. We’ll get the behind-the-scenes scoop on the “challenging” New York Millionaire’s Club clientele, and dating advice that’s worth its weigh in gold regardless of your net worth.