by Blogbot
Shotgun Suicide promises to forgo fried food and the F-word.
What are your resolutions for 2011?
(Leave them in the comments section below.)
by Blogbot
Shotgun Suicide promises to forgo fried food and the F-word.
What are your resolutions for 2011?
(Leave them in the comments section below.)
by Blogbot
2010 was without doubt the year of the striped sock. Stockings were put to bed in favor off these warm and fuzzy alternatives that say you’re sexy without trying unfashionably hard.
Here’s a selection of the best striped leg wear that Suicide Girls were putting on – and taking off – this year.
by SuicideGirls Radio Host Sam Doumit (SG Member: Samia)
TRY: Getting hooked on my shopping addiction – Gilt.com
WHY: They offer items from the most coveted designers, such as Alexander McQueen (yes they REALLY do!), Christian Louboutin, Rock & Republic, and everyday brands like American Apparel and Converse. The best part is that everything is at least 50% to 70% off. Yes, EVERYTHING!
They’re not just moving merchandise from last season that nobody else wants either. I’ve found items two months BEFORE they hit the regular stores. For example, I saw a pair of Henry Duarte for J Brand waxed denim jeans in a magazine and searched everywhere for them before discovering that the $400 leather-look jeans wouldn’t be available for two months. Then I saw them on Gilt for $98! I freaked out and bought a pair immediately. My other fave purchase is my to-die-for black studded, metal spike heeled Rock & Republic boots. They originally cost $498, but I got them for $110.
By Malloreigh
The leather dilemma is a contentious one for vegans. Many new vegans, upon “making the switch,” worry whether they’re expected to throw away their pre-vegan leather items – belts, shoes, jackets – and buy vegan alternatives. Many old vegans, myself included, break vegan belt after vegan belt and wonder whether we’re expected to keep buying crappy vinyl each year until the day we die.
Isn’t that wasteful? Doesn’t that go against the spirit of veganism? Yes, probably, and creating more trash is just the cherry on the top of the consumer culture cupcake. Furthermore, vinyl, as a synthetic substance, won’t – common sense informs us – biodegrade as easily as an organic like leather would. So if vegans are such environmentalists, what’s the solution?