Jun 2012 15

by Nahp Suicide

A column which highlights Suicide Girls and their fave groups.

This week Bob Suicide tells us why it’s good to get lost in Space and Time.

Members: 1160 / Comments: 3,226

WHY DO YOU LOVE IT?: It’s a group for talking about science, physics, relativity, astronomy, NASA, space, and the like.

 It’s the perfect combination of high-level theoretical physics, astronomical events, and Star Trek quotes. For example…

DISCUSSION TIP: Just jump right in. Even if your “relatively” new to astrophysics, there’s no such thing as a dumb question and a post could be the catalyst for a great discussion. After all, in another universe, you’ve already posted! 

BEST RANDOM QUOTE: Actually, there’s a whole thread for that.

MOST HEATED DISCUSSION THREAD: I’m not sure if anything gets particularly heated, but there’s lots of great spirited discussion surrounding the privatization of space exploration.



Jun 2012 11

by Nahp Suicide

A column which highlights Suicide Girls and their fave groups.

[Lunar Suicide in Pearl Kissed]

This week Lunar Suicide tell us what’s so purrfect about SG’s Kitties Group.

Members: 3566 / Comments: 49,319

WHY DO YOU LOVE IT?: I love my cat, I love your cat, I love cats!!!! This group is a great place to talk to like minded kitty lovers and show off your feline kids. Not only are there cute pictures to swoon over daily, it’s really a great place for support from people who feel the same about their animals as you. When my kitty died I posted about it and everyone was really comforting.

DISCUSSION TIP: As long as you are all cat loving not much can go wrong. Don’t be asking for any diagnosis on your kitties health problems though – go to the vet for that.

BEST RANDOM QUOTE: “Why are you suddenly being so nice? Am I dying? Are you dying? Is one of us dying? …oh God, you finally planted the bomb that’s going to kill us both didn’t you?” from “Things you never thought you’d say but ended up saying to your cats.” That thread really makes me giggle.

MOST HEATED DISCUSSION THREAD: The group is pretty warm and fuzzy, unless there is mention of cruelty or mistreatment of cats in any way, and then understandably things get heated. I think the last one was “Declawing, just no.


WHO’S WELCOME TO JOIN?: Anyone with a fondness for felines.


Jun 2012 08

by Blogbot

This Sunday, June 10th at 10 PM PST, SuicideGirls Radio host Nicole Powers and co-host Moxi Suicide will be joined in studio by Jessie Nicole, Michelle, and Vanessa from LA’s Sex Workers Outreach Project for a panel discussion about the unique issues their clients face.

Sex Workers Outreach Project is a social justice network dedicated to ending violence and stigma against sex workers through education and advocacy. SWOP works to create a strong community of sex workers and allies to support each other and educate the public on the institutional harms committed against sex workers.

Sex workers are seldom afforded protection or recourse from violence because of the precarious relationship between sex work and law enforcement. Violence against sex workers is tolerated because of the stigma and myths that surround the sex industry. Only when those falsehoods are corrected and sex workers are legitimized will we be able to effectively prevent and minimize the harsh challenges of sex work.

For more info on SWOP-LA visit:

Listen to SG Radio live Sunday night from 10 PM til Midnight PST at:


Jun 2012 07

by Shotgun Suicide

Suicide Girls are more than just pretty faces. When they’re not taking their clothes off and posing for pictures, they’re taking their clothes off and making videos.

In our Best of June compilation, put together by Shotgun Suicide, our ladies display their mad singing, dancing, joke-telling, and meowing (?) skillz. Tune in next month for more SG sexyness – and silliness!


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Jun 2012 04

by Bradley Suicide

[Above: Bradley Suicide in Sugar Kitty]

I am generally the girl that thinks like a guy when it comes to matters of the heart. I try and turn off emotion and build up my walls as a matter of shear self preservation. I don’t think this is the healthiest of things, but it is what it is, and at least for now it seems to work for me. That is until I run into that one dude who pulls at my heart strings.

I have a thing for boys with rockstar mentalities, who live life in the limelight. I must be a glutton for punishment. These are the only boys who are able to get under my skin, and with whom I let my guard down. Sadly, these are also the boys who drag me through the mud.

The worst part is that I can see how things will end from the very beginning. And yet I jump in head first anyways. I think a small part of my normally jaded brain wants to still believe in the fairytale ending.

I have recently found myself falling head over heels for someone that I have been seeing for some time now. However, I didn’t know how deep I was into him emotionally until today. I guess I was in denial, telling myself that if I didn’t want to have feelings for him that they just wouldn’t formulate, a mind over matter sort of situation. Well that definitely didn’t work.

I told myself from the beginning that I needed to tread lightly and not have any expectations. I thought that I was doing great at this and that I was walking into the whole situation with a good mindset. I told myself that I was just there for fun and if it led to something else great, but I wasn’t going to count on it. Maybe I thought that if I told myself that enough I would be able to escape the fate that I knew in my heart of hearts was inevitable. I don’t think I could have been more wrong.

The worst part is that there really isn’t anything to be mad at him for, he is being a typical guy. Maybe this is all karma coming back around to bite me in the ass? After all, I am generally the one who, unintentionally mind you, will crush a dudes heart within a week’s time.

Want to hear the worst part of all of it? This just makes me want him more. How screwed up am I? I am knowingly walking into a situation where I am going to get the living shit beat out of my emotions. My head is saying to cut and run, my heart is saying to stick around, and my pride is telling me that I am not a quitter and that this has become a conquest.

So here I go, embarking on a game of cat and mouse that is going to end with me either getting what I want, getting caught and squished, or, what generally tends to happen with me, a mixture of all of the above. Wish me luck in my endeavor. I know that I sound like a crazy person who doesn’t have my head screwed on straight, and that is a pretty accurate assessment, after all I’m knowingly getting myself into this.

Someone get me a shot of Jack a let the games begin.

Until next time.


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Jun 2012 01

by Nahp Suicide

A column which highlights Suicide Girls and their fave groups.

[ Lee Suicide in Para Noir]

This week our headbanging maniac Lee takes a break from the mosh pit to tell us why she’s mad for SG’s Metal Heads United group.

Members: 2215 / Comments: 12,467

WHY DO YOU LOVE IT?: It’s introduced me to some new bands that I might not have heard of otherwise.

DISCUSSION TIP: Don’t be a hater and be negative just because you don’t like certain bands. We had a member who would complain about everything and eventually got booted because of it.


MOST HEATED DISCUSSION THREAD: This one was from a while back. “Why does everyone like Slayer so much?“

WHO’S WELCOME TO JOIN?: If you love metal then you should join this group.


May 2012 31

by Laurelin

I had this post written over a week ago. I had just walked home from his house for what I knew would be the last time. I was so sad that I could have cried, but I didn’t. I sat down and I wrote about it. When I woke up later and re-read what I had written, I knew it could never see the light of day. He didn’t deserve those words, like he didn’t deserve me. Words help me remember, and I desperately need to forget.

I had written something like it before: ten years ago sitting in an ex-boyfriend’s house in Providence. He was going to leave me, I knew it, so while he slept I would look around. I memorized the way the black curtains fell across the dirty cracked window pane, the way I could see the black bars of the fire escape over the setting sun and Providence skyline. I memorized every poster: Marilyn Manson, The Crow, the black and white kissing girls. I memorized the way it smelled, like Yankee Candle’s Moonlight Path mixed with the shavings from the snake and iguana cages. But most of all I would look at him.

The way his two metal gauged hoop earrings clinked together when I touched his face. (Years later I would buy the same earrings just to hear that sound.) My fingers had traced every outline of his body and just watching him sleep was enough to make me want to cry. Because I knew he was going to leave me, and I wanted to remember. I didn’t want to ever forget a single thing.

And when he did leave me, I wrote it all down. I said that the sky would never be as beautiful as it looked though his window. I was foolish; that that one didn’t deserve those words either. But I always treasured them. I remember being caught scribbling by one of my sorority sisters, and when she asked me to read her something I had written I hesitated before deciding to read her that essay. I got about halfway though when I noticed she had tears streaming down her face. When I was done she grabbed my hand and told me that I should never stop writing. We cried, but I was happy to have finally shared him with someone.

Last Friday after creeping in from his apartment I decided that enough was enough. I would never again notice how leaving the bar drunk my hand slides so easily into his. I would never again get so drunk that I would try to not feel ashamed for winding up in his arms, knowing he was only holding me because he had no one better. Last Friday I wrote my final piece about loving him, and I said goodbye.

I had traced his every outline, but his feeling will fade, and in time so will this sharp feeling of total loss. I might run into him again down the line, and hopefully by then I will be able to genuinely smile. Hopefully by then I won’t have to turn away so he won’t see my lower lip trembling. I write to remember, but some things need to be forgotten, erased. Hopefully one day I can come back to this and remember how last Friday was the start of something worth remembering.
