Dec 2010 03

By Malloreigh

I admit that my vegan newswire articles have been a struggle for me to write lately. I’ve been avoiding the comments altogether, and I’ve aborted a few attempts at articles. Why? I just find the backlash difficult.

Recently we had a discussion in the SG Vegans group about how difficult it can be to be a “vegan warrior” in a world of people who don’t want to hear about it. Some people who responded to the topic try their best to frame their dietary choices in least ethical way, because they find that calling it a “moral choice” gets bad reactions. Others choose to avoid talking about their veganism entirely.


Dec 2010 03

by Brandon Perkins

In the last installment of our futuristic fiction series, Please Use Rear Exit, Mikhail, who’d just X’ed his GF Katya, had ridden the #720 Brown BTWN bus route to the Low bar, where the saga of their breakup continued via text. As Katya finds oblivion in the bottom of a bottle at home, Mikhail contemplates the relationship that is no more…

Please Use Rear Exit: Chapter 4 – Peyton Manning’s FuckFace

The first time Mikhail broke up with Katya was only a few weeks after they had begun to see each other, barely enough time to be considered an official couple in the first place. It was before he’d go back to her for a much longer and intense session, a second time around. Before he was backed into any sort of corner, when things still felt free or, at the very least, without dire consequences. It was before she began demanding changes in his life. Before he realized how deep in it he actually was. At that early stage of their first dance-less dosey-doh, Katya seemed good for him.


Dec 2010 03

by Nicole Powers

“I think it’s a question of vengeance.”

– Leonard Nimoy

The makers of Star Trek can thank their lucky stars that the spacetime continuum isn’t thought to be very continuous these days. The new Star Trek film turns its back on everything that Back To The Future ever taught us about time, and embraces the possibilities of infinite alternate universes that come along with the relatively recent science of string theory.


Dec 2010 03

Riae Suicide in Hot Tin Roof

  • INTO: Piercings, tattoos, sushi, drugs, sex, Hentai, boobs, and sweet things.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: Long night of sex, and Nutella!
  • MAKES ME SAD: Animal abuse, being lonely, lies, peas, artichokes, and screamers.
  • HOBBIES: Playing with my piercings.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My Dog , sex, Nutella, chocolate ice cream, Nintendo DS.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: In bed – but not for sleep!!!

Get to know Riae better over at!

Dec 2010 02

by Damon Martin

Remember the name GFAJ-1 because it may be the organism that changes how we perceive and define life on Earth and eventually in space.

Today, NASA held a press conference announcing the findings of a team led by Felisa Wolfe-Simon, an astrobiologist at the U.S. Geological Survey. The researchers discovered a bacteria originally found at Mono Lake, CA that is able to sustain, grow and reproduce using the element arsenic.


Dec 2010 02

by Jensen

Previously Jensen had fun with 7 inches, this week she goes all the way, getting crafty – on video – doing some cool things with not one, but two 12 inches.

Dec 2010 02

by A.J. Focht

Today’s media is overrun with rehashed tales of old myths. It is nearly impossible to come across a fantasy story that doesn’t re-use mythical beings. Vampires, werewolves, and zombies all come from traditional myths and plague our airwaves and book stores; every author is looking for a way to put their own spin on this time tested material.

Some authors are very good at taking traditional myths and adapting them, whereas others should be hanged, drawn, and quartered for their crimes against them. Most myths have grey areas that can be adapted, but they all have their canon – lists of facts and pieces of the myth that cannot be changed without altering that which is intrinsic to it. When an author starts altering these facts they upset the status quo. They weaken not only the fabric of the mythological being – but our ability to suspend our disbelief. This leaves their final product looking like a cheap bastardization of the original.
