Dec 2010 01

In this weeks video blog, Missy and Rambo sit down to play some catch up: get some time with Rambo while you can because next week she’ll be in London shooting some new sets!


Nov 2010 30

by Blogbot

[Above: SG Radio host Sam Doumit has a cosy couch-based chat with Street Drum Corps, which ChinaShopMag‘s camera crew captured for posterity.]


Nov 2010 29

By SG’s Team Agony

Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Shotgun in In The Fog]

Q. There is a girl that I have been trying to date for more than a couple months now. She loves video games, swears and drinks just as much as I do, and has an overall awesome personality. She has told my friends on multiple occasions that she likes me, and wants me to go for it. Here is my dilemma: one of our mutual friends, that she has known way longer than me, I’m pretty sure is deeply in love with her. This is why my decision has taken so long, and now it seems like I have lost my opportunity. I always put my friends before myself, and it always seems to hurt me in the end. I have waited so long, and now it seems like my chance is blown. Though her and I are still friends, it doesn’t seem like she still has the same feelings she once did. Do these feelings really just go away? Should I forget the whole thing, or should I just grow some balls and confront her?


Nov 2010 29

by Missy

I have been a HUGE Belle and Sebastian fan since my best friend put “The State I’m In” on a mix CD we played incessantly on a cross country road trip.

When their new album, Write About Love, came out and had a song called “Suicidegirl” on it, I had a complete fan girl moment which indie rockers are supposed to be too cool for.

When I told the other girls we were all so honored that we decide we had to do something to let them know how much we loved it. Carrina, Cheri and I got together with Mike Marshall who made our other movies and created our video ode to Belle and Sebastian.


Nov 2010 26

by Jensen

A couple of months back I was in town visiting my parents and my brother’s girlfriend said she had recently tried these amazing fried pies. Fried pie?! What?! Growing up in California, I feel like I have missed out on so many opportunities to fry things that Southern kids don’t bat an eyelash at. I was super jazzed about these fried pies and we all decided that we would get them for the Thanksgiving holiday. I’ve literally been pumped about these fried pies for two months. So I’m talking on the phone with my mom a few days ago and she informs me that plans have changed and the decision was made that fried pies were no longer on the menu over Thanksgiving weekend. I was crushed, but more importantly, I was pissed and out to seek revenge.

Long story short, today we are making fried pies. They’re basically Homerun Pies, only not as shitty.


Nov 2010 24

by Sash Suicide


Nov 2010 24

by Blogbot

SuicideGirls hung out with Hello Kitty and friends this past weekend to celebrate their creator, Sanrio’s 50th anniversary. The ’80s themed Kitty In Pink prom party, was the culmination of a 10 day “Small Gift” exhibition at Santa Monica Airport’s Barker Hanger, which featured especially commissioned art from SG’s own Mrs Misha, among others. View photos from the event after the jump.
