May 2011 11

by A.J. Focht

PlayStation fans around the globe continue to QQ over the extended absence of the PlayStation Network. While original reports stated the network would return this last week, they all proved to be filthy lies. Recent statements made by a spokesperson from the company suggest it might not return till the end month. Luckily for all the PlayStation fanboys and girls, this last week was packed with plenty of nerdy happenings to distract them from their enforced gaming sobriety.


May 2011 10

by Blogbot

Agonizing Love is a beautifully put together compendium of strips culled from the lost genre of romance comics. According to the volume’s curator and author, Michael Barson, an avid fan of retro-pop culture and a collector of all manner of flotsam and jetsam from days past, the first examples of the form were published in 1947. At the genre’s height, there were close to 150 different romance comics in print, with titles such as Lovelorn, Romantic Marriage, Lovers’ Lane, Bride’s Secrets, Boy Meets Girl, Heart Throbs, and Love Confessions. However, as the romance of the 1950s gave way to the pervasive climate of free love in the ’60s and ’70s, their popularity waned. The end of an era came with the final 126th edition of Young Love in 1977.

Below is a typical strip from Vol 2, #2 of Young Love (originally published in April 1950), which offers female readers – who were ever fearful of being left on the shelf – tips on how to up their popularity quotient in order to increase their dateability.


May 2011 03

by A.J. Focht

Welcome to the first edition of Your Week in Geek; catching you up on all your nerdy updates since… NAO!

Last week started right in the middle of the PlayStation Network outage. It wasn’t until Tuesday, April 26th, that Sony manned up and admitted their system had been hacked and that many of the network users may have had personal information stolen (such as user names, passwords, and credit card numbers). Sony is currently fighting on two fronts as they try to criminally pursue and prosecute those responsible for the attack, while fighting off a class action lawsuit filed by the raging masses. Despite the uphill legal battle, Sony has announced the PlayStation Network should be back online in the first week of May.


May 2011 02

by Blogbot

[“If your Momy’s acting strange and going through some kind of change…”]

Even for adults, it might be hard to figure out if a loved one is turning into some kind of crazed monster, or just going through something Jeanie Linders might write a musical about. The issue would be compounded were a parent to get bitten by the zombie bug before their offspring were old enough to understand the facts of life and the undead.

Fortunately Matt Mogk, the Founder & Head Researcher of the Zombie Research Society, has written an invaluable educational guide to help prepare children for the coming plague. That’s Not Your Mommy Anymore is a beautifully illustrated and fun to read book which helps kids spot the early warning signs of zombism.


Apr 2011 22

by Aaron Colter

Portland, Oregon’s Stumptown Comics Festival, featuring poster image by Brandon Graham, was a lot of fun. I was able to pick-up quite a few incredible books, many of which I’ve yet to read. The festival itself had awards for some of the best, the recipients of which are listed here.

I’ve narrowed down my Top 10 choices, so far. All of these artists are independent creators, many don’t even have a publisher. So, please support them by purchasing their fine books.


Apr 2011 19

by Blogbot

As we mentioned yesterday, the much-anticipated SuicideGirls comic is hot off the press, and is available now from the SG store. Catch a glimpse of artist Cameron Stewart‘s kick ass illustrations in this very special preview of the first few pages….


Apr 2011 18

by Blogbot

The much-anticipated SuicideGirls comic is hot off the press, and is available now from the SG store. Set in the near future, it follows a kick ass group of SuicideGirls as they take on an evil religious order that is trying to take over the world and force everyone to live by their oppressive doctrine alone.
