Jul 2011 20

by Jensen

Ahhh, I haven’t done a post for so long! I finally feel like I’m catching the blog bug again though, so look forward to some new Doing it with Jensen posts :].

Anyways, I saw this amazing ‘Red Velvet Brownie Recipe‘ and decided I 100% needed to make it immediately. They were very easy to make and turned out delicious! I followed the directions pretty closely, though I made my own cream cheese white chocolate frosting instead of the buttercream frosting. The frosting recipe is listed below! I don’t really feel right just copying and pasting the brownie recipe, or putting it into my own words when their version is just fine, so go over there for the step by step directions.


Jul 2011 14

by Laurelin

Now that summer is in full swing, I can’t help but shake my head thinking of how quickly things change, how we shape our lives and how easy it really is to choose our own paths. I like the idea of fate and destiny — the little girl in me still believes in fairy tales and hopeless romance, but in truth, I like the idea that it’s not in the hands of something greater. We are that something greater.

Last summer I was someone else. I was working at a different bar, sadly spending my days working a job I hated, gazing out the windows at everyone walking by with beach gear and wishing I was one of those laughing girls in sundresses. I would go home faithfully every night, crawl in bed and wait for my boyfriend to come home. I ordered dinner for two, drank dirty martinis and let him pay for dinner because his bar was always busy and mine wasn’t. We went to parties, stayed up late laughing and drinking, we slept in every morning we could, and I swear, there were some days where I didn’t care to even get out of bed; I could spend forever like that, hiding from daylight and waiting for our night to fall again.

He was my life, and after we broke up this past September, I dreaded the coming summer because it had always been ours, and now I would be alone. I didn’t think I could face it without him. As time went on and I started healing that feeling got a little easier. Soon it wasn’t sadness that I wouldn’t be with him, but almost…fear of spending the summer flying solo. I had spent the past year learning to be on my own and all of a sudden it occurred to me that I had truly learned to love it. I flirted, went after what I wanted with no fear of rejection, I dated, and I dated people that weren’t right for me ON PURPOSE. Soon I was so excited for my “Boys of Summer.” The warm weather was here, the sun shone just for me, and where as last summer was ours, it never occurred to me that this summer, for the first time in a long time was mine.


Jul 2011 06

by Blogbot

A column which highlights Suicide Girls and their fave groups.

[Bradley in Ginger Peach]

This week, Bradley Suicide tells us why things are just peachy in The Kitchen.

Members: 3,719 / Comments: 33,887

  • WHY DO YOU LOVE IT?: I went to school for baking and pastry and do it mostly on the side for fun now. That’s why it is so nice to be able to share recipes, get helpful tips on what can make a dish better, and find some of the yummiest recipes around.

  • DISCUSSION TIP: Definitely share your recipes as well as where you went wrong with them.

  • BEST RANDOM QUOTE: “Who do I have to blow to get paid to write ‘recipes’ for MICROWAVING SOME FUCKING BACON? Seriously! You tell me who I have to blow, and I will go to town!

  • WHO’S WELCOME TO JOIN?: Anyone who wants to get/give epic recipes!


Jun 2011 30

by Laurelin

I have always loved a challenge. Who doesn’t love to be tested to the limits, and pushed beyond their comfort zone to see if they can rise to the occasion and be successful? The human mind and body can be pushed, and the reward is sometimes nothing more than the personal satisfaction of knowing you did it. Take rock climbing for example. I started a while ago after reading John Krakauer’s Into Thin Air. I thought that the climber’s concept of ‘mind over matter’ when it comes to physical activity was fascinating. To be able to push on and keep going when every muscle in your body is screaming for rest, to be halfway up a mountain (or in my case, a rock wall in a gym) and know that if you stop, you fall, and you might die.

When I’m climbing everything in the world goes silent; all you can think about it putting one leg in front of the other and pushing up to find the next finger hold. You must go on. Failure is not an option. On the opposite end of the spectrum, I find myself searching out similar challenges when it comes to men and dating. I crave a chase and hopefully big payoff. The guys I fall for usually have something wrong with them that I think I can fix, some undesirable quality that I convince myself I find endearing, something that makes things absolutely more difficult than it needs to be.

During my freshman year of college over a decade ago, I fell for one of the biggest “players” I had ever come across. This guy was a disaster, pledging a fraternity and totally dedicated to his brothers, but not at all to his school work, running though women like his life depended on it. And all the while, I was chasing after him, spending too much time with him, then watching him with other girls and feeling terrible. There had to be a real person under there somewhere. I was going to find him, and he was going to fall in love with me and stop all that crazy behavior. I could do this, I knew it.


Jun 2011 24

by Aaron Colter

Hey gang, guess what? I found this crumpled envelope that had the Top 5 Breweries list scrawled onto it in red marker. You don’t care, but it means one less piece of shit I have in the fuck-pile that is my living space. So, here they are, as previously promised:


Jun 2011 15

by Blogbot

A column which highlights Suicide Girls and their fave groups.

[Noir in Laziest Days]

This week, Noir Suicide tells us what’s cookin’ in The Kitchen.

Members: 3697 / Comments: 33,520

  • WHY DO YOU LOVE IT?: My favorite thing about this group is that I can have some weird ingredient that I have no clue what do with (like corn smut), post a thread asking what to do with it, and have a week’s worth of recipes for it by the end of the day. I also like being inspired by the photos people post of their meals, and learning new things, like how to make a cake using a coffee mug and the microwave.
  • DISCUSSION TIP: If it’s about food or drink, you’re golden.
  • BEST RANDOM QUOTE: “‘I fried potato latkes in the nude. I still have burn scars.”

  • MOST HEATED DISCUSSION THREAD: There’s a thread about purple potatoes that got pretty hostile.
  • WHO’S WELCOME TO JOIN?: Anyone who loves looking at food, talking about food, making food, or reading about food. So almost everyone.


Jun 2011 09

by Laurelin

Dating. I think we all know by now that I suck at it. I’m a tough girl to win over, and the odds of me scaring someone off by date three are pretty damn good despite the initial attraction. I’m going to be honest, I have been sampling what Boston has to offer lately and am having a damn good time with it — it’s summertime, what do you want from me? I’ve realized that keeping an open mind when it comes to guys has meant I have met a lot of cool people who I normally wouldn’t have gone for… I have also met a lot of idiots.

Guys, good lord, I know sometimes girls turn out to be a bit bonkers; especially girls like me who habitually come home a little drunk around 4 AM with a rip in their jeans and a half eaten cheeseburger in their purse. But I figure I may as well tell it like it is; it doesn’t matter how hot you are, it is totally possible to lose even the most captivated girl in ten minutes. Listen up guys. Help me help you, take heed of these simple rules, and then maybe we can all go get a margarita.
