by Jensen
Yummmm. This recipe is inspired by an SG member that told me about his yummy ice cream variation with lavender, another member blogging about pumpkin pot pie (see what I did there?), and an, um, interesting graduation present I received from a friend. If you aren’t really into cooking with medicinal substances and/or don’t have a valid prescription from your doctor, then you can definitely tweak the recipe to suit your needs :]. And if you guys need a refresher on ice cream making, here is a video on how easy it is to make (with nothing more hi tech than two ziplock bags and a few hunks of ice to do the chillin’):
by Tamara Palmer
“Your trade secret is that you’re killing people?”
– Howard Straus
In the 1920s, Dr. Max Gerson developed the Gerson Therapy, a methodology of boosting the immune system largely led by an organic diet that has been at controversial odds with conventional medicine for decades — despite a difficult-to-ignore track record of helping people survive cancer and other terminal illnesses.
The Beautiful Truth is a documentary which explores this treatment regimen. It was directed and shot by Steve Kroschel, an accomplished wildlife cinematographer and natural history filmmaker. This is his third film about the Gerson Therapy, but this time his subject hits closer to home; Garret, the 15-year-old boy who serves as the film’s central figure, is Kroschel’s son.
By Blogbot
Ten XOXmas objects of desire – listed by price from fuck that’s expensive to I’ll take three of those.

by Blogbot
As the LA Weekly’s Nightranger nightlife columnist, Lina Lecaro has clocked up more hours than most in the metropolis’ liquor-soaked lounges. Having an affinity for spots that keep it dingy and real, Lina has condensed the knowledge she’s amassed as a by product of her “day job” into a handy little guide to getting sauced in the city entitled Los Angeles’s Best Dive Bars – Drinking & Diving In the City Angels. In the excerpt below, Lina selects six of her favorite drinking spots that combine well-worn comfort with a rockin’ attitude, and just the right amount sleaze.
by Laurelin
Four Loko is pouring college kids into bed all over the nation. An alcoholic beverage boasting caffeine, guarana, and taurine as well as carrying 12% alcohol is more appealing then a vat of fraternity jungle juice. Who doesn’t love booze and energy in a 23.5 ounce colorful can? It just screams “drink me” – and it has the FDA screaming right back. Considered a public health concern, the Four Loko ban started in October 2010 on select college campuses all over the United States, and now the substance is well on its way to being illegal nationwide. As a result, the creators and brewers of Four Loko have agreed to pull three out of the four ingredients out of their beverage, waving goodbye to the caffeine, guarana and taurine as of November 17, 2010.
Being from Boston, Massachusetts and pretty much living under a rock when it comes to national news and issues, I had no idea that Four Loko even existed until it was already illegal. It would have been in my fridge a hell of a lot more if I had. The day before it became illegal had the city bustling with excitement and everyone making that mad dash to liquor stores before it was all gone. On my way to work at 11:30 AM I was already noticing liquor stores with signs in the window stating “Four Loko: Sold Out.”
By Malloreigh
I admit that my vegan newswire articles have been a struggle for me to write lately. I’ve been avoiding the comments altogether, and I’ve aborted a few attempts at articles. Why? I just find the backlash difficult.
Recently we had a discussion in the SG Vegans group about how difficult it can be to be a “vegan warrior” in a world of people who don’t want to hear about it. Some people who responded to the topic try their best to frame their dietary choices in least ethical way, because they find that calling it a “moral choice” gets bad reactions. Others choose to avoid talking about their veganism entirely.
By Malloreigh
The December holidays, quickly approaching, are a dark time for many vegans. Not only are we surrounded by piles of rich, dairy and egg-laden holiday baking, but we have to deal with our families – who, sometimes, consider our dietary choices to be a personal insult, a rejection of the values they brought us up to hold.