Jan 2013 24

by Nahp

A column which highlights Suicide Girls and their fave groups.

[Rogue Suicide in Wild Things]

This week Rogue tells us why she loves to hang with Harry Potter and the SG Hogwarts crew.

Members: 2,323 / Comments: 28,676

WHY DO YOU LOVE IT?: Well Harry Potter is pretty much my obsession

DISCUSSION TIP: Just be yourself and jump right into talking with everyone!

MOST HEATED DISCUSSION THREAD: Don’t think I have found one, but these pics of Soya Suicide from the Scarification thread are pretty hot!

BEST RANDOM QUOTE: “Actually, the main characters in the Potterverse are around 25…Harry was actually born in 1980,
 so, technically, they’re ALL legal. 


I want me some Draco. Mmm.” ~ excerpted from the “who would you” thread.

WHO’S WELCOME TO JOIN?: Everyone! Though respect allegiances when entering the Slytherin Common Room – “No Mudbloods Allowed!!!”


Jan 2013 19

by Laurelin

I remember in high school being obsessed with this one guy. Jackson was the epitome of everything I thought was cool: he rode BMX bikes and wore baggy jeans and flannel t-shirts with different band shirts underneath like NOFX and Pennywise. He didn’t drink or do drugs or hang out with the cool kids, but he was always smiling and surrounded by people. He was different and I liked that.

We wound up dating for a while (it seems like a long time, but in retrospect it might have only been a few months; time is different now). He broke up with me at the end of my freshman year and I was devastated. My first heartbreak, my first bitter taste of a feeling I would in time become so familiar with. That being said, there is nothing to be done but move on, keep going to class, keep on smiling like nothing was wrong. Eventually I lost interest in Jackson and the feeling faded. I was moving on and Jackson was nothing more than a blip on my radar. That is, until Jackson started dating Jill.

Suddenly I missed him with a fierceness that can only be likened to the hunger a vampire feels after waking, born as a creature of the night for the first time. Suddenly it seemed like there was no one else, that Jackson was the only one for me, no one else should have him, especially not Jill. Who was Jill? Where the hell did she even come from? She was nothing like him; she didn’t even LIKE the music that he liked, the music that he and I liked. It was all consuming, and soon Jackson was all I could think about. I wanted him back. I remember that feeling like it was yesterday; unhealthy obsession.

My cell phone buzzes and I glance down. My heartbeat increases when I see his name. This one I think I’ll write back to, this intriguing man who isn’t really like anyone I’ve ever met before. This has been one hell of a week for me and my buzzing cell phone, which is filled with messages from people I never expected to hear from. I have spent a lot of the past year unable to move forward constructively when it comes to a few kinds of relationships in my life and for whatever reason I have just totally and completely moved on. I simply woke up one day and stopped texting, stopped calling, stopped inviting these guys out with hopes of rekindling romance. I just stopped chasing them. And the second I stopped, all of a sudden they noticed.

If anyone had told me that these guys would be saying the things that they have been saying to me in the past few weeks I would have laughed. If you had told me they would be showing up at my bar, sitting and hanging out until closing and then asking to walk me home, I wouldn’t have believed it for a second. Now, as I choose to go home alone, I acknowledge that they only want me the way I wanted Jackson back once I saw him with Jill. They liked me chasing them and once I stopped they finally looked back, circling back like a dog with a lost bone, sad that the game is finally over.


Jan 2013 15

by Nicole Powers

[Bruise Suicide in La Bruja]

Artist / SG Member Name: Bruise Suicide

Mission Statement: My mission is to rule the world but…My work is pure catharsis. They are pieces of me and represent my personal journey, my own process. I enjoy creating them like nothing else and it is really nice to know other people enjoy looking at them and appreciate them.

Medium: Watercolors, acrylics and charcoal on wood or cotton paper (mostly).

Aesthetic: A sort of sexy silence. Topless girls with no mouth.

Notable Achievements: Well, my mom loves them : )

Why We Should Care: Because it is mine and it is sexy.

I Want Me Some: I don’t do this to make any money whatsoever. It is not a full time job so I don’t really sell my artwork BUT, I do like to get involved in other people’s creative processes and/or inspire and be inspired by others. If anyone wants to trade or collaborate, I am open to new ideas, just message me.


Jan 2013 08

by Alexander Hinkley for Examiner

[Bounty in Streamlined]

This week’s SuicideGirl gamer of the week is the stunningly beautiful Bounty Suicide. She loves music, video games, and music in video games.

What made you choose the SG name “Bounty?”

Honestly, I wanted something easy to remember. But I also liked what the word bounty meant.

Your tattoos are pretty freakin’ cool. Is there any symbolism behind them?

All of my tattoos are based on religion, aside from Paul McCartney’s portrait. Then again, some might say that I obsess over The Beatles religiously hahaha.

What was the first tattoo you ever got?

The first tattoo I ever got is an anchor on my right foot that reads, “Anchored in Christ.”

What do you like to do for fun?

Some things I like to do for fun outside of modeling include traveling and going to shows! I’m a total music junkie!

What kind of music do you listen to?

I listen to all types of music, from The Beatles to Marilyn Manson. Different styles of music mesh well with different types of moods.

Do you like music-based video games?

I love Rock Band and Guitar Hero. The Beatles: Rock Band is definitely my favorite, though.

Which is your favorite Rock Band instrument?

My favorite Rock Band instrument would have to be the drums. I think I was meant to actually be a drummer. It holds my attention well. Haha.

You mentioned you liked going to shows. What was the last concert you attended?

The last concert I attended was a local acoustic show. I could listen to acoustic all day.

Name your top three favorite video games of all-time.

My top three favorite video games of all-time would have to be Super Mario World (for Super Nintendo), F3AR, and ATV Offroad Fury 2. The last one is kind of random, considering that I’m really into games where I’m able to slaughter the undead, etc., but the soundtrack is so legit.

What is the best zombie game, in your opinion?

I really used to love the Resident Evil games, but they’re just too easy to beat. Left4Dead is probably my favorite now.

What is your stance on sex in video games?

Sex in video games? Well, it’s the best! My Sims were like rabbits. Perhaps that’s how I broke my PlaysStation. Too much virtual intercourse. The prostitutes in Grand Theft Auto are pretty cool too.

What would you say to a girl (or guy) that says playing video games is “too nerdy”?

I would tell them that their opinion is irrelevant to my life, and challenge them to verse me in Tekken.

Where can fans find more of you?

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Dec 2012 21

by Laurelin

One of the perks of having an online column is literally being able to go back in time. Exactly a week, month, and year to the date your words are still there and you can instantly remember what was going on in that moment. So many times those memories are just… lost, and I realize suddenly how lucky I am to write the truth, to write with honesty and more often than not, pain, because I can look back see how I’ve progressed. Tonight I look for last year’s post, and I am a bit squeamish. I have a sinking suspicion that nothing has changed. I don’t feel different. I feel… used up and empty. To quote Bilbo Baggins, “I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread.”

On this day last year I wrote “Life Beyond the Bar Scene: Winter is Coming.” I was clearly not over my ex and I was using other people in an attempt to replace him. It wasn’t working. I remember feeling lost, confused, alone. Fast forward one year, and I have managed to actually get over the ex I was writing about. He and I didn’t speak for about six months, and while I think part of me will always look at him as the one that got away, they were the best and most needed six months of my life. Erased. Deleted from everything, hidden from Facebook, he quit working at my bar, simply… gone. I ached, and then one day I didn’t. Life goes on, what do you know!

He walked into the bar two months ago, after all that time, and I remember stopping dead in my tracks. I had almost forgotten what he looked like and that moment of recognition hit me like a wave crashing into a small vessel in a storm. I hugged him and said I was happy to see him, and for once, I was.

“I’m sorry I didn’t call you on your birthday,” he said. And I knew he had remembered it and had not called because it really didn’t matter.

“That’s okay,” I said. “I didn’t call you on yours either,” and my lower lip didn’t tremble when I turned away. I couldn’t believe it. I smiled, and when he left I waved, turned back to my bar and carried on. He was never really far from my mind, but it was almost like he had finally found a place in the archives, a place that didn’t hurt.

A new year is coming and I don’t feel any different, but I am. I think I only feel used up because I think I should feel that way. Looking back I’m suddenly pretty sure I just lived the best year of my life. I went on a ten day Caribbean cruise in January. I scuba dived shipwrecks, got over my fear of karaoke, and held baby monkeys in diapers. I danced like no one was watching even when everyone was watching and I screamed “Discount Double Check” and did Aaron Rodger’s touchdown move zip lining across the rainforest in Antigua.

I dated. I discovered dating was not for me and I discovered that while men can be mean and break my heart, I can be mean and break their hearts. And I was sorry, sometimes more than others. I got up on stage and I read stories naked for the first time in March and again in October. The first time I was so scared I could have just peed right there on stage and the second time I walked with confidence, read with pride, and now I can’t wait to do it again.

In April I ran my first Tough Mudder and it was a ten mile muddy uphill journey of insanity. I didn’t train much and when I got back, that was it. I started running. I joined a Crossfit gym and I vowed that I would no longer blame every aspect of my hectic life for the wobbly parts of my body I didn’t care for.

I got promoted at all of my jobs, I turned 30, my friends are brilliant and I still find time for the little things: cat naps, cuddling with pets, reading, movies, martinis, and the occasional misstep into romance, which as my readers know has yet to work out. Used up and empty is often a result of this; but it’s not all I am. It can’t be.

When you think about it, each day since that post one year ago is just that: one day. It’s just another ordinary day, when added up makes an ordinary week, ordinary month, and yet somehow… a totally extraordinary year.


Dec 2012 18

by Blogbot

[Above: Exning Suicide in In My Place]

Exning Suicide is co-owner of Sugar Junkies, a small cupcake business located in her hometown of Imperial Valley. Her love for sweets is shared with her favorite recipe, the Chai Cupcake! You can find more of her cupcakes on her Facebook page.

Chai Cupcakes Recipe (makes approx. 2 dozen)

1 1/2 sticks butter
2 1/2 cups flour
2 3/4 cups sugar
1 1/4 cup milk
3 eggs
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
Pinch of salt
1 tablespoon chai tea


3 cups powdered sugar
1 stick butter
2 sticks cream cheese
1 tablespoon chai tea
A couple teaspoons of milk, depends on your preference of consistency


Preheat oven to 350. Mix butter and sugar together first. Add in dry ingredients with wet. Bake for 16 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. For the frosting, sift the powdered sugar into the softened butter. If it’s not softened, you must be patient and wait! Mix the rest of ingredients and put into a piping bag and tip. Decorate however you please! I like to add dark chocolate for a garnish.


Dec 2012 14

by Nicole Powers

Artist / SG Member Name: Rudy Calheiros / rudycalheiros

Mission Statement: My name is Rudy but I’m not rude…I’m from Brazil, a land that inspires creativity and art. I graduated in publicity, am an ex-rockstar, and want to take over the world. The main goal of my work is to communicate and express my point of view while maintaining a consistent style. My art features characters with a strong personality. I also portray people (specially the strange ones, I love weird people) in different ways.

Medium: Most of my work is done digitally using digital painting and vectors. But I’m also always doodling in my sketchbook with pencil and markers.

Aesthetic: Cartoons of different people with remarkable style.

Notable Achievements: Development illustrations for advertising, personal projects like my cartoon band “The Motherfuckers From Hell” and some publications on blogs.

Why We Should Care: My work is based on real people with their own style and personality. You can always identify with my characters. I like to give them musical features, especially rock & roll.

I Want Me Some: You can contact me via SuicideGirls, my website, and on Facebook. I’m also on Twitter (@rudycalheiros and @motherfuckersfh). More of my work can be viewed on and
