by Fred Topel
“Eventually I’ll have to do something so I earn some money.”
– David Cross
David Cross is so deadpan, you might not even be able to tell he’s joking. Certainly when you type his text out and read it, it feels totally straight. That’s why it’s funny. He says things that are inappropriate or ridiculous in casual conversation, then moves on. It’s not that he’s “on” like a lot of comedians who aren’t comfortable unless someone’s laughing. Cross might prefer if you didn’t get it and reported a sarcastic remark as fact. Not so fast, David Cross – we’re onto you.
His new show, The Incredibly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret, gives Cross another vehicle for that type of humor. The IFC series stars Cross in the title role. He created and wrote the show about an energy drink salesman sent to England to head up the company’s U.K. sales force. Todd keeps lying about his accomplishments, his abilities and even his home address. It makes his bad decisions worse when he tries to cover for his fibs.
Epiic Suicide in Squidcats

- INTO: Looking at photography, art, videos, short films, movies, interesting cinematics. I’m easily captivated through my eyes. Also very intrigued by good rhythm and sexy beats. Music moves me. I love nerds, girl on girl action, tattoos, piercings, sarcasm, comedians, and having a kickass time!.
- NOT INTO: Rude and disrespectful people.
- MAKES ME HAPPY: New clothes from Hot Topic, bows, shinny stuff, weed, corny jokes, movies, pets, smell of cinnamon, being able to be me, laughing, great quotes, interesting people, sex, love, and friendship.
- MAKES ME SAD: Holding back, shame, guilt, pain, sun in my eyes, jerks, smell of horses, taste of cinnamon, rude and disrespectful people.
- HOBBIES: Piercing, fashion design, dancing, singing in the car, cut/style hair, cooking, riding horses, and travel.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Computer, internet, eye liner, push-up bra, and camera.
- VICES: Always losing everything, biting my lip, [a tendency to be] shy, sarcastic and [have] a sharp tongue..
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Playing World of Warcraft or at the movies.
Get to know Epiic better over at!
by Blogbot
This Sunday (10/3) on SuicideGirls Radio our very special in-studio guest will be Tonight Show and Onion News Network writer Todd Levin, who’ll be talking about his new book, Sex: Our Bodies, Our Junk. Described as “the most irresponsible book written on the subject of sexuality since The Berenstain Bears Host a Key Party” by former Tonight Show host Conan O’Brien, the book is arguably one of the most unhelpful sex manuals on the market today. Featuring at best plain bad advice and at worst utterly inaccurate facts, the 232 page compendium of copulation disinformation is, on the plus side, as amusing as it is misleading.
by Nicole Powers
“I have a knack for penises,” isn’t the kind of confession you’d expect from a memoir penned by Samantha Bee, The Daily Show’s Most Senior Correspondent. But then I Know I Am, But What Are You? isn’t the kind of book you’d expect her to write. Leaving politics and talk of Jon Stewart & Co. mostly to one side, the collection of humorous essays sheds light on Samantha’s unconventional upbringing, which in turn sheds light on why her recipe for success includes a hearty helping of sexually explicit material – ergo her theory that “we need to bring more of a porn sensibility to our financial regulatory mechanisms” (see April 27, 2010 Sex-curities XXXchange Cumission report).
Lylie Suicide in Realm of Possibility

- INTO: Gigs, make up, art, travel – I love naughty words in English! (I’m French.)
- MAKES ME HAPPY: A guitar solo! Making love.
- MAKES ME SAD: Idiots.
- HOBBIES: Dance and drawing.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Music, a bed…
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: On the internet, thinking about everything and nothing, going out.
Get to know Lylie better over at!
by Nicole Powers
““I like my crotch.”
-Tommy Lee
Tommy Lee gives good phone. He’s the consummate professional when it comes to interviews. Don’t be fooled by his easy going charm and natural flirtatiousness; Behind it lies a disarming intelligence and an instinct that knows exactly how to perpetuate and sell the rock & roll myth we all want – and need – to buy into.
It’s not that he’s is being insincere – far from it – it’s well documented that the drummer-turned-multi instrumentalist walks the walk as well as talking the talk. However, all rock & roll shenanigans aside, when it counts, Lee seriously has his shit together – like on the designated press day for his new Methods of Mayhem album, A Public Disservice Announcement.
CurLee Suicide in Baby Got Back

- MAKES ME SAD: Not being able to shop.
- HOBBIES: Shopping.
- 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: Phone, music, laptop, hair mousse, blow dryer.
- I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: In school, at work, or hanging out with friends.
Get to know CurLee better over at!