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Artist / SG Member Name: CREATIVE80
Mission Statement: I guess that as an “artist” I have not really considered a mission statement as such. I work as a commercial artist all day. My job is in advertising and marketing and I create designs and illustrations for other people –– to their brief and their whims –– so when I get a chance I like to create work for myself using subjects that interest me. When I first started to create art and exhibit I was at university and working with a very talented friend of mine. I was designing work on the computer and he would then take that and re-paint it on to canvas by hand. We exhibited these in bars and shops around Bristol (UK), which was always fun to see. Since then I have continued to create slightly strange and surreal work but keep it purely digital, along with portraits and images using more traditional methods.
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Artist / SG Member Name: James Curtis a.k.a. jimcurt99
Mission Statement: I just want to share. I started drawing as a sort of therapy; I really would go insane without it. After a while I discovered I could make people happy by drawing them, so that’s when I started doing strictly fan art. In the last year I’ve met some of my very best friends here, and I’m gonna keep drawing until I can’t draw no more.
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[Above: Portrait of AnnaLee Suicide]
Artist / SG Member Name: Eric daStone / lagrangian_point
Mission Statement: I don’t have a mission statement as such, I just like to paint. However, when I first started to paint seriously I tried to paint things that you don’t normally see. This was quite literal back then, painting skeletons, muscles etc, on figures while trying to maintain a life and soul to the figures.
More recently, I have become fascinated with quantum and particle physics — that matter is in fact energy and vice versa — and that everything is virtually made of nothing. I try and paint this reality, although I don’t think I have come close to succeeding yet. Ultimately I try and paint interesting, soulful images.
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[Alisa Suicide in The Late Show]
SG / Artist Name: Alisa Suicide / Alisa Courtney Photography
Mission Statement: To make people happy with my photography. For me, the best part of creating my art is the end results. When I post a photo and it captures the viewer’s imagination, makes their awful day a little better, or they use one of my portraits as their profile or promotion photo, to me that’s greater than any high priced sale or gallery show. Now, don’t get me wrong, I would be lying if I said I wouldn’t enjoy being recognized or shown in an international show. That would just be silly. I would LOVE it! But it still couldn’t replace the sheer joy I get when I connect and get to interact personally with someone through one of my pieces.

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[Image: Quakerninja-02 / SG: Vanessa]
SG Member / Artist Name: Quakerninja / a.k.a. Daniel Newman
Mission Statement: I’m a member of SG’s Fan Art Group, and wanted to do a one-a-day for a year challenge, so I signed up with the Art House Co-op to do a sketchbook a month. The “80 Girls Project” seen here is book 5 of the series. I bit off more then I could chew to be honest and fell behind. The only thing that got me back on track was drawing something I really like, and I can’t think of many other things besides cheesecake I like more the Suicide Girls.
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SG / Artist Name: yOyO Suicide
Mission Statement: Sugar & Spice DIY kind of describes the person I am. I’ve always been drawn to cute and colorful things, but at the same time dark and creepy as well. So just like the name describes there’s lots of sweet sugary items residing in my shop but also items with a bit of edge and spice as well. And I’m all about the ‘do it yourself’ aspect of things. I hand make all the items and the entire shop is run solely by me!

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SG / Artist Name: Sucette, but I usually use Miss Sucette as my artist name.
Mission Statement: I began to draw when I was a cute lil’ girl. My father is an artist as well. I admired him and I wanted to draw like him. I spent all my childhood drawing, and I never let it go. It’s something that has come naturaly to me since I was a child. I just can’t live without art.
I grew up surrounded by old horror movies (the kind of movies where the car always broke down in the middle of nowhere…) and old cartoons. As a result, I began to create my own world, my own stories. Painting was just a result for me of an overflowing imagination, a way to exorcize my childhood fears.
With my own universe, I create art to propel you in a fantastic world and to talk about what I like the most. Animals, nature, science, and symbolism are central themes for my work. Through my paintings, I contemplate life, death, evolution, technology, loss of innocence, cruelty, and more. The messages I deliver are often tragic. I don’t like to show only what is good in the world. I want you to think about what’s wrong with us, what’s wrong in our world.