Mar 2011 09

by Keith Daniels

“Things have been on a long downhill slide for science…”
-Phil Plait

Dr. Phil Plait comes at science blogging with some heavy credentials, having actually worked on the Hubble Space Telescope and, to a lesser extent, the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) programs. His blog, Bad Astronomy, began life as an outlet for his frustration at the misuses and misunderstandings of astronomy in popular culture, but soon became a venue for his advocacy of all things science-based.


Mar 2011 04

by Aaron Colter

When I was asked to write a weekly column for Suicide Girls, my immediate questions was, “About what?” Because, truly, I didn’t know what the fuck anyone reading this would want to hear from me.

“Anything,” they said.

Well, alright. But I’m pretty sure they didn’t mean How to Make and/or Buy Weapons Grade Narcotics: A Guide In Multiple Parts, which is what I wanted to write about. But court sucks, and you know it. So instead, I’m calling this “Things I Like That You Might Like Too.” It’s exactly what it says it is.

Let’s get started:


Mar 2011 04

by Blogbot

In this vid (originally posted on The Feast by their Bay Area Food Ed Tamara Palmer) the chocolate makers behind the scientifically and ethically-minded artisan brand TCHO explain how they can operate the essential functions of their factory remotely via a custom iPhone App. The space age Willy Wonka responsible for implementing the technology is TCHO’s creative director and CEO Louis Rossetto, who was one of the founders of Wired Magazine.


Jan 2011 20

by A.J. Focht

Technology is advancing all around us, and it’s not always easy to be for it when it continually changes so many facets of everyday life. I recently purchased a Kindle, after several days of convincing myself that it was ok. You see, I have complained about them for years, never intending to buy one. The concept of getting rid of my paper books was more than appalling, and the English major inside me died a little every time I saw someone with one.

Then things began to happen that made me reevaluate the idea of a handheld reader. Kindle announced its 3G Wireless model with access to Wikipedia from anywhere (little did I know it was actually full internet access). Soon after this announcement, I moved into my current apartment. It didn’t take me long to realize that I have too much stuff. My book collection takes up its own case as well as three other shelves. As I tried to shove all of my books into the tiny living space, I found myself considering the advantages of a handheld reader for the first time.


Jan 2011 14

by A.J. Focht

Super heroes are in right now. While their popularity has been steadily growing for years, each blockbuster movie released only fuels the fanboy frenzy. Video games, movies, television, and merchandise have never been more adorned with super hero icons. The question though is: Who’s super heroes are they?


Jan 2011 10

by Morgan

I thought I’d review some games for the iPhone/iPod Touch. For those who don’t have one, never fear! Two of the games are also available online for free.


Dec 2010 23

by Bob Suicide

Generally, I’m the first person to lecherously nod and mumble “breast physics” when a new game like Soul Caliber comes out – which means I’m the last person to be leading the charge at the feminist forefront that is “hardcore girl gaming.” I have thoroughly entrenched myself in the male-gaming mindset: I want my explosions epic, my ladies sexy, and my multi-players noob-free.

However, every once in a while someone emails me just the right words to make me turn into the feminist Hulk, “Bob SMASH!”
