Jun 2011 01

by Blogbot

A column which highlights Suicide Girls and their fave groups.

[Ceres Suicide in The Search For Waldo]

This week, Ceres Suicide explains why she likes Girls Only.

Members: 1633 / Comments: 272,096

  • WHY DO YOU LOVE IT?: It’s a place I feel I can really open up and share with all the beautiful ladies of SG.
  • DISCUSSION TIP: Be supportive, help your sisters, and what happens in the Girls Only group, STAYS in the Girls Only group.
  • WHO’S WELCOME TO JOIN?: Girls, women, ladies, gals!


May 2011 31

by SG’s Team Agony feat. Lyxzen and Dalila

Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.

[Lyxzen in A Sunny Day In Portland]

Q: I’m at a loss to know the best way to introduce some of my interests to the woman I’m dating. For a few years I’ve written fetish erotic fiction, and explored those fetishes in real life as well. I don’t want to have to keep these interests secret, but I’m also unsure about the best way to introduce them. Many are fantasy level fetish stories, but some are closer to reality.

I’d love to share these, as well as the ideas within them, but I don’t want to move too quickly.



May 2011 31

by Blogbot


May 2011 27

by Nicole Powers

“It was an important film to be made.”
– Chris O’Dowd

Chris O’Dowd’s breakthrough role was playing uber geek Roy Tenneman in the Emmy Award winning British sitcom The IT Crowd. His character is well endowed in the information technology department but not so blessed when it comes to social skills. It’s safe to say, however, that in real life the exact opposite is true.

The highly personable Irish actor, who’s starring in three upcoming films – The Boat That Rocked (written by Richard “Bridget Jones” Curtis), Hippie Hippie Shake (with Sienna Miller and Derek Jacobi), and Gulliver’s Travels (with Jack Black and Emily Blunt) – displayed a distinct lack of prowess when it came to dealing with digital phone technology during SuicideGirls protracted attempt to interview him.

The first time Chris called in, he’d just embarked on a hike in the cell phone black hole that is Hollywood’s Runyon Canyon park. Thus our conversation was unintentionally aborted just as it had begun. It would take a total of five phone calls, including two more entirely aborted ones, before our interview was complete.

Read our exclusive interview with Chris O’Dowd on

May 2011 26

by Laurelin

Remember that dream from when you were younger? The one where you’re walking the halls of your high school and everyone is looking at you funny and you can’t figure out why, and then you look down and find that you’re naked, and everyone sees you at your most vulnerable. That dream came true for me this past Saturday night. Instead of being involuntarily naked in a dream, it was real life, and I had actually consciously chosen to go nude on a stage in front of a theatre full of strangers.

Naked Girls Reading is exactly what it sounds like. I heard about it randomly one night out in Boston and thought that it would be a perfect wacky event to cover for my Boston nightlife blog. I sat in the darkened theatre at midnight and watched with bated breath as four women came out in beautiful silk robes and sparkling jewelry and fantastic heels, and one by one, they approached the microphone, dropped their robes, and read to the audience from a book. Was anyone listening to them? I kept losing track of what they were saying because I was just so amazed, they were there… naked, for everyone to see.


May 2011 25

by Bob Suicide

[image: Buzzfeed]

The other day I came across a picture which had the caption: “OMG, I love macaroni so much. I’m such a nerd.” This irked me to the very core of my being. Your quaint quirks don’t make you a nerd. Going to see a comic-based movie doesn’t make you a nerd.

Jeff Foxworthy has his famous You Might Be A Redneck If… sketch, and with the rising mainstream popularity of geek culture, there comes a necessity to distinguish true nerds from recent converts, so I thought I’d come up with a similarly styled list of rules to help separate the fo’ realz from the wannabes.

Now, many other lists say that nerds must wear glasses (preferably with tape around the bridge), speak Klingon (binary, C++, or some other geeky language), and have all the social graces of an ostrich with its head in the sand, but these should not be the required defining hallmarks of a great, eclectic group of hardcore fans of all things geek: video games, science, science fiction, comics, etc.

We are more than the negative stereotypes that have often been levied against us. So without further ado, I present my homage to Foxworthy and true geekdom, You Might be a Nerd if…


May 2011 25

by Blogbot

A column which highlights Suicide Girls and their fave groups.

[Frolic Suicide in Iditarod]

This week, Frolic Suicide explains why she lays down at the alter of Celeb Worship.

Members: 666 / Comments: 195,941

  • WHY DO YOU LOVE IT?: I’m not a huge follower of celebrity gossip and the goings-on of the Hollywood scene, but when I come to this group I can get all the highlights I need in one fell swoop. And the members are hilariously snarky and pretty much just point and laugh at the stupid things celebrities do that make them human.
  • DISCUSSION TIP: From the “Welcome” thread: A) Try not to be a fucking weirdo, B) I’m sorry, but no, you were not the 666th member.
  • BEST RANDOM QUOTE: “I’d put a finger in it.”
  • MOST HEATED DISCUSSION THREAD: Any in which a newbie comes in and throws a stink about everyone being “sooo mean!!!”
  • WHO’S WELCOME TO JOIN?: Anyone who enjoys a good laugh and likes to be up to date on celebrity mishaps.
