by Alexander Hinkley for Examiner
This week’s SuicideGirl gamer of the week is Brewin. She is a beautiful brunette that likes racers, puzzle games, and talking trash online.
Is there a story behind your SG name?
I came up with Brewin as a play on the Boston Bruins. I love hockey. It’s one of the only sports I enjoy watching. I’ve also lived in Boston for the last few years of my life so I feel as if it fits perfectly.
Tell me about your tattoos. How many do you have and where are they?
I currently have 10 tattoos, but some are on the large side. My left arm is dedicated to Hieronymus Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights. Under my left boob it says, “East Coast” which I got right after I shot my first set as a hopeful for SuicideGirls. On my right side I have a clipper ship, which was my first tattoo. On my hips I have cat prints and in between them there’s a rose. On my right hand ring finger I have “S&M” with a diamond. My best friend has the same one on her finger. My left thigh currently has a purple wolf head getting stabbed by a butter knife bleeding butter with the saying “Feel the Wrath of My Butter Knife” going around it. It’s been an ongoing joke with my bother who has the same quote on his arm. Lastly I have a pig and chicken on my feet. I grew up on a boat so drowning has always been my biggest fear.
How did you first become a SuicideGirl?
Becoming a SuicideGirl was somewhat of a process for me. I knew from when I was 12 and I found SG that I wanted to be one of the girls. It took me a while to have enough courage to officially apply. I would try to win their Facebook contests hoping to get flown out to LA to shoot, etc. Rambo Suicide found me through that and encouraged me to try actually shooting a set. One of my really great friends who I hadn’t talked to in years was a photographer and I hit him up. We shot my first set in a warehouse that I used to hang out in years earlier ironically. That set wasn’t bought, but because of that Sean found me and told me to come out to LA and shoot with him. So I did! And it has been the best journey ever since.
So you’re also a gamer. What is your favorite genre of video game?
I use to really be into first person shooters but I realized I get too stressed out and I’m really bad at them. I think I was only into trash talking grown men on Xbox LIVE. However, any racing game and I’m in it to win it. I also love puzzle games or anything that can be tied into problem solving.
Which series is better, Forza or Need for Speed?
Out of those two I’d go with Need for Speed. The racing game I can still play forever is Burnout. I like crashing cars more than actually racing them, even though I will kick ass in both!
You never seem to hear as much about puzzle games as some of the other genres. What are some of the best ones out there?
My favorite puzzle game is the Professor Layton series. They’re challenging yet simple. Their storylines are cute and the actual puzzles make you think. I spend 90% of the time playing the actual game and the other 10% looking up the answers I can’t figure out online.
What is your console of choice?
I love my Xbox 360, but at the moment mine is across the country so I’ve only been playing my DSi. Oh the sweet moment I reunite with my Xbox will be the best of days.
If you could pick one game as your all-time favorite, just one, what would it be and why?
Crash Bandicoot, hands down! It was the first game I ever had and I still love it. I’m 22 now and I still haven’t been able to get past the second island. I’ve even bought multiple copies of the game so that when one would freeze on certain levels, I could switch the disks out. It’s honestly just so much fun and still is the hardest game I own – to me, at least.
Do you believe in the separation of “hardcore” and “casual” gamers?
I believe that! I would classify myself as a “casual” gamer. I play for fun every now and then. I appreciate all the new games that have come out, but I always stick to my favorites. I totally respect the “hardcore” gamers though; the people who stand in line for midnight releases and go home to play a game until they beat it. Hot damn.
Would you ever date someone who played video games professionally?
Of course! That sounds like an awesome job!
Tell me something about yourself related to video games that nobody else knows.
I have NEVER beat a single game. I just can’t. I have a bunch of games and each one I don’t know how the story ends. I usually stop playing one game once I get another.
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