Jul 2011 06

by Blogbot

A column which highlights Suicide Girls and their fave groups.

[Bradley in Ginger Peach]

This week, Bradley Suicide tells us why things are just peachy in The Kitchen.

Members: 3,719 / Comments: 33,887

  • WHY DO YOU LOVE IT?: I went to school for baking and pastry and do it mostly on the side for fun now. That’s why it is so nice to be able to share recipes, get helpful tips on what can make a dish better, and find some of the yummiest recipes around.

  • DISCUSSION TIP: Definitely share your recipes as well as where you went wrong with them.

  • BEST RANDOM QUOTE: “Who do I have to blow to get paid to write ‘recipes’ for MICROWAVING SOME FUCKING BACON? Seriously! You tell me who I have to blow, and I will go to town!

  • WHO’S WELCOME TO JOIN?: Anyone who wants to get/give epic recipes!


Jul 2011 05

by Blogbot


Jun 2011 30

by Laurelin

I have always loved a challenge. Who doesn’t love to be tested to the limits, and pushed beyond their comfort zone to see if they can rise to the occasion and be successful? The human mind and body can be pushed, and the reward is sometimes nothing more than the personal satisfaction of knowing you did it. Take rock climbing for example. I started a while ago after reading John Krakauer’s Into Thin Air. I thought that the climber’s concept of ‘mind over matter’ when it comes to physical activity was fascinating. To be able to push on and keep going when every muscle in your body is screaming for rest, to be halfway up a mountain (or in my case, a rock wall in a gym) and know that if you stop, you fall, and you might die.

When I’m climbing everything in the world goes silent; all you can think about it putting one leg in front of the other and pushing up to find the next finger hold. You must go on. Failure is not an option. On the opposite end of the spectrum, I find myself searching out similar challenges when it comes to men and dating. I crave a chase and hopefully big payoff. The guys I fall for usually have something wrong with them that I think I can fix, some undesirable quality that I convince myself I find endearing, something that makes things absolutely more difficult than it needs to be.

During my freshman year of college over a decade ago, I fell for one of the biggest “players” I had ever come across. This guy was a disaster, pledging a fraternity and totally dedicated to his brothers, but not at all to his school work, running though women like his life depended on it. And all the while, I was chasing after him, spending too much time with him, then watching him with other girls and feeling terrible. There had to be a real person under there somewhere. I was going to find him, and he was going to fall in love with me and stop all that crazy behavior. I could do this, I knew it.


Jun 2011 29

by Blogbot

A column which highlights Suicide Girls and their fave groups.

[Apple in Pi]

This week, Apple Suicide spreads the word on All Your Base Are Belong To Us, a group for meme mad members and SGs.

Members: 1,851 / Comments: 28,642

  • WHY DO YOU LOVE IT?: It’s full of funny cats, keyboard cats, cats flying through space with rainbows, cats trying to fit in boxes. You can find some meme gems in there.

  • DISCUSSION TIP: Don’t hate on reposts and read this before posting.

  • BEST RANDOM QUOTE: The best part of this group is that it’s full of random quotes.
  • MOST HEATED DISCUSSION THREAD: As of right now, Nyan Cat – but you know the internet is always changing

  • WHO’S WELCOME TO JOIN?: Any members of SG who love memes.


Jun 2011 28

by Blogbot


Jun 2011 23

by Blogbot

[Phoenix in Sky Lines]

Artist/SG Name: Phoenix

Mission Statement: My work is all about beauty and conveying emotion. Eyes are an important vehicle of expression and that’s why they are a focal point in my work. I strive for the right balance between vulnerability and aloofness. I’m inspired by music, books, photography, and art.


Jun 2011 21

by Coyotemike

It’s been a long time, Gentlemen. But it seems you are still in need of my guidance in all things Gentlemanly. So, I am back. And I’m here to talk to you about a very scary and serious place: The Friend Zone.

Or, more specifically, I’m here to talk to you about how you are the one sticking your own head in that particular trap, time and time again.

What is the Friend Zone?
