by Blogbot
by Lavezzaro
Back in November 2005, I was just quitting my job as a photo-assistant in order to start shooting on my own, when a friend invited me to shoot her first set for SuicideGirls. I had never thought about photographing naked girls, but from the very first time, with SG Monik in Brazil, I had so much fun – and SG bought our set, which made me keep going and got me more and more involved.
Shotgun Suicide and her new plastic friend Betty show you how to rotate your rubbers, and put them on the right way for a good ride.
Betty says: “It’s alway good to have a spare rubber.”
Music: “I Do My Best” by Bo Peep and “Circle” by The Tokyo Pinsalocks.
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by Blogbot
A column which highlights Suicide Girls and their fave groups.
This week we focus on Rambo Suicide and her fave SG group: Photography.
Digital or analog, Photography is a catch all group for everything photographic. It offers technical and photoshop tips, a forum for photo critiques, and links to and discussion of photographers you love. Members: 9491 / Comments: 110,154