by Blogbot

Artist / SG Member Name: AnitaKajika
Mission Statement: I’m mostly a fantasy illustrator and a comic artist. I’ve always lived in my own world inside my mind, so when I discovered roleplay games my mind was blown. Now most of my paintings and comics are about it. I want my paintings to be the most believable they can be, thought I don’t want to reach photorealistic results; they’re from imagination and they become alive in a middle way.
by Blogbot

Artist / SG Member Name: CREATIVE80
Mission Statement: I guess that as an “artist” I have not really considered a mission statement as such. I work as a commercial artist all day. My job is in advertising and marketing and I create designs and illustrations for other people –– to their brief and their whims –– so when I get a chance I like to create work for myself using subjects that interest me. When I first started to create art and exhibit I was at university and working with a very talented friend of mine. I was designing work on the computer and he would then take that and re-paint it on to canvas by hand. We exhibited these in bars and shops around Bristol (UK), which was always fun to see. Since then I have continued to create slightly strange and surreal work but keep it purely digital, along with portraits and images using more traditional methods.
by Blogbot

Artist / SG Member Name: James Curtis a.k.a. jimcurt99
Mission Statement: I just want to share. I started drawing as a sort of therapy; I really would go insane without it. After a while I discovered I could make people happy by drawing them, so that’s when I started doing strictly fan art. In the last year I’ve met some of my very best friends here, and I’m gonna keep drawing until I can’t draw no more.
by Blogbot

[Above: Portrait of AnnaLee Suicide]
Artist / SG Member Name: Eric daStone / lagrangian_point
Mission Statement: I don’t have a mission statement as such, I just like to paint. However, when I first started to paint seriously I tried to paint things that you don’t normally see. This was quite literal back then, painting skeletons, muscles etc, on figures while trying to maintain a life and soul to the figures.
More recently, I have become fascinated with quantum and particle physics — that matter is in fact energy and vice versa — and that everything is virtually made of nothing. I try and paint this reality, although I don’t think I have come close to succeeding yet. Ultimately I try and paint interesting, soulful images.
by Blogbot

[Above: Anemona]

[Above: Brit]

[Above: Diamond]
Artist / SG Member Name: Jenn Lloyd / Hotcurry
Mission Statement: I seek to celebrate beauty in all its forms with bold design and a touch of whimsy.
Medium: Acrylic on canvas.
Aesthetic: Vector art minus the computer. I work by hand to create lines and shapes that represent images. I lack a basic understanding of most things technical. While amazed at the designs artists were coming up with via Photoshop, I worked the only way I knew how –– old school. Everything I make is done with pencil, pen or paint, and remains untouched by computers.
by Aaron Colter

Alright. It’s back to the grind of shouting about changing our government to better suit the lives of the modern many.
I’ve posted a few times about Anonymous and LulzSec (even got a chance to write about how Alan Moore and David Llyod feel about their V for Vendetta mask being used as a symbol), as well as other groups that have taken actions against organizations that have restricted the freedom of speech or information in the world. In my opinion, the reaction of authorities in the United States and around the world to the actions of whistleblowers, data-leakers, online protestors, and those merely offering public support such as journalist Glenn Greenwald (who recently noted that President Obama’s handling of CIA operations are basically the same as George W. Bush) have been far too harsh (eg. threats of unreasonably long jail sentences for first-time and/or young offenders who dare to take a stand against authority, even if they’re within their rights), and worse, dangerous to the basic rights of individuals.
It’s already come out that the Justice Department helped Bank of America try to destroy Wikileaks, that the FBI targets non-threatening Americans for political beliefs, that the government gave $1.2 trillion in tax-payer money to major banks who continue foreclose on people (often illegally), which has horrible consequences on health beyond financial devastation, that the poor have a huge tax burden while social programs continue to be cut, and that the Obama administration is trying to push for a settlement against those that gambled us into a recession and the SEC is playing cover-up, all of this while military actions are literally wasting millions each day to perpetuate a system of violence in a region we are largely ignorant about, which results in billions being wasted at home on projects that do nothing to secure our freedoms or safety.
So, what’s to do be done? The U.S. government is clearly not operating in the best interests of the majority of its citizens, some of this due to incompetence and mismanagement, some due to corruption, some due to bigoted religious beliefs, and some because the two-party system doesn’t encourage actual representation. An armed revolt against our own country in the vein of Egypt will hurt millions and it’d take years to rebuild in the aftermath. Non-violent means of persuasion are therefore the best tactics available.
by Blogbot

[Alisa Suicide in The Late Show]
SG / Artist Name: Alisa Suicide / Alisa Courtney Photography
Mission Statement: To make people happy with my photography. For me, the best part of creating my art is the end results. When I post a photo and it captures the viewer’s imagination, makes their awful day a little better, or they use one of my portraits as their profile or promotion photo, to me that’s greater than any high priced sale or gallery show. Now, don’t get me wrong, I would be lying if I said I wouldn’t enjoy being recognized or shown in an international show. That would just be silly. I would LOVE it! But it still couldn’t replace the sheer joy I get when I connect and get to interact personally with someone through one of my pieces.
