by Sash Suicide
by Ryan Stewart
“We torture for profit. You can’t get any lower than that.”
-John Cusack
John Cusack is going to say anything he pleases, and if you’re smart you won’t try to stop him. He attributes the genesis of his new anti-war film, War, Inc., to the moment seven years ago when Bush administration spokesman Ari Fleischer had the gall to look Americans in the eye and tell them that they “better watch what they say.”
“I was like, ‘Oh, right. Fuck you!'” Cusack says, calling up SuicideGirls during a break on a London film set to vent about his many frustrations, ranging from the snake-oil strategems of corporate America to the seemingly eternal occupation of Iraq.
Lyona Suicide in La Joven Princesa
Get to know Lyona better over at SuicideGirls.com!
by Blogbot
Artist Cameron Stewart just posted this cool time-lapse video via his Twitter. It shows him working on Porter, the tech geek girl, who is one of the characters from the upcoming IDW four-issue SUICIDEGIRLS comic series. The clip, which is 2.5 X faster than real time, shows Cameron inking over pencil layouts done by David Hahn using a Wacom Cintiq 12WX and Manga Studio 4 EX.
SUICIDEGIRLS pits an awesome gang of beautiful, tattooed ladies against the deranged leader of a techno-religious cult, with lots of butt-kicking and witty banter. Issue #1 will hit stores in March.
Inspired by the positive feedback we’ve received from her Vehicle Maintenance 101 video posts, Shotgun Suicide is taking on bodywork of a more personal kind. In the first part of her new ongoing Body Mods 101 series, Shotgun Suicide takes you through the basics of getting a new tattoo, and aftercare for it.
Music: “Hot Zombie Fuck” by Thunderdikk
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by SG’s Team Agony feat. Squee and Clio
Let us answer life’s questions – because great advice is even better when it comes from SuicideGirls.
Q: I have this problem…every time I meet a potential girlfriend I end up in the “Friend Zone” and it sucks, hardcore. Just wanted to know how I can avoid this Twilight Zone friend anomaly thing. Thanks.
by Fred Topel
“On behalf of all girls with asses, thank you.”
-Lucy Lawless
Lucy Lawless’s most famous roles have taken her to different eras of history. As Xena in Xena: Warrior Princess, she starred in a comedic interprettion of Greek mythology. Now on TV’s Spartacus, she’s in an ultra-violent depiction of Roman gladiators. Her character, Lucretia, runs a gladiator school with her husband Batiatus (John Hannah).