May 2011 04

by Blogbot

Jacksons Suicide and Chewbacca break out a cold one to celebrate Star Wars Day in style.


May 2011 04

by Blogbot

A column which highlights Suicide Girls and their fave groups.

[Exning in Dreamworld]

This week, Exning Suicide sizes up SG’s Weight Loss Group.

Members: 2160 / Comments: 17,061

  • WHY DO YOU LOVE IT?: Because I used to be very overweight, and after losing 70 pounds myself I can give other people advice as well as keep in touch with what I need for my body

  • DISCUSSION TIP: Read the sticky threads.

  • BEST RANDOM QUOTE: “How do I get my lazy ass out of bed?”

  • MOST HEATED DISCUSSION THREAD: Weight Loss Pills. The group is there to help you out on your journey through losing weight, and there are never any easy ways. But some people come in looking for short cuts, and want information on weight loss pills. That threads basically tells them how it is; you have to work for it and we’re here to support.
  • WHO’S WELCOME TO JOIN?: Anybody who wants to get motivated!


May 2011 04

by Shotgun Suicide

For nearly ten years, the citizens of America have been waiting to hear one short phrase: “Bin Laden is dead.” Americans have wanted this revenge since that awful September day that we’ll never forget. We may all have our differences, but one thing every American could agree on was that we needed to kill the man responsible for taking so many American lives that day.


May 2011 04

by Gerry Duggan

“My first reaction was that Ron Moore must have gone crazy.”
– Bear McCreary

Composer Bear McCreary is the composer of the best show on TV: Battlestar Galactica. In addition to his superb work on that program he somehow has found the time to compose excellent music for Eureka, the forthcoming Sarah Connor Chronicles, and the feature soundtrack to Wrong Turn 2.

Bear made some time in his hectic schedule to discuss his upcoming projects. All of Bear’s soundtracks are available (usually signed) from La La Land Records. One word of caution: care has been taken not to spoil anythig huge about BSG, however those not wanting to know anything about events through season 3 should stop reading right now.

Read our exclusive interview with Bear McCreary on

May 2011 04

Pilot Suicide in Landing Strip

  • INTO: Bicycling, ceramic animals, collecting old stuff, records, vinyasa, a good rhyming thesaurus, word masters.
  • NOT INTO: Mosquitos.
  • MAKES ME HAPPY: My dogs Igby and Fred.
  • MAKES ME SAD: Friends who live far away.
  • 5 THINGS I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT: My dogs, coffee, iPhone, bicycle, paint.
  • VICES: Cigarettes, tattoos, olives.
  • I SPEND MOST OF MY FREE TIME: Raping department stores and designing synthetic hairballs for ceramic cats. I also river dance the shit out of spiders from time to time.

Get to know Pilot better over at!

May 2011 03

by Sash Suicide


May 2011 03

by A.J. Focht

Welcome to the first edition of Your Week in Geek; catching you up on all your nerdy updates since… NAO!

Last week started right in the middle of the PlayStation Network outage. It wasn’t until Tuesday, April 26th, that Sony manned up and admitted their system had been hacked and that many of the network users may have had personal information stolen (such as user names, passwords, and credit card numbers). Sony is currently fighting on two fronts as they try to criminally pursue and prosecute those responsible for the attack, while fighting off a class action lawsuit filed by the raging masses. Despite the uphill legal battle, Sony has announced the PlayStation Network should be back online in the first week of May.
